Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Number One Article on Caltech Essay Samples
The Number One Article on Caltech Essay Samples Caltech Essay Samples - What Is It? You want to understand how to compose an effective essay as it is a typical foundation for a student's grade. Students should choose which position they need to take based upon the amount and caliber of the points they're in a position to come up with to support their position. Some students find lots of difficulty writing the essay, even if they have the ability to discover strong points. High school, college, and sometimes even university students from all around the world are writing persuasive essays. Despite the fact that you don't need to cater to people's biases, you likewise don't wish to diminish your odds of getting into college. There are lots of persuasive essay examples college students are able to make use of online. Furthermore, girls who play sports have been demonstrated to have less an inclination towards suicide and depression generally. Girls who engage in sports frequentl y have successful futures regarding their careers and societal lives. Some consider essay writing a burden even though others see it like a chance to share their ideas and opinions. It wasn't merely the content, but how the student wrote about the subject that caught Prouty's interest. A student ought to keep in contact with the hottest trends and know which persuasive essay topics are related to sound convincing in regards to defending personal opinions. While attempting to know how to compose a persuasive essay step-by-step, students forget about another crucial activity. With this implementation of uniforms, they do not have to worry about trying to outshine other students in dressing. Replace a number of the cliched language. There are a sizable number of such companies providing essay writers, but should you pick this path, due diligence is important to make certain that the job will be finished right. Though people believe education is a correct and will make society, generally, a better place for everybody, others feel there's no genuine method to provide a free college education as colleges would still have to be funded (likely through tax dollars). The ideal way to make certain you're not missing anything is to check at a fantastic example. The issue, nevertheless, is that not all businesses can be relied upon in order to deliver quality essays on time so you need to be mindful in selecting one. Adoption is a far better alternative in this circumstance. Selecting a great topic for your essay is among the most significant and frequently tricky parts for many students. The introductory paragraph is perhaps the main paragraph in the essay since it is the initial and possibly last opportunity to generate an effect on the reader. You don't need to return to school to prepare for the GED test. While there's absolutely no one correct approach to compose these essays, this page will show you some excellent practices to think about when learning how to compose a persuasive essay. Don't forget that any argumentative essay sample you'll discover on the internet will require a full rewriting in order to prevent plagiarism. If you wish to learn how to compose a great persuasive essay, you're looking in the correct location! As soon as you settle on the subject and select the position on which you will base your essay, the remainder of the job can then begin. If your aim is to pass the GED, then you have to learn about test-taking strategies. No, the aim of this blog post is to teach you just how to compose a persuasive essay outline. Your paragraphs do not connect one another's meaning and the full thought of your essay may be incomprehensible. Let's look at a good example. Bridget's essay is extremely strong, but there continue to be a couple little things that could be made better. Stephen's essay is rather effective.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Graduation Speech My Writing Skills - 943 Words
Throughout the course of DE, I have truly learned a lot and my writing skills have truly improved tremendously. Taking this class has helped me become a better writer and has helped my grammar grow extremely. Another thing that I have gained in this class is stronger sense of vocabulary words. While writing these papers I have learned the variety of different papers there are. I have learned how to write these papers for future purposes so I will be successful in the long run. My goals as an improving writer are to become more creative and use my skills to the fullest potential. Another goal of mine is to improve more on vocabulary words and make my papers more complex to the reader. This will add a sense of creativity and demonstrate good use of vocabulary words. Also another goal for me is to carry on my writing skills I have learned and use them after High School. This will help me be more prepared for college level writing and prepare me for future jobs. In each paper I have learned something different. In this course of DE we have wrote a total number of 3 papers each paper teaching me something different. In the first paper which was the argument paper, taught me how to get my point across and argue in a paper. Also, it showed me how to use an APA writing style to write this paper. At first using APA was somewhat difficult but now, after this experience it has become a lot easier. For instance now I know how to properly write an abstract, and how to title each pageShow MoreRelatedCareer And College Research Paper885 Words  | 4 Pagesbeing a lawyer, especially a criminal prosecutor, requires laying out facts in a clear and concise manner, as well as verbally framing evidence in such a way as to support my client and convict the defendant, and elucidate upon the case itself. 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In my educational journey, I was recruited by PrincipalRead MoreThe Type Of Speech : An Informative Speech1075 Words  | 5 PagesThe type of speech: An informative speech. The topic: An informative speech on the importance of diverse children’s literature and the relation of diverse children’s literature and youth literacy. My company: I am an employee at a children’s literature publishing company that is looking to branch out into the international/global market. Speech title: The Importance of Diverse Children s Literature THESIS STATEMENT Fostering a love of reading at a young age is important. Childhood literacy isRead MoreThe Language And Oral Communication Essay1638 Words  | 7 Pagesrelated essay, Writing is a Technology that Restructures Thought, Ong reveals that the creation of the phonemic alphabet allowed humans to create new words that more accurately expressed their thoughts, which translated to their actions and speech. So in a sense, oral communication, as we know it today, is a form of literacy. Written and oral communication both can convey the same message, the only major difference in regards to communicating is that writing transcends time, whereas oral speech is of theRead MoreThe Importance Of College Education975 Words  | 4 PagesEducation that succeeds past the years of your high school graduation is what counts when you go out looking to make a career for yourself. Going into the start of high school parents, teachers, counselors, and many other administrators prep you for the path you need to take to college. An education that is beyond your senior of high school can be very beneficially to shaping your life and helping with many accomplishments you wish to have. A college education is something that shapes and helps developRead MoreEssay on Graduation Speech830 Words  | 4 Pagesand soon to be graduates. My name is Ed Burrower, Im the senior class president. A few weeks ago, I was told that I would be speaking at graduation. I was asked to put together a speech for tonight -- Ive become experienced at speech writing over the past couple of weeks. The speech that you are hearing is the fourth one Ive written, the recycle bin needs to be emptied at home and I need a new highlighter. Thank you, Mr. Mier, you get an A+ for your help as my speech teacher but an F for savingRead MoreSocial Media Marketing Manager1222 Words  | 5 PagesSALEH AHMED DAWABSHEH Mobile: +(970) 569396697 E-mail: [pic] To pursue a challenging career in a competitive work environment in which I can apply my knowledge and expertise particularly in Marketing, Product Management and Social Media. [pic] †¢ Name: DAWABSHEH, Saleh Ahmed †¢ Address: Ramallah, Palestine †¢ Mobile: 00970-56-9396697 †¢ EMail: †¢ Nationality: Palestinian âÅ"“ Palestinian Passport #: 2083403 Read MoreGraduation Speech : High School852 Words  | 4 Pages15.7 percent is the graduation rate in 2010. 84 percent of students failed to receive their degree. That’s beyond sad. College can be difficulty especially with everyday life is getting harder to main family life work and financials. Because college is challenging, I know that I have issues that I must overcome. I told myself the more patient s I have the better success I will have. Although college will be difficult my goal is to gain the knowledge. I need to improve through my life challenges so
Monday, December 9, 2019
Mock Trial free essay sample
They would never have been able to accomplish this without the help of the amazing coaches and the dedication of the students. The members of that team graduated last year and the younger kids have to step up and take their place. The team only has three coaches and around thirty members this year, three times more members than the team had three years ago. Only seven of these members have been in mock trial in previous years. Every year the Minnesota State Bar Association comes up with a case for the mock trial competitions. Every year the teams have to learn a completely new case, with different arguments. Every year the coaches have to teach students what took them two to four years to learn in law school. With only three coaches, how are they ever going to be able to teach thirty students the concepts of mock trial? The team needs two separate teams, one high school and one middle school team and more coaches. We will write a custom essay sample on Mock Trial or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Jim Dunn is the assistant County Attorney and somehow finds time in his busy work schedule to coach. The second coach, Allison Krehbiel, is the Nicollet County Judge and allows the team to use her court room and other rooms in the court house for practice. Mr. Warren, the third coach keeps the team running by taking care of the scheduling and dealing with the school. All of the coaches have families to get home to and practices already go until six. Adding more time to practices would take away time from their families and take away much needed homework time from the students. Time is money, the more you spend the less you have. By adding more coaches each member will get the one on one time needed and practices will run more efficiently. The members that have been in mock trial previous years, know more than people who are just joining. Since the team doesn’t have enough coaches, old members are forced to learn at the same pace as new members. The older members are at a more competitive level and need to be able to extend their knowledge past the basics that the younger members are at. To become good at mock trial, one needs the knowledge and wisdom of Athena. This takes time and dedication. By getting the time the older members need with the coaches, they can become a better team. A member of a team that makes it to state has to be in ninth grade or older to compete. By splitting the team up into a middle and a high school team this rule would never be a problem. The middle and high school teams would be able to learn at a pace, most comfortable for them. Last year, the middle school members never got to actually compete. The new members competed at scrimmages early in the year and never felt prepared for the trials. They felt embarrassed, discouraged, and intimidated by not being ready for these trials. Starting the year off like that made them not want to try hard during practices and led to goofing off in the court house. Using the court house is a privilege and not a right. If the team is kicked out of the court house they will have to find a new area to practice and nothing can compare to the courtrooms that they are able to use. Mock Trial without a courtroom is like an opening without an argument, pointless. Every member needs to be respectful of the space and try to leave it better than how they found it. The coach’s time, the students’ talent, and the school’s treasure, will help this year’s team. By having two separate teams and hiring more coaches the Saint Peter Mock Trial Team can have another successful year. Thank you for your time.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Regenerative Medicine free essay sample
