Saturday, August 31, 2019
Global warming and people going green Essay
The natural environment is the home of all living and non living organisms. Natural resources are available to human beings without clear cut boundaries in the natural air, water and climate. Natural environment has a source of energy, radiation and electric charge and all these are not as an influence of human activity but by the existing nature of our planet. It is the vast creation that makes man enjoy and take pleasure and therefore needs to engage in preserving and enhancing the natural environment. Great challenges have faced our natural and original environment and consequently destruction, pollution, and loss of life has been seen to occur through the influence of human activity. Pollution in the air, water, and in the environment in general has been evident through the combustion of fuels and other non recyclable material. Water, land and air have not been conserved and this poses a great danger on the existing ecosystem. Man’s interferance has threatened the existence of species and has led to some of them being endangered or extinct. This is a direct impact that shows that man has had disrespect of biodiversity and ecosystems in which human beings and other living organisms depend on. Human’s activities have been linked to be an environments big challenge. The release of carbon dioxide from green houses has been on focus as this is a human and natural environments interaction with gases has caused climate change. These strong concerns are associated to greenhouse gases that cause climate change. Global warming has been associated to the rise in the temperature on the earth’s air and oceans. Large heat capacity on oceans have caused the sea level to rise and cause extreme weather changes. As a result of such environmental concerns various governments have signed the Kyoto protocol so that they can plan on reducing green house emission. http://www. globalissues. org/EnvIssues/GlobalWarming. asp It is important at this juncture for man to understand that he has a direct influence to the changes that occur on the earth surface and should take caution about them. Climate may change but not exclusively by atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide from green houses. The attribution of global warming can be linked to the industrial era where man has been vigorous in their activity and have had no knowledge on the impact they have to the natural environment. The absorption of atmospheric gases contributes to warming the lower atmosphere and surface of the planet. During the absorption and emission process of infrared radiation warming occurs. (Weart 2003). Water vapour, carbon dioxide gas, methane and ozone are the major green house gases responsible for the warming effects. This is attributed by increased human activity in the industrial revolution such as agriculture, green houses, motor industries among others, deforestation. One among the greatest human activities that have markedly increased gas emission is the burning of fossils. Use of fossil fuel is hence seen to be contributing factor with such fossil fuel reserves increasing their emissions through the increased and extensive use of coal and tar sands. Evaporated water forms gas in to the atmosphere and as a result more water evaporates and hence there is more effect than due to carbon emissions alone. From the clouds, emitted infrared radiation exerts a warming effect and when they reflect sunlight they emit infrared radiations that have a cooling effect. (Weart 2003). Temperatures were relatively stable before 1850 but gradual increase in sea temperature than on land is a natural phenomenon. Land has an effective heat capacity as compared to the oceans which loose heat more readily. Forest clearing and Asian rice irrigation are human influences that William Ruddiman argued that global climate was influenced by these activities. http://www. skepticism. net/global_warming Global warming results to global retreat and sea level rise. The increase in global temperatures can lead also to arctic shrinkage and marked pattern changes in the rainfall. As a result flood or draughts are a common effect of the global warming. These are extreme weather events. Death of animals and vastly the destruction is very enormous. Floods and drought seasons cause low agricultural yield as survival of plants is so compromised and the life of animals is at stake with increase in diseases. With such calamities, adverse health effects, displacement and extreme economic losses destabilize the normal life of the people on planet earth. http://www. skepticism. net/global_warming Human activity have great repercussions on their life with the possible reduction of ozone layer and occurrence of hurricanes and other oceanic interferences that make favourable, the spread of malaria and dengue fever. With political and social debates going on, poor regions such as Africa risk the effects of global warming. The developed world and especially the western part have accepted the idea that human influence is the major influence to climate change. Various nations now weigh the benefit that would result when industrial emissions are limited against the cost they would incur when they adopt new changes. For the sake of regaining back the natural environment, alternative energy sources should be embraced and given chance for observation. Vigorous campaigns that teach on the effect of global activities and emphasize on adaption of stricter measures that would reduce gas emission should receive support worldwide. India and china have a lot of carbon dioxide emissions and the U. S. as well. However, worthwhile ideas and dedications have been recorded in the U. S which is willing to bear the cost and reduce its carbon emission. http://www. globalissues. org/EnvIssues/GlobalWarming. asp Many changes are bound to be realised with the daily effects related to global warming. There is so much uncertainty about other warming signs that may be associated to human activity and resulting to temperature increase. Vector borne diseases are bound to increase due to the migration of the insects from the north regions and especially due to the effect of the warmth increase. As it was recorded in 2004 and 2005, disastrous hurricanes were attributed to the warmer waters on the ocean and no one can anticipate if they will frequent or be stronger as they hit the regions. (Leroux 2005) As a result of global warming serious draughts will have people suffer and especially Africa and in Europe. In general, the effects of global warming can drain the economy at a country as they try to rebuild damaged infrastructure, cure diseases and try to manage such environmental