Regenerative medicine is the process of creating living, functional tissues to replace or repair tissue or organs that are damaged. This is a relatively new process and can promote rejuvenation in previously irreparable organs. The process begins by taking adult stem cells from a damaged organ or tissue sample, and combining them with an organic structure so the cells may replicate the organ or tissue that they originated from. Each cell has its own chemical make-up which will predetermine its eventual fate – thus a stem cell from a liver will begin the foundations for a new liver, whilst skin stem cells will grow to produce more skin. Regenerative medicine is key to the advancement of emergency medical procedures and the eventual eradication of chronic organ diseases. Organ and tissue transplantation has come a long way since the first confirmed successful kidney transplant in 1954. Since then, doctors have been able to transplant a wide array of organs including hearts, livers, pancreases, and lungs as well as live donor lung and liver transplants. We will write a custom essay sample on Regenerative Medicine or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In Australia at any given time there are at least 1700 people on the Australian organ transplant waiting list, and the average wait for a transplant can be up to four years (Donation statistics, 2011). In 2009, 799 Australians received donated organs, although this seems like a high number it still leaves at least 900 people desperately waiting for organs (Organ Donor Register, 2011). Regenerative medicine has the ability to create and replace tissues in the body that have lost their ability to work proficiently due to disease, damage, or age. With correct implementation, organ donors may not be required in the future and patients will only need their own stem cells to regrow new organs and tissues. This may mean that each person has the potential to self-sufficiently replace their own organs if diseased or damaged. A benefit of being able to produce a new organ using the recipient’s cells is that there would be a much lower risk of transplant rejection. Transplant rejection occurs when a transplanted organ or tissue is rejected by the body of the recipient as the recipient’s body identifies the organ as a foreign bject. The immune system subsequently attempts to destroy the organ, bringing about widespread inflammation and the eventual removal of the organ to ensure that the wellbeing of the patient is not compromised (Transplant Rejection, 2009). This risk would be diminished if the new organ was grown from the recipient’s own stem cells, as their body would recognise markers on the new tissue, and a ccept the organ as â€Å"non-foreign†. The principles behind regenerative medicine are relatively simple. Stem cells are extracted from the tissue of concern – these cells are then activated using growth factors and grown on an organic matrix or structure until a complete organ is developed. There have been remarkable instances of this procedure’s success – such as the American man, Lee Spievak, who lost the tip of his finger in a toy plane accident. The tissue of his fingertip was severed right down to the bone. In Mr Spievak’s case, the lining of a pig’s bladder was used to derive an extracellular matrix to form the basis of his new finger. By cleaning the lining of the pig’s bladder (using acid) and dehydrating the resultant tissue, a powder was obtained which contained the signals required for constructive remodelling, without the stimuli for scar tissue formation. This powder could then be placed on his wounded area and support the growth of new functional tissue, instead of scarring (The Man Who Grew Back His Finger Tip, 2008). This technique may be utilised slightly differently to replace a complete organ by adding the individual’s own cells to extracellular matrix obtained from pig sources. The cells react to the matrix and reproduce just like a growing embryo develops organs and tissue. Once structure growth is complete the organ can replace the patient’s damaged or diseased organ without fear of rejections (as the entire organ is made up wholly of the patient’s cells). A recent innovation of regenerative medicine is aimed at burn victims. Patients with severe burn scars are more susceptible to disease and infection; therefore all scars should be covered as quickly as possible. If left untreated the resultant scarring can be horrific and painful and current treatment can consist of skin grafts that can take months to heal. â€Å"Spray-on skin†is an innovation which applies skin cells to the wound to promote healing of the injured area. This is made possible through the collection of a patient’s healthy skin stem cells and the addition of them to a water based solution. This solution is then placed in a spray gun applicator – â€Å"skin-cell gun†– and the solution is sprayed over the patients wound. The wound is then covered with a dressing which promotes growth until fully healed. This technology has been successfully implemented in a number of patients, including one who had extensive second-degree burns to his arm, shoulder, neck and the side of his face. Following the application of this technology, his wounds closed over within four days (Regenerative Medicine, 2011). Regenerative medicine promises enormous potential for further development. Despite being a relatively new method of treatment, regenerative medicine trials have already began in many new fields of medicine. In Korea a patient who had suffered a spinal cord injury and hadn’t walked in 19 years was able to walk on her own, without difficulty after a suspension of her own stem cells was injected into the damaged part of her spinal cord. Other potential treatments in development include those for brain damage, cancer, heart damage, baldness, blindness, diabetes, and infertility, as well as countless others being trialled around the world. However, there are aspects of regenerative medicine that critics suggest are not yet thoroughly trialled. As induced regeneration happens faster than normal growth, there is speculation that it may quicken the development of cancer or a induce a cellular chain reaction. These fears sprout from suggestions that there is not enough in-depth understanding of this new technology, and that it is developing quicker than scientific knowledge can keep up (Regenerative Medicines Second Wave, 2010). There is no doubt that the health system currently calls for a better solution for tissue regeneration, and a more reliable alternative to human organ donation. The field of regenerative medicine provides just this. Not only have the merits of regenerative medicine been shown – in repairing damaged tissues, rebuilding entire organs and providing emergency tissue growth when the patency of the body’s barrier is lost – its potentials are limitless. Further development of this field will be essential to the cure of currently permanent disease states, not limited to: paralysis from spinal cord damage, kidney failure, chronic lung disease and liver failure. Regenerative medicine free essay sample Regenerative medicine Is the process of replacing or regenerating human cells, tissues or organs to restore or establish normal function. It can be used for many things by many different techniques. It can benefit many different people in many different ways. Regenerative medicine replaces/repairs tissues that the body cannot repair on its own. This includes things such as organs like kidneys; if one needs to be removed we may be able to replace/repair It. Regenerative medicine can save lives and be a lot more useful than average people may think it Is. Using state of the arc technology we may be able to prevent organ transplant rejection due to the fact that we can grow the organ from the patients owns cells/tissue. Current estimates say that approximately one in three Americans can benefit from regenerative medicine. Stem cells are used a lot in regenerative medicine. The stem cells are what are used to create the organ in the lab. We will write a custom essay sample on Regenerative medicine or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The scientists first take the stem cells and place them and a model for them to grow on. Once the stem cells have grown and formed tissues around the mold they add what the organ needs to do its function. They then end electrical signals to bring the organ to life, like a heartbeat, almost as if they are reviving it. This has the potential of saving millions of lives in the long run, maybe even billions, or eventually trillions if mankind last that long. Of course technology will advance and there will be dfferent techniques and approaches for regenerative medlclne, but technology Is developing faster than ever in the past 100 years, so we may not be as far away from achieving great things as you might think. Say someone needs a new bladder, but no bladders that match them are currently available. Well with regenerative medicine we can create a new bladder in a hopefully short period of time with the tissues and cells of the person who needs the bladder. Therefor there will be no shortage of organs and no problems regarding the body rejecting the organ anyways. The only downside of this Is that growing tissues and cells takes time. So, If the patient needs a new bladder Immediately, growing one will not be an opuon because It will not grow fast enough In time for the person to live. But I see that there are three solutions. Solution one is that people could regularly visit their octor to be sure nothing is wrong, so if something is wrong we may be able to notice it before Its too late. Solution two is that in the future we can only hope that technology will be advanced enough for us to speed up the growth of these tissues, this will help In situations where the patients does not have a lot of time. The third solution Is that If we have the materials needed, we could eventually create enough organs with enough different tissues that nine times out of ten, one of the organs will match. I believe that any of these three solutions could work, but they ingredient to chieving this is time and effort. This is why I feel like more people should be choosing careers in science. It is very interesting and can help benefit all humans on the plant in the long run. So If more people worked with regenerative medicine who knows what the limits could be. Fasclnatlon wltn ty to regenerate tlssues ana organs nas exlstea slnce mankind first realized that it is possible (This was thousands of years ago, even though they couldnt really do anything and the term regenerative medicine was not used). Long before the term Regenerative Medicine was came up with, humans were ealizing the effects and capabilities of medicinal intervention. The Ancient Civilizations of Sameria, Egypt, China, India, and South America all pioneered medical discoveries and techniques that still impact the field today. Practices that we take for granted, such as cleansing and debridement of wounds using vegetable and mineral concoctions were common. Hundreds of scientists and philosophers over thousands of years have worked to establish our current technologies. The early 1800s saw a huge expansion in the fields of biology and medicine when scientists revealed that all ife depends on chemical reactions that occur within cells, which could, in fact, be reproduced in the laboratory. The discovery and official introduction of antibiotics by Alexander Flemming in 1928 changed the field of health-care forever. Followed shortly after by the discovery of cell division and heritability in the form of a helical, ladder-like structure, called DNA, science was geared to bring a whole other ball game. These discoveries meant that human biology and the systems contained within could now be brought into and manipulated in the laboratory. As the turn of he 20th century hit, previously mystical processes of life science finally become tangible. Regenerative medicine has grown from prior activities including surgery, surgical implants (artificial hips), and increasingly sophisticated bio-material scaffolds (skin grafts). The work that truly launched regenerative medicine into a tangible area of science began as cell therapy. Work in the field of transplantation in the mid-1950s gave rise to some of the first therapeutic surgeries in medicine. Performed on identical twins, the first kidney transplant occurred in 1954 followed by he first liver and lung transplants in 1963, pancreas transplant in 1966, and the first heart transplant in 1967. Bone marrow transplants for treatment of leukemia patients had the public and scientific communities in an uproar of excitement. Following this wave of enthusiasm, cell biologists began to question the capabilities of the integrity of the tissues being transplanted and wondered whether it was possible to create, grow, and harvest these tissues in the laboratory. Thus began the era of Tissue Engineering which has lead us into the field of Regenerative Medicine. Cell therapy is a therapy in which cellular material is injected into a patient. Cell therapy originated in the nineteenth century when scientists experimented by injecting animal material in an attempt to prevent and treat illness. Although such attempts produced no positive benefit, further research found in the mid twentieth century showed that human cells could be used to help prevent the human body rejecting transplanted organs, leading in time to successful bone marrow transplantation. Today two distinct categories of cell therapy are recognized. The first ategory is cell therapy in mainstream medicine. This is the subject of intense research and the basis of potential therapeutic benefit. Such research, especially when it involves human embryonic material, is controversial. The second category is in alternative medicine, and perpetuates the practice of injecting animal materials in an attempt to cure disease. This practice, according to the American Cancer Society, Is not DacKea Dy any mealcal evidence 0T erectlveness, ana can nave aea01y consequences.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Romancing the Stone essays
Romancing the Stone essays In "Romancing the Stone," heroine Joan Wilder is a successful romance novelist, secure in her career but not in herself. She is very attractive, but plays down her looks by not dressing well at times. Her career dominates her life, and she has become well known around the world for her books. She develops a relationship with Jack Colton when she travels to South America to help her sister, which is very unlike her. It is clear she is becoming attracted to Jack, but they are completely opposite, and they seem to have too many differences to ever really get together. Jack makes her look and feel beautiful, and as their relationship begins to develop, she just seems to glow. She is very modest, even shy at times. However, she shows that when family is at stake, she can be extremely independent and resourceful. She is extremely sensitive, which makes sense since she is a writer, and she has a good sense of humor when she is comfortable with the people around her. She is not a "typical" romantic heroine in many ways, because she is a recluse at the beginning of the novel, and she does not meet the hero through her work. Again, her work is not typical of a romantic heroine either. However, most of her character fits with the heroine ideal, such as not taking her attractiveness for granted and being extremely vulnerable. As she blossoms under Jack's love, she becomes more typical and more appealing. Sex in the story is presented tenderly and with love and respect. The couple is drawn to each other and have survived many difficulties, so it seems natural when the sex scene occurs. In fact, the sex is implied, which makes it all the more romantic and appropriate to the film. Joan does not give herself lightly, so it is clear she really cares about Jack. This is important for the romantic quality of the film and to keep the heroine "pure" and good throughout the story. She only sleeps with Jack, and it is because of true lo...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Definition and Examples of Situational Irony
Definition and Examples of Situational Irony Situational irony is an event or occasion in which the outcome is significantly different from what was expected or considered appropriate. Also called irony of fate, irony of events, and irony of circumstance. Dr. Katherine L. Turner characterizes situational irony as a long con- a ruse taking place over time. Participants and onlookers do not recognize the irony because its revelation comes at a later moment in time, the unexpected twist. In situational irony, the anticipated outcome contrasts with the end result (This Is the Sound of Irony, 2015). The essence of situational irony, says J. Morgan Kousser, lies in an apparent contradiction or incongruity between two events or meanings, a contradiction resolved when the literal or surface meaning turns out to be one of appearance only, while the initially incongruous meaning turns out to be the reality (Region, Race, and Reconstruction, 1982). Also Known As: Irony of situation, irony of events, irony of behavior, practical irony, irony of fate, unintended consequences, irony of existence Examples and Observations Situational irony, sometimes called irony of events, is most broadly defined as a situation where the outcome is incongruous with what was expected, but it is also more generally understood as a situation that includes contradictions or sharp contrasts...An example would be a man who takes a step aside in order to avoid getting sprinkled by a wet dog, and falls into a swimming pool.(Lars Ellestrà ¶m, Divine Madness. Bucknell University. Press, 2002)Not all forms of irony are conscious, intentional or planned. For example, irony also occurs serendipitously through unintended and unexpected circumstances or through the evolution of situations. Situational irony focuses on the surprising and inevitable fragility of the human condition, in which the consequences of actions are often the opposite of what was expected.(David Grant, The Sage Handbook of Organizational Discourse. Sage, 2004)[I]magine that a person has invested a large sum of money in an apparently reliable company while mocking others for failing to take the same opportunity. Then, the company turns out to be a failure and all the investors money is lost. The situation is ironical for two reasons in combination: (1) there is a mismatch between the investors certainty on the solvency of the company and the real situation; (2) after getting ruined, the investors unwise mockery of those who did not want to undertake any risk makes the investor look foolish. We may observe that, in situational irony, just like in verbal irony, there is incongruity between intention and effect or between belief and reality.(Francisco Josà © Ruiz de Mendoza Ibà ±ez and Alicia Galera Masegosa, Cognitive Modeling: A Linguistic Perspective. John Benjamins, 2014) Situational Irony in A.E. Housmans Poem Is My Team Ploughing? â€Å"Is my team ploughing,That I was used to driveAnd hear the harness jingleWhen I was man alive?†Aye, the horses trample,The harness jingles now;No change though you lie underThe land you used to plow. â€Å"Is football playingAlong the river shore,With lads to chase the leather,Now I stand up no more?†Aye, the ball is flying,The lads play heart and soul;The goal stands up, the keeperStands up to keep the goal. â€Å"Is my girl happy,That I thought hard to leave,And has she tired of weepingAs she lies down at eve?†Ay, she lies down lightly,She lies not down to weep:Your girl is well contented.Be still, my lad, and sleep. â€Å"Is my friend hearty,Now I am thin and pine,And has he found to sleep inA better bed than mine?†Yes, lad, I lie easy,I lie as lads would choose;I cheer a dead man’s sweetheart,Never ask me whose.(A.E. Housman, Is My Team Ploughing? A Shropshire Lad, 1896) Situational Irony in Creative Nonfiction Situational irony abounds in fiction, but its also a major component to many non- fiction narratives- if you think about the popular storm books from a couple of years ago, Sebastian Jungers Perfect Storm and Erik Larsons Isaacs Storm, both accounts of these terrible hurricanes deal with the all-too-human disinclination to take nature seriously. Hey, how bad can some wind and rain be? Not going to stop me from raking in the dough.(Ellen Moore and Kira Stevens, Good Books Lately. St. Martins Press, 2004) The Irony of War Every war is ironic because every war is worse than expected. Every war constitutes an irony of situation because its means are so melodramatically disproportionate to its presumed ends.(Paul Fussell, The Great War and Modern Memory. Oxford University Press, 1975) Incongruity in Situational Irony Situational irony entails a certain incongruity between what a person says, believes, or does and how, unbeknownst to that person, things actually are. [In Sophocles tragedy Oedipus Rex] Oedipus vows to discover Laius murderer, unaware that Laius was his father and that he himself is guilty of patricide. Whatever the precise nature of the incongruity involved in situational irony, verbal and situational irony loosely share a conceptual core of incongruity, often tending toward polar opposition, between two elements, such as a semblance of things and reality.Dramatic irony may be further distinguished as a type of situational irony; it is simply when situational irony occurs in a drama. The incongruity is between what a dramatic character says, believes, or does and how unbeknownst to that character, the dramatic reality is. The example in the preceding paragraph is, then, specifically of dramatic irony.(David Wolfsdorf, Trials of Reason: Plato and the Crafting of Philosophy. Oxfor d University Press, 2008) A Wimbledon commentator may say, Ironically, it was the year he was given a wild-card entry, and not as a seeded player, that the Croatian won the title. The irony here refers, like linguistic irony, to a doubleness of sense or meaning. It is as though there is the course of events or human intentions, involving our awarding of rankings and expectations, that exists alongside another order of fate beyond our predictions. This is an irony of situation, or an irony of existence.(Claire Colebrook, Irony. Routledge, 2004) The Lighter Side of Situational Irony Sheldon: So this is how it ends: with cruel irony. Just as I make the commitment to preserving my body, I am betrayed by my appendix, a vestigial organ. Do you know the original purpose of the appendix, Leonard? Leonard: No. Sheldon: I do, and yet I am doomed while you live on. Leonard: Funny how things work out, isnt it?