conflicts. Though global warming has been attributed to other activities that do not relate to man, the major intervention by man would be to deal with those that are in their control. Solar variations, volcanic eruptions, orbital forcing, glacier retreats and disease vectors may be associated be causative agents to increased temperature. But a critical look at it lives the question, Should man be ignorant of his activities on the earth? http://www. canadafreepress. com/2007/global-warming020507. html Man should be at the fore front, looking for solutions rather than justifying their non- contribution to the global warming. Small and large scale preventive measures can be put in place to help prevent further harm and create a better place for our children to live in. Without green house emissions temperature would be bearable and more hospitable. Use of fossil fuels used to run cars, heat homes and businesses should be under check so that co2 concentration is reduced. In this breath, use of gas, petrol and diesel as used in petroleum products should be reduced. In the same way that man has been able to affect the planet, they should be able to effect change through change of practise. They should make use of fuel-efficient cars, reduce travel errands, and use alternative means of transport like walking or simply working from the house. At home, one should aim at using energy saving appliances and lighting materials. A great deal of deforestation, industrial activities, mining and agricultural increase has led to gas emission. As a strategy, trees should be planted and deforestation stopped. Deciduous trees should be planted as they contribute to removing 50 pounds of carbon from the air annually. Industrialization should be minimized and compost pits made for waste disposal such as leaves. Ignorance about global warming should be a forgone phenomenon and man should wake up to the call of rebuilding the already damaged environment. Air, water systems and the environment have degraded and the issue at hand is to progress and reverse the erosion that has already taken place. It is of paramount concern, that man should not take chances to involve themselves in activities that compromise the global call to preventing global warming. The risks involved in global warming are far stretching and the effects can be felt for a lifetime. As per the United Nations millennium development goals, solving the environmental problem will be regarded as eradicating poverty. Mankind should aim to reduce fossil fuel imports and preserve the ecosystem through increased awareness campaigns that address the climate change issue. Citizens and companies should embrace anti pollution and global warming prevention measures. (Pringle 2001) Policies at local and national level should be put in operation so that individual activities are governed and implemented at state level. Why would man not be willing to make a better place for him and generations to come? The major step to understand that preventing carbon emission is one of the cheapest interventions that man can use to stop the menace. Invention in new technology of cars and major power plants should have a second thought on the implication it has the future. All in all man should through habitual practice, save energy and have another alternative to use of fossil fuels. In 1990 to 19995, El Nino was a pressure release that was linked to global warming. Heavy rains pounded and several thousand displaced by floods. Death of human and of livestock marked the season. Beside such weather events hurricanes have claimed life, caused destruction and economic loss. http://www. globalissues. org/EnvIssues/GlobalWarming. asp Why would man be willing to risk more? It is the duty of all man to carry aggressive campaigns and appreciate the fact that they caused it to happen and they can make it change for better. With dedication and motivation, such catastrophes can be long forgotten as they work on towards one goal of preventing global warming and restoring the degraded environment. Its effects are disastrous but our control is the way forward. Works Cited Ball T. Global Warming, humans, Carbon Dioxide. The Cold, Hard Facts. Retrieved from; http://www. canadafreepress. com/2007/global-warming020507. htm on Friday, April 11, 2008
Friday, August 30, 2019
Closed-circuit television (CCTV) Case Study Essay
1. INTRODUCTION Remember! smile ,when you are walking along a major street because you are recorded by a Closed-circuit camera. While walking along the street ,glanced up and you will probably see cameras glaring back at you. Perhaps that you cannot see them, but they are there. Have you ever bump your head and immediately after looked around to see if anyone was watching at you? That has happened to almost everybody, but as majority does not see such action or we might say as incident. However, CCTV or Closed-circuit television have got them clearly recorded. According to Wikipedia , Closed-circuit television (CCTV) is the use of video cameras to transmit a signal to a specific place ,on a limited set of monitor . Marie Van Brittan Brown was the inventor of the CCTV camera. Nowadays, we are not only depending only on security personnel but also electronic devices. State-of-the-art and effective CCTV cameras are one of the benefits of the advances of technology in the enhancement of security . Closed-circuit televisions are often seen in universities, businesses, stations , shops and even government institution in order to provide video surveillance and deter crime. A British Home Office promotional booklet , CCTV: Looking Out For You (Home Office, 1994), actually states that the technology can be a solution to many problems, such as vandalism, drug use, drunkenness, racial harassment, sexual harassment, loitering and disorderly behaviour (Davis 1999).However , the usage of CCTV monitoring is not without a debate . Even so, I strongly believe that Closed-circuit television (CCTV) should be installed in every single place to combat the increasing theft rate and to protect the masses. 2.THE ADVANTAGES OF CLOSED-CIRCUIT CAMERA 2.1. PREVENT CRIME First of all, CCTV system helps in preventing all kinds of crime. If a crime is committed, the culprit will be eventually caught . By having a closed circuit television at workplace, crimes of stealing and theft robbed from a jewelry store can be trimmed down. This is because if the criminals know that there are cameras then they would be more likely to just move on to an easy target. The clips taken by these cameras serve as a source of evidence to help trace the thieves. For further illustration, the cops in Malaysia and many other developed countries used the videos captured by the Closed-