(Jim Parsons and Johnny Galecki in The Cruciferous Vegetable Amplification. The Big Bang Theory, 2010)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Technology Research and Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Technology Research and Report - Essay Example Frank Ohrtman (2003, p.116) indicates that among data exchange standard, there has been phenomenal improvement especially in XML MP3 and TCP/IP the much dependent upon broad access to nonproprietary networking and data communications infrastructure (the Internet) that has been a principle tool in supporting the rising of technology waves and strong development undercurrents . Current technological landscape In this technological age, the combination of new standards, distributed software, expertise and a worldwide Internet infrastructure has created and continues to create a profoundly new technological architecture landscape. The advancement on technology has contributed immensely to heavy investment in the information technology industry. Organisations have increased investments in technologies and standards that allow them to bring structure to unstructured information. The motivation to replace unstructured with structured data is not the sole responsibility of the information co mmunity and the library alone, but also among business and national authorities across the world nations. On average enterprises operate with upto 85 percent of unstructured content, upon which efforts are being focused on harnessing their power in order for the enterprises to benefit from resulting competitive advantages. (Aray R., 2004). Among many others, there have emerged search engines as a dominant technical and structural approach towards automated data categorisation. Savvy Web users have become experts (professionally known as SEOs) at optimizing search strategies to maximize of the expected result although pressure has arose for much more advanced/structures search engines. Delivery of mobiles services This technology has also been widely embraced in the mobile technology. Provision of websites that are viewable via mobile phones is increasingly on demand and organisations have largely embraced provision of services and information through mobile technology (Andreas F. 20 11) Mobile service providers have been largely affected by the current technology landscape as they have to cope with ever emerging changes in the industry. Big chunks of the world’s population today are holders of mobile phones. Mobiles are not only used as communication devices but as also devices to access the Internet. The integration of such capabilities in the mobile devices has triggered a paralleled competition among mobile service providers as well as manufactures (Ajay R., 210). Effect of coverage and limitations Irrespective of geographical and topographical challenges, mobile service providers have managed to provide network coverage for their services to almost all parts within where their businesses operate. Though some challenges of network coverage are largely found in the African continent, most areas in the continent still enjoy these services. Advantages of 2G, 3G and 4G The mobile telecommunications industry has seen a lot of evolution since the inception of the use of mobile phone as a means of communication. There have been migrations in the industry such as the 2G, 3G and now the famous 4G networks in this industry. These have seen the industry improve provision of service to mobile owners become streamlined and the service advanced. The 2G technology evolved from 1G technology
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Susan B Anthony Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Susan B Anthony - Essay Example In 1838, her father lost his cotton mill business because of the financial depression in the United States, and in the spring of 1839 he had to sell their house. They moved to a town called Hardscrabble. In the spring of 1840, she went to teach at a boarding school near New York City. While Susan was teaching, she heard people talking about getting rid of slavery. She agreed with this idea, just like her father did. She believed that all people were equal. In 1849, when Susan came back home to Rochester, her father had started inviting over his friends who were interested in talking about the achievement of making free slavery state. She listened to her father and to others who wanted to finish slavery from the society. During the 1850s, the plan of getting rid of slavery was becoming an essential issue. The people in the North were against slavery, while on the other hand, the people in the South wanted to keep slavery. Those who were against slavery were called abolitionists. A lot of abolitionists were invited to the farm for a meeting. They all supported Susan in her work for women's rights. "In 1852, Anthony joined with Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Amelia Bloomer in campaigning for women's suffrage and equal pay. She also served in the American Anti-Slavery Society, and challenged barriers to female leadership in temperance societies and educational associations. Following the Civil War, Stanton and Anthony focused their efforts on voting rights, in hopes that suffrage for women and blacks could be linked in a groundbreaking constitutional amendment." Feminist leader (Accessed January 18, 2006) She helped the administration of President Abraham Lincoln by forming the Women's Loyal League. In 1856, the abolitionists motivated Susan to classify, write and deliver speeches for a movement against slavery. In 1865, their efforts would pay off with the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Even though the slaves were free they didn't get the right to vote. In addition to Susan's fight to end slavery, she joined the Women's State Temperance Society in New York. Both men and women could join. Soon men started to take over the society, so Susan resigned as leader of the group. That was the end of her work with the temperance movement; she began working for women's rights. "In 1866 Anthony joined with Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott and Lucy Stone to help establish the American Equal Rights Association. The following year, the organization became active in Kansas where Negro suffrage and women's suffrage was to be decided by popular vote. However, both ideas were rejected at the polls." Elizabeth Cady Stanton wanted both the abolitionist and the women's right group to get combine for good results. Unluckily, the abolitionists did not want to work for women to have the right to vote. (Just as before, many of the women's suffragists did not care to get their cause tangled up with abolition.) Susan and Elizabeth were back where they had started twenty years before and focused their efforts on women's rights in order to raise money. Susan B. Anthony in politics In 1868 Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton established the political weekly, The Revolution and the Fourteenth Amendment was passed. This amendment affirmed that all people who were born or naturalized in the United States
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Gender, Culture and the Media Essay Example for Free
Gender, Culture and the Media Essay Media, in the context required, is a term used to define an interactive transmission that is visualized and then especially designed to reach a large audience, for e. g. a whole nation. These audiences, however, are very different from one another, depending on their culture and gender identities. The variance in culture and sexual identities, have an obvious impact on media which is why there is a dire need for exploring the relationship between the two. The most important tool in exploring and understanding the relationship between media and culture is communication. This is because communication plays a very effective role in the manner through which interaction is carried out with the masses (Gaunlett, 2002). For this purpose, extreme emphasis is given to the cultural differences that may occur. Such is the case of international campaigns or chains of restaurants; whenever they want to promote any product, they have to consider the differences, and keeping these differences in mind, they alter their product accordingly for e. g. , McDonalds in India, do not usually serve their people beef burgers as cow is sacred to them. Likewise, Indian people can relate more to it than others who are just viewing this product on an Indian channel. On this note, I would like to add that it is also a TV channel’s responsibility to be aware of the ethics with regard to culture. Although, media is known to show us situation and relationships from other people’s point-of-view, the impact is originated from a certain culture or social class, for that matter. However, it has been changing from time to time with the global development. So, we can say that the relationship between media and gender today, is different from how it was years ago. The reason is because people’s thought have changed in the passing years, the role models have changed and the attitudes of people have changed, which without doubt influences media. It is for these contemporary audiences that the media has to alter whatever it promotes, in the manner that is much acceptable to them. The rest is mere perception on the audience’s part. Talking about the perception of various people and how they interact with things like talk shows, MTV, the Internet, soap operas, television sitcoms, dramatic series etc. , it is very likely to notice that the people interact with the media on the basis of their culture and gender identities (Dines, 2008). An example is that of Lorillard’s Newport cigarettes, introduced in 1957, which after its struggle period in the early stages of introduction, became very popular with the African American crowd. Another comment on the same example is that Newport cigarettes contain menthol, which is supposed to be associated with women mostly. Relating this with media, the advertisements for this brand also focused on African American people in the beginning, as they had identified them as their target market. With the change in society and changing views of people, Newport gained its market recognition and broadened their target market and today it owns a most coveted place in the tobacco industry. In the society that we live in today, people dedicate a lot of time to television, magazines, surfing the net, and other publications. As a result, it is very inevitable to say that they come across culture and advertising almost everyday. Among these people, a large segment belongs to the younger generation, who are particularly sensitive and relatively effected much easily by the same. Childhood culture is an inter-textual universe which connects TV programs to movies, videogames, toys, T-shirts, shoes, games, crayons, coloring books, bed linens and towels, pencil cases, lunch boxes etc. This is where the impact part comes into play, which media has on children and that which the children have on the media (Geertz, 1977). One of the greatest impacts of the above stated example on media is that when a television program (for kids) is produced, a lot of things have to be taken into consideration. Not too much violence, abusive language or false imagery should be used. As far as sexual identity is concerned, men and women have different views, likes and dislikes, regarding different things. Women are more likely to read magazines like Gourmet, Culinary Trends, Bon Appetite, Food and Wine etc. Lately, men have also developed a similar trend in reading magazines but there choices are those like Extreme Sports, Chicago Sports, and Sports Illustration etc. Another aspect is that of men leading the global scene. When it comes to voiceovers, men dominate, regardless of the product. Men continue to work in their late ages on screen whereas women tend to disappear in their late thirties. Facial lines and grey hair are considered to be signs of maturity in males, while the same would pronounce females ‘old’ and not fit for TV (Buikema, 2009). On the other hand, it is also reported to have said that with the developing sense of equality with regard to sexes, the Times magazine cover wondered if feminism was dead in June 1998. To sum up, the media shows us situations and relationships from other people’s point-of-view and we begin to think that we can now see ‘how the world works’, in lives other than our own. Soap-operas showing how neighbors, friends and lovers interact with each other are not behaviors that the media has created by itself. It is the likes of people that have affected media to follow the same. That too, varies from culture to culture. Some counties believe in open cultures while others observe closed culture where too much intimacy and involvement is not look upon as appropriate. People claim that the reference points for them are film and TV but actually it’s the way round- people, their cultures and genders influence upon the way they interact with the media. References: Buikema, R. , Tuin I. , (2008), â€Å"Doing Gender in Media, Art and Culture†. Routledge Dines G. , McMahon J. , (2008), â€Å"Gender, Race, and Class in Media: A Text-reader†. Sage Publications Gauntlett D. , (2002), â€Å"Media, Gender, and Identity: An Introduction†. Routledge Geertz, C. (1977). The Interpretation of Cultures. Basic Books
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Citizen Kane: Charles Foster Kane - Who Was He? :: essays research papers
Citizen Kane: Charles Foster Kane - Who Was He? The story of Citizen Kane drew many people to the theatres since they wanted to find out who this Kane fellow is or was. It is unarguably one of the best films ever produced. Orson Wells portrays Kane as mysterious person but also a sad person. The different accounts are shown throughout the movie through the reporter wanting to find out who or what Rosebud is. Rosebud was Kane's last dying words. The first person the reporter Jerry Thompson sees is the owner of Walter Parks Thatcher's estate and holdings. Thatcher is long dead and who? visits his library and is allowed to inspect the financier's memoirs in manuscript. Through Thatcher's words we see Kane as a boy playing with his sled on a snow-swept Colorado farm. Through his mother, the boy has just inherited a great fortune. Unable to settle his bill, a prospector who boarded with the Kanes left behind stock certificates that make Mrs. Kane the sole owner of one of the world's great silver mines. She then makes her son the ward of the bank that administers her estate, and Thatcher, whom the angry young Kane bashes with a sled, takes the boy East to be raised. The movie then shows Kane growing up, making life miserable for Thatcher. The mature Kane decides to take direct control of a small, struggling newspaper, and immediately begins using it to attack Thatcher and others among America's financial elite. This displays the mystery with Kane as he wants to expand on something small into something big, but we don't know what. The next account was given by Bernstein, Kane's devoted assistant. He explains the beginnings as a newspaper czar and his takeover of the New York Enquirer, in which he fired its editor, hired an expensive, top-notch staff, and enlisted his college friend Jedediah Leland as the drama critic. Kane is at first a crusader for the understanding, opening his first editorial with a "declaration of principles." He becomes a champion of the little person, hyping his circulation with juicy scandals, crime exposes, etc. In a surprise move Kane marries Emily Norton, the president's niece. For the first time here we see Kane starting a love story. However this wasn't to last and it paved the way for the second-love. The reporter then visits a half-drunk Susan Alexander in a nightclub. She recalls her meeting and eventual affair with the married Kane and their discovery by Leland, who is led to their love nest by Kane's political rival, "Big Jim" Gettys. Until that point, Kane is heavily favored to defeat Gettys in
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Nike Business Presentation Outline
Topic: Nike marketing strategy, social responsibility, and diversity. Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the marketing strategy, environmental and social commitment and diversity of Nike company Brief: In my presentation, I will be talking about Nike’s marketing strategy and its social responsibility MARKETING A) INTRODUCTION  §Ã‚      Preview – Because Nike’s success largely depends on its shrewd marketing strategy, I will be explaining to you the importance of marketing to Nike and introducing what marketing strategy Nike is currently deploying. B)  BODY 1. Marketing is very important to its viability and profitability a.Since Nike is a consumer product company, it must respond to market changes through aggressive marketing. * If fail to anticipate accurately and respond in timely manner to market changes, Nike could experience material adverse effects on sales and profitability. b. Nike must stay domestically and globally compe titive to other large companies such as Puma or Addidas. c. As a result, Nike takes marketing issues very seriously. Nike has been increasingly investing into marketing. (Refer to chart) * Nike experienced a substantial increase in marketing investment in the FY of 07-08, largely because of the Olympic Games 2008. Demand creation in FY 2009 is $2,351. 4 mil. , increased 2% in compare with FY 08 2. Nike is successfully deploying the favorable brand image strategy a. Favorable brand image * Associates with a distinctive logo and advertising slogan â€Å"Just do it†* Advertise itself as a high quality and expensive product company. * Promotion: Nike contracts with high profile athletes and actively sponsors sport events to promote its brand. For example: * Michael Jordan: in 2007, the Jordan brand, now a separate Nike subsidiary with its own building, grossed about $800 million. Tiger Woods: in 2000, Nike agreed to a multi-year deal with Woods worth a reported $105 million (It can be said that Nike is successfully approaching the market by its shrewd marketing strategy. Now, I’ll be talking about Nike Social responsibility) SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY INTRODUCTION  §Ã‚      Preview: Nike is a leading socially responsible company. I’ll be exploring Nike’s community investment and environmental commitment. (First, I’ll be talking about community investment) BODY I. Nike has a long history of engagement in communities around the world, investing in their backyards, key markets and manufacturing communities. . In FY07-09, Nike has directly invested in community $168. 8 million – Set the goal of $315 million of contributions for FY11 – Involves contributing expertise and philanthropic activity to the community. 2. To achieve its community investment strategy, Nike has developed 2 core approaches: a. Focus on creating new models to provide young people access to the power of sport (to unleash their confiden ce, leadership, health, education or employment) – The Nike Foundation (separate nonprofit organization): focuses on developing adolescent girls to bring positive changes into community. They has committed more than $100 mil to benefit adolescent girls. b. Promote philanthropic activities and create financial flows that ensure long-term success – Nike manages a portfolio of investment that have triggered donations from consumers to expand its initial investment. – Notable projects: Livestrong, Human Race, Hurley H20 water initiative†¦ (Not only is Nike socially responsible but also Nike is environmentally responsible)   BODY 1. Highly committed to sustainable development – To help focus effort and resources where company can make the most impact, Nike developed its own North Star to define sustainable development. . To achieve its goal, Nike has broken it into a number of smaller attainable steps: a. Product design: * Internally, Nike mobil izes its human resources to develop closed-loop product. * Externally, Nike actively posts unresolved problems and requests solutions from outside investors, universities and companies. b. Climate and energy: As a co-founding member of Business for Innovative Climate and Energy Policy (BICEP), Nike and its partners have committed to strategic collaboration to push for US energy and legislation and rule making. c. Water: Nike aims to contract with factories where water is abundant enough to support it operations. * Nike also collaborates with factories to improve efficiency of water-utilizing * Nike encourages its suppliers’ adherence to high quality standards for all of their production. (Nike itself is a diverse company) BODY 1. Diversity and inclusion are key to drive creativity and innovation: – Grows their competitive advantage, recruit – In 2006, Nike appointed its first VP of Diversity. – In 2008, Nike formed a global diversity and inclusion team fo cused on three areas: a. Engaging employees b. Providing business consultation . Developing innovative tools, models and designs 2. Diversity and inclusion statistics a. Gender diversity: * Global work force is half-male, half-female * Overall management is 60% male and 40% female. b. Ethnicity diversity: c. 55% of its work force is Caucasian, 22% is African American, 13% is Hispanic, 9% is Asian/Pacific islander and 1% is American Indian. d. Supplier diversity: national and regional partners on its suppliers effort, including the National Minority Supplier development council, the Oregon Association of Minority Entrepreneurs and the Women’s business Enterprise National Council.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Should Atheltes Have to Go to College
This topic is widely debated among citizens across the United States. The answer that is commonly regarded as the safe choice is to finish school then go pro. If an athlete were to choose this choice the benefits would clearly outweigh the risks. The big benefits would be that you will have a fall back and you will be able to get a higher pay in the pros. The only risk of waiting is injury in the final extra season played to graduate.Athletes tend to be more prone to injury than a non athletic person. If an athlete were to compete on a professional level were the speed of the action is moving faster than a hurricane, that athlete would almost be guaranteed to suffer some sort of injury. Maybe it’s a simple pulled muscle, that athlete would be able to come back and compete again. Let’s say the athlete was not so lucky and got hit be someone so hard it appeared that he got ran over by a semi truck going 65. The athlete would not be able to return back to his or her sport. Now what will the athlete do to make a steady income? If the athlete finished school he or she will have an occupation they will be able to get right into. If the athlete did not finish college, the athlete would have a hard time finding a job with a steady income, especially in the current economy. Throughout most of a United States citizen’s life they hear the words â€Å"the higher the education, the higher you get paid. †This is true in the world of athletics as well. Before a player gets drafted to a professional sport they must take a mandatory IQ quiz.The quiz results are used by coaches to see what players will be able to remember things such as plays and formations. If an athlete knows his or hers primary position well and are able to know other positions as well, the athletes value increases significantly. A coach would rather have a player who is a little less skilled but can run plays right and have chemistry with team rather than one who is skilled but di srupts the teams flow by messing up a play. The one risk an athlete faces by waiting to finish school before going pro is injury in the last season.I personally know a person that this has happened to. His name is Ian Clark. He was a quarterback for the New Mexico Lobos who got invited to a few NFL combines. He did well enough to enter the draft that year but decided to finish school first. In the very first game of the season he gets a broken shoulder blade and ligament damage in his rotator cuff. This ruined his chances to play professionally. The good thing is that he finished school and is working on an upper-management level of a construction company with a very good income.It’s not playing in The NFL, but he’s living very comfortable right now for just getting out of college. For athletes finishing school is a very important thing to do. Sure being a professional athlete would be an amazing thing to be but if you leave school early to pursue a dream you may not g et paid as well as others and you might end up hurt. As an athlete you are only worth something until a knee blows or something worse occurs. With an education you will never be able to become worthless.Races from when I was getting my braces off. In chapter 12 of the scarlet letter a meteor appears the leaves a trail with the letter A. I feel the letter A is symbolic for acceptance. The A appears as Hester, Pearl and Dimesdale hold hands on the scaffold were Hester has to stand in public. I say this because at this point of the book Dimesdale is going crazy with guilt of his sin of adultery. God shows him here that he accepts his flaws and Hester's too. Acceptance is the new meaning of the letter A.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Custom Essay Editing
Custom Essay Editing Custom Essay Editing Custom Essay Editing Well, you have done a great job writing your essay. Now it is time to move to essay editing. Do you feel tired of your assignment? Does it take too much of your time? What should you do when the deadline is approaching and you do not want your efforts lost in vain? You need professional essay editing services: Custom essay editing service is provided for students who want to ensure their essays are perfect in grammar, content, style, punctuation, format, and referencing. It is very simple: you turn to us, give us your written essay, provide instructions, and get a polished essay back by the specified deadline! Every person who goes through the painful process of essay writing knows the feeling of satisfaction which comes after the completion of any essay. Running a simply spell-check at the end of the writing process is not enough. There is a number of specific editing strategies our editors follow while working on your assignment. Custom Essay Editing Strategies Read your written essay aloud. While it many rather simple and even stupid, reading your essay aloud you have an opportunity to see the larger picture of your own writing. You can easily identify the problems in your written essay (too long or too short sentences; unfinished idea) Make sure all words/phrases/sentences are relevant One of the most serious problems students experiences while writing essays is the decision to meet the word limit by integrated irrelevant ideas and thoughts into the essay. Do not do that mistake! Read your essay very attentive to delete all irrelevant information. If you find irrelevant information, you need to conduct a research to fill in the remaining space. Use precise, clear, and understandable language. Do not try to impress your teacher with your knowledge of lengthy, complicated, or scientific skills. Do not include the words the meaning of which is not known to you. If your teacher asks you to clarify the meaning of the specific word and you do not know what to reply, you are likely to fail. Avoid personal pronouns, unless it is required Yes, many students make this mistake. You should be very attentive not to use I, we or you in your essay writing, unless you are working on a personal essay and the use of personal pronouns is one of the initial requirements. Professional Custom Essay Editing If you do not want to spend long hours going through the above pieces of advice, you have a much easier solution: professional custom essay editing service. All you need to do is to send us your essay and our professional editors will make it perfect! Read also: APA Style Research Paper Writing the Analysis Paper Writing a College Term Paper Sociology Paper Report Writing Help
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Life Cycle of Fleas
The Life Cycle of Fleas In order to control fleas effectively, you must understand the flea life cycle. Though there are several species of fleas that can infest your home, by far the most common species found on cats or dogs is the cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis), so well focus on cat fleas in this article. The Flea Life Cycle Fleas undergo complete metamorphosis with four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Environmental variables influence the length of each developmental stage. Fleas prefer a warm, humid environment, with temperatures ranging between 70 and 90 F and a relative humidity of 75 percent or more. Under ideal conditions, the cat flea life cycle takes just 18 days, from egg to adult. Adult fleas (both male and female) require a blood meal prior to mating. They prefer blood from your pet, but in the absence of a canine or feline host, fleas will bite people. Once mated, the female flea may deposit up to 50 eggs per day on your dog or cat. An adult flea typically lives for several months, so just a single flea can cause a significant infestation in a short amount of time. As your pet walks around your home, many of the flea eggs fall off. Cat flea eggs are tiny, measuring a mere 1/32 inch, so they can go unnoticed in your pets bedding, in carpets, or on upholstered furniture. Within 2 to 5 days, wormlike larvae emerge from the eggs. Lacking eyes and legs, you might think that flea larvae would have a tough time surviving in your carpet. But flea larvae do just fine hunkered down between the carpet fibers, where they feed on anything organic, from hair to adult flea excrement. The larvae feed and molt for 1 to 2 weeks, and then pupate within silken cocoons. The flea cocoon is often camouflaged with debris, including hair, skin particles, and carpet fibers. In a warm environment and with your cat or dog available for a blood meal, the adult may emerge in about a week. The new adult flea will jump on your pet when he passes by, and immediately begin feeding on his blood. Can Fleas Survive If My Pet Is Away? You might think you can beat a flea infestation by simply removing your pet from the home for a while. After all, no host, no parasite, right? But fleas are clever pests. A fully formed adult flea can sit tight inside its cocoon for a year, just waiting for a host animal to reappear. The fleas stay safely in their pupal cases until they sense vibrations that suggest an animal is moving nearby. Like many insects that feed on blood, they can also sense an increased presence of carbon dioxide, which signals that a host is in the area. So as soon as your dog or cat returns, the adult fleas will emerge and feast. And remember, theyll gladly feed on your blood if your pet is unavailable, so unless you are prepared to abandon your home for a year, you really must treat for fleas.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Elements of Design Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Elements of Design - Movie Review Example It is also important to familiarize with the cast and the other important people that made the film a success in order to grasp the ideology within. The movie Safe House is a contemporary movie produced in the year 2012 and an analysis of the film explains certain aspects. This is a captivating action/drama movie with Scott Stuber as the production designer. One of the world’s acclaimed movie directors, Daniel Espinosa, directed the movie. The movie creator incorporated the talent of art director, Jonathan Hely- Hutchinson to assist in his area of expertise. The cast of Denzel Washington alongside other widely recognized artists gave the production team of the movie a smooth time as it was dealing with professionals. Daniel Espisona being an acclaimed movie director took on his responsibilities as a director very well. His role in the various design aspects portrayed in the film was very clear. As a director, he had the authority to state his views on the intonation that the a ctors used on different sets. He was also responsible for overseeing the lighting of the various scenes in the movie in relation to the changes in environment that the actors played in. He also directed the actors on the manner in which to present themselves in front of the camera for greater perception of their talent. The production designer, Scott Stuber also did a very impressive job culminating to the captivating result of the film. He was very concerned with the high amount of competition that the film industry has had over the last couple of years and thus added some allure to get more fans. Scott’s role in the overall design project involved overseeing the presentation of each screenplay and delegating specific activities to the various people involved in each screenplay. He had the responsibility of identifying the visual aspects of the film to create a clear picture that could captivate the audience. Jonathan Hely- Hutchinson as the art director also had a very impo rtant role in the success of the film. His position in the general creation of the film was that below Scott Stuber. His job description involved receiving instructions from the production designer and implementing them. Each set in the movie had its individual designers and it was the responsibility of Jonathan to ensure that each of them had the required equipments to ensure that visual ground plan for each shot location was in order. To get a deeper understanding of the various roles that these artists play, it is important to focus on one scene in the movie and gain a perspective of all the constituents that made it a blockbuster. The plot of the movie is that one ex Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Tobin Frost, receives a file that contains incriminating information about one major goon by the name Vargas. Vargas gets on his trail in an effort to kill him and retrieve the file that leads to the government offering protection for Frost in a safe house. An agent Weston who assi sts Frost escape after an attempted attack by Vargas guards the safe house. The two escape to discrete places in South Africa hoping that Vargas does not catch up with them. The scene to focus on is that of Cape Town Stadium (Espinosa, 2012). The lighting at the scene is unique in that it is very imperative to bring out the conditions in which the actors were. The two actors ran into the stadium as a haven where they could get away from the perpetrator chasing them. The lighting is
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Supreme Court Cases in Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Supreme Court Cases in Education - Essay Example Linda Carol Brown was an eight year old girl who was denied the privilege of attending the Sumner Elementary School, because she was black. Linda Brown had to walk six blocks, over a switch track, just to catch a bus, although the Sumner Elementary School was a mere seven blocks away. Her father, Reverend Oliver Brown, was a well respected Christian minister. He peacefully approached the principal of the all-white school and calmly asked if his daughter could attend. Linda Brown and her father were immediately denied the right to attend the school. At this point, Reverend Brown sought the assistance of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) (Dudley, 2004). The NAACP was an organization that was born in 1909. Its goal was to grant all minorities the rights of equal voting, schooling, and housing. It pounced on the opportunity to have a legal battle with the white dominated public schools of America. For years, the NAACP had attempted to stop this sinister way of life through court cases. Until Brown v. Board, the many attempts had proved unsuccessful. The head of the NAACP, Thurgood Marshall, figured that with Linda Carol Brown, they had the greatest possible chance of winning the court case and upsetting the former case, Plessy v. Ferguson. On February 28, 1951, Linda Brown, her father and the NAACP filed their lawsuit against the Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (Barlow, 2004). A grand jury decided to hear their case but their plea for the overturning of Plessy .v. Ferguson was quickly dismissed. Since the case was being held in Kansas, a southern state, the jury was mostly composed of white male, landowners who still believed that African Americans were inferior humans. This was the reason that the court decided to reject the proposed idea of integrated school districts. Because of appeals, the case kept advancing from court to court,
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The Developing Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
The Developing Business - Essay Example 20). Apparently, more corporations are getting aware of the necessities of integrating better corporate governance, improved risk management methods, and sufficient business social, financial, and environmental responsibilities that are a pre-requisite for enhanced sustainability. Commercial firms play a fundamental role in the concept of sustainable development, and this is due to their potential to enhance sustainable development and their deleterious effects on the community and ecosystem. Within the essential role that business firms play to achieve sustainable development, social and environmental responsibility has emerged to concretize the paradigm of sustainable development (Schneider, 2014, p. 526). As aforementioned, the three forms of sustainability remains imperative in the maintenance of both societal and organizational needs. Financial sustainability, for instance, ensures that an organization develops structures that focuses on creating significant profit from investments made. Moreover, financial sustainability must focus on embracing the continuous provision of positive outcomes from investment by developing sustainable long-term objectives. On the contrary, environmental sustainability defines an organization’s initiatives and establishment of the structures aimed at significant reduction of causing effects to the surrounding. A business that focuses on environmental sustainability ensures that its operations and daily activities remain friendly to the environment and do not cause climate change, pollution, or degradation. Such environmental sustainable corporations also contribute towards creation and development of policies and initiatives that would enhance e nvironmental safety. On the contrary, social sustainability entails community or societal initiatives aimed at establishing frameworks that ensure
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Environmental Sustainability In The City Of Dubai Tourism Essay
Environmental Sustainability In The City Of Dubai Tourism Essay Over the recent years, has Dubai evolved to a more sustainable and eco-friendly city? This paper explains the current sustainability of Dubais construction and other means. It shows that the city has a certain lack of awareness toward the more eco-friendly living and society. Evaluating the lack of the residents initiations toward a more eco-friendly city shows that the Dubai has no requirement to be sustainable. However, the current sustainability is being improved. Many people, such as Pradeep Parmar, founder and owner of Enthusiasm Star Ltd. has tried to introduce a more sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to plastic bags in supermarkets around the city and the country. Jute bags are more sustainable towards the environment and he is trying to implement that into the society of Dubai. Shirish Patel, an architect who has been living in the UAE for more than fifteen years, has also tried to give more sustainable options to the projects that he has worked. In an inte rview with him, he had outlined the current pros and cons of Dubais sustainability and eco-friendliness. He also suggested that some ideas for a more sustainable and eco-friendly city. In conclusion, although many sections of Dubai are not the most eco-friendly out of all, the city is trying its best to be as sustainable as possible and they can improve on these if they try to implement some of the concepts and ideas that were introduced and outlined by Shirish Patel and Pradeep Parmar. If Dubai tries a bit harder and aims to complete their goal of total sustainability, they may just be able to reach another milestone once again. Table of Contents Abstract†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.1 Table of Contents2 Introduction..3 Current Positive Effects of Sustainability..4 Current Negative Effects of Construction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.6 Possible Improvements on Dubais Sustainability8 Conclusion11 Works Cited†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.13 Introduction: In 2005, Dubai was rated as the highest carbon footprint city in the world, as conducted with a research by the WWF Living Planet 2008 report. The UAE has been found to have the carbon footprint of about 9.5 global hectares. As a result, the UAE was ranked as the 45th highest carbon footprint country. The United States is the second largest carbon footprint country while Kuwait ranks in at third. There are quite a number of factors that outline Dubais current sustainability. The are the positives factors, such as the implementation of economically friendly public transport systems such as buses which can decrease the amount toxic pollution that is given off by heavy duty cars. In an interview with Shirish Patel, this method is discussed and analyzed more thoroughly. There are also negative factors of sustainability in Dubai such as the emission cuts and the costs of doing so. Being a new technology, sustainability is not very well known among architects who have been constructing maj or buildings such as the Burj Al Arab and the Burj Khalifa. In addition to the negative factors of sustainability, improvements of how to implement sustainability with low costs are discussed in detail with Shirish Patel in his interview. All of these factors affect the sustainability of Dubai but the true question is that over the recent years, has Dubai evolved to a more sustainable and eco-friendly city? 1st Paragraph In todays time, Dubai is most known for its luxurious lifestyle, the massive boom in construction and its ability to reach milestones in this field with the Burj Khalifa. Also it is known to be the most attractive city in the whole of the Middle East. Soon, Dubai could become the next New York City. But with so many buildings and structures that have been erected, sustainability to the environment is also a major cause for the depletion of the ozone layer in certain parts of the world. Dubai has many building with eco friendly leads such as the newly constructed Burj Khalifa and the Emirates Towers on the Sheikh Zayed Road. In an interview with Shirish Patel, an architect from the UK and has been living in the UAE for more than 15 years of his life. His input on this idea and current situation is merely based on his personal experience of living and working in this country. He believes that Dubai is trying to create a more environmentally friendly city by implementing such positive f actors such as the eco-friendly public transport systems such as buses. Also, to make life easier for many travelers in the country where heat is the main climate for around eight months, creating stations where people can sit indoors and wait for the buses to arrive. This is positive as people need not to wait in the heat but can relax in the cools of the Air conditioning system while they wait for their transport to arrive. Dubai also tries to save energy and recycle as much as possible by constructing the buses from used metals and other wastage that may be of use. He also believes that Dubai is able to improve their current sustainability on buildings by implementing new methods of construction and living. For example, many buildings could implement the new technology of solar paneling and the ability to use fiber optic wires to channel the energy collected from the solar panels and convert them to energy to give electricity to certain areas of the building. Other implementation s could be the reduction of the A/C system in certain areas of the building and the usage of natural air usage to cool the office during the times when heat is most unbearable. For example, the if a company was working in a building during the summer months, then the natural air that was stored during the winter months could be slowly used in the office. Also, the use of lights during the daytime in schools or public places should be eliminated as enough light is emitted from the Sun and the implementation of more windows could aid this situation. Many other methods of energy saving and ethical energy storage could be implemented in this situation. Aside from these implementations, the Green Building Council of UAE has tried to help with this current situation. The Green Building council is the group that was formed in the US to help sustain the over usage of energy and other methods of sustainability. Over the years, the Green Building Council has expanded to many countries and in 2009, they moved to the UAE after looking at the amount of carbon footprint that the country was making. Along with the government of Dubai, the Green Building Council has been a major part of the implementation of sustainability in the UAE for all of the major buildings and monumental sections of the city. Currently, Dubai remains at the top of the carbon footprint list, although currently actions are being taken to change the ways and methods of their expansion. 2nd Paragraph Although Dubai has taken the precautionary methods to sustainability within the city, many inhabitants are not satisfied with the methods of sustainability. For example, people are not willing to turn off the lights during the daytime as they complain that they are unable to see what they are doing. By doing this, residents are wasting unnecessary amounts of electricity during the times when it is not needed. For example, schools in Dubai use a significant amount of electricity during the day. This example is completely based on personal experience. Instead of using so much electricity during the day, they should possibly consider saving that electricity since schools run during the daytime and there is enough sunlight during the entire day. A possible extension of windows in the classrooms could aid the problem of students being unable to see in class. The schools should only be using the lights when natural sunlight is not available, such as during the winter months. Even then, the bulbs in for the lighting should be refitted with fluorescent lights, as they are much more efficient in energy conservation. Another method of conservation is possibly the implementation of intelligent building to new structures that are arising and to accumulate this method into current buildings around the city of Dubai. Intelligent Building is a concept that has been developed recently. Starting out in the US, this concept has established itself in many major countries such as the US, UK and many more. Basically, the concept behind this method was to create a system that will allow humans to remain in their comfort zones, along with controllability of the state-of-the-art technology. For example, a person would go into their room in a hotel and the computer would recognize the occupant. Then according to the calculations of the occupants current body heat, the air conditioner level is adjusted. There are many other advanced features like those and it is also manually adjustable by the occupant. Unfortunately, the costs of these projects and initiations are too overpriced since there is a certain lack of architects and engineers that are experienced in this field of work. Since there is a lack of resources, the cost of bringing these people to the city and paying them to implement their concepts of sustainability can be difficult. Also, in the current market conditions, many people will seek the opposite of this idea of involving these people since not only will it be expensive to bring them to the city and to supply them with the necessary materials, but it mean that construction and labor costs will be increased since it requires more depth. In an interview with Shirish Patel, he speaks about the unaccounted usage of water bottles and plastic bags in the country. He says that they should eliminate the amount of water bottles around the city and/or keep them exclusive to hotels and restaurants. These water bottles are unnecessarily being filled up in land fills around the city. One of the main reasons that people do not recycle is because there is no external power that requires them to do it. For example, although it is not a national law, states such as New York and Seattle enforce fines on citizens who throw away certain recyclable items. If Dubai implements such laws towards the residents of the city, Emiratis and Foreigners, then the amount of wasted recyclable items would drastically reduce. Also, the usage of plastic bags should drastically be reduced. Implementation of paper bags or the new concept of jute bags should be added in the supermarkets and other bazaars. Enthusiasm Star, a company that has specialized with jute bags in Dubai has introduced these concepts to big supermarkets such as Carrefour, Hyperpanda and other major supermarkets in the city. There are many other ways to conserve energy in Dubai but I do believe that the city is making some form of an effort to make itself a more environmentally friendly location . 3rd Paragraph In 2007, Enthusiasm Star Ltd. began an initiation to bring a product that was interesting and reusable at the same time. Jute bags were, and in some areas, is a popular trend of the Indian community. Pradeep Parmar, the Managing Director of Enthusiasm Star Ltd., says he had seen this trend for many years of his life in India. When he realized what waste plastic bags can do to environment, he decided to implement these bags to the market in Dubai. He had penetrated the strongest market available, the supermarkets. Instead of supplying the bags himself, he had pitched the idea to major supermarket brands such as Carrefour and has had many successful deals with this new concept. Today, many people use these bags as they completely reusable and quite efficient. Viewing this trend emerge in the market, many other brands, such as Gulf News, the leading newspaper company in the UAE, began giving free jute bags with a subscription of their magazine to promote the idea of conservation. If the UAE does continue to move forward in this fashion, they could be well off as a more conservative country. Although, Dubai could do much more to bring their city and the name of the country to a more sustainable and conservative location. Numerous opportunities have arisen to create a more eco-friendly society. Hotels in the UAE are quite sustainable in the current times but there could be more to help that. For example, when a new occupant checks into their room, the in-room refrigerator should be kept off unless the occupant should choose so. By doing this, the hotel will eliminate the usage of valuable electricity. Also, the bulbs in the room should be replaced with fluorescent lights to help conserve the energy. Another idea could be to refurbish the entire hotel with the Intelligent Building concept. If current and upcoming hotels would install this concept, then they would see a dramatic increase of media attention, which could boost up their sales. Since this concept is fairl y new and has been tested in the US, the hotels would be likely to assess the pros and cons of installing this new technology. It would save a lot of energy which could then be implemented in other areas of the city. Besides hotels, Dubai could also conserve energy by reduction of cars in the city. Currently, Dubai has installed eleven Metro stations around the city while thirty-six are still under construction. Once all of these stations open up, then the need of cars would be unnecessary. This would reduce the amount of petrol that is being used and the pollution that the cars are causing toward the city. Along with transportation, many people would like to ride bicycles in and around the city but there is not proper walkway or lanes around the city to implement this. If there are lanes for cyclers around Dubai, then the amount of people driving would also drastically reduce. More than the transportation that should be changed, it should be the infrastructure. Buildings around Dub ai are one of the most un-efficient and pro-wastage and they should be changed. For example, buildings should be refitted with the Intelligent Building concept and/or they should be able to conserve energy with other methods. Some other methods could be to implement recycling stations in each building. Also it should be made that the inhabitants and/or workers should be fined if they do not comply with the recycling law. Some other methods could be to conserve power in the buildings at all costs. For example, buildings such as office buildings use lights during the daytime, which uses quite a bit of energy. Many offices have windows all around the floor, so natural light is able to provide enough for the inhabitants to work during the daytime. For offices with deeper spaces, the new technology of fiber optics can help pipe in natural light to those certain office spaces. Along with the improvements of lighting in buildings, the air conditioning could be another factor. Since the air conditioning is another factor in energy conserving, the option of natural wind should be an alternative. During the winter months, the cool air should be collected and stored to be kept for the months when the heat is most unbearable. Unfortunately, since the winter months are too less in this region of the world, this option could be unsuccessful. If this option is unavailable, then energy conserving air conditioners should be implemented. By this, it means that the A/C would run for some time until the room is cool, and then switches off. All of these ideas have been outlined by Shirish Patel during the interview that was conducted. If Dubai is able to continue to sustain itself in the energy conserving world, and try to implement some of the ideas that are mentioned above, then the city is sure to be recognized not only for the amazing architecture and tourist locations, but also for the environmentally sustainability that they have been trying to accomplish. Dubai could soon b e well off known as one of the most sustainable cities of our time. Conclusion Dubai has been known as one of most carbon footprint cities in the world in 2005 and since then the city has been trying to do everything it can to eliminate that title. Dubai, also known as the concrete jungle of the Desert, has been on its way to create and break milestones and records. But with all this construction and developed going along in progress, the downturn is that they have not been paying attention at the sustainability of the buildings and other major factors in the city. Some examples are the unaccredited buildings in the city, the current Metro transportation system, the inefficiency of the cars in the city and the lack of residential facilities such as lanes for bicycling and walking. These only some of the problems around Dubai. However, Dubai has been doing its part toward the community by implementing some of the major sustainability concepts into the most known buildings in the city, such as the Burj Khalifa and the Emirates Towers. Shirish Patel, an architect who has been living in the UAE for more than fifteen years, has experienced the positives and negatives of living and working in the country and watching this expansion grow over time. In an interview conducted with him, he had outlined the necessary measures for Dubais sustainability towards their expansions overall. He suggested that Dubai introduce improvements to buildings and landmarks all over the city, and the efficiency of the citys transportation systems. For example, he suggested that people should reduce the amount spent in cars and the government should request the residents to use other transportation means such as the newly developed Metro system and other basic transportation systems such as the bicycles and walking. He also suggested that the government create lanes for cyclists in the Dubai to roam around more freely than they actually do. Other basic improvements were that supermarkets should change their methods of using plastic bags to simple paper bags and/or ju te bags. Pradeep Parmar, founder and owner of Enthusiasm Star Ltd., has helped introduce the jute bag system in the UAE in an effort to reduce the amount of plastic bags that are being used in and around Dubai. Many of these ideas for sustainability are able to be enforced by the general public in the UAE and if they could help initiate a more green and sustainable lifestyle in the UAE, specifically in Dubai, then the city is bound to receive more and more support from countries which have already implemented many of these ideas into their own cities. So, the question remains: Over the recent years, has Dubai evolved to a more sustainable and eco-friendly city? I believe that the city has not become fully sustainable and eco-friendly but they have been implementing an effort to do so.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Aesthetic Music Educatin and the Influence of Bennett Reimer Essay
An explicit concept since the late 1950s, aesthetic education first developed to provide a strong philosophical foundation for music education and continues to evolve as a solid theoretical orientation for current effective practices. Bennett Reimer has contributed much to the discussion and development of the value of aesthetic education for the teaching and learning of music. Others in music education also support and promote these ideals and focus on developing an improved understanding for music educators. Some scholars oppose the principles of an aesthetic education, recently demonstrated by David Elliott who favors a praxial philosophy of music education centered on musical performance. The work of Reimer shows an influence of these thinkers and illustrates the essential benefits of a professional emphasis on aesthetics, the branch of philosophy especially devoted to studying the value of the arts. With guidance from aesthetics, music educators better understand the value of music and its fundamental role within the school curriculum. With its introduction, aesthetic education provided an understanding of authentic fundamental characteristics of music not previously discussed and encouraged an articulation of those ideas into relevant objectives for teaching and learning. The appearance of Basic Concepts in Music Education (ed. Nelson B. Henry, 1958) and the college text Foundations and Principles of Music Education (Charles Leonard and Robert W. House, 1959) promoted the acceptance of an aesthetic-based philosophy as a guiding theoretical foundation. These significant resources encouraged individuals to put their previous intuitions into effective practice using a shared, progressive concept of musical experience and learning. Many music educators embraced aesthetic education (and continue to do so) because it reinforced the validity of music study in the school curriculum for reasons intrinsic to the art itself. Reimer emphasizes that we (as music educators) need not establish discipleship to one particular person or point of view of aesthetic education. The ideal of â€Å"Music Education as Aesthetic Education†(MEAE) does not exist as a particular collection of fixed certainties; it supports the attitude that philosophical truths develop and transform as we advance and verify new ideas. Many sources (books, journals, articles, etc.) provide the insig... ...le, J. Scott and Marie McCarthy. â€Å"Music Education Philosophy: Changing Times,†Music Educators Journal, 89:1 (September 2002): 19-26. Reimer, Bennett. â€Å"Putting Aesthetic Education to Work,†Music Educators Journal, 59 (September 1972): 29-33. Reimer, Bennett. â€Å"Music Education as Aesthetic Education: Past and Present,†Music Educators Journal, 75 (February 1989): 22-8. Reimer, Bennett. â€Å"Music Education as Aesthetic Education: Toward the Future,†Music Educators Journal, 75 (March 1989): 26-32. Reimer, Bennett. â€Å"Essential and Nonessential Characteristics of Aesthetic Education,†Journal of Aesthetic Education, 25:3 (Fall 1991): 193-214. Reimer, Bennett. â€Å"David Elliott’s â€Å"New†Philosophy of Music Education: Music for Performers Only,†Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, 128 (Spring 1996): 59-89. Reimer, Bennett. A Philosophy of Music Education, 3rd edition, (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2003). Schwadron, Abraham. â€Å"Some Thoughts on Aesthetic Education,†Music Educators Journal, 56:2 (October 1969): 35-6, 79, 81-5. Schwadron, Abraham. â€Å"Are We Ready for Aesthetic Education,†Music Educators Journal, 60:2 (October 1973): 37-9, 87-9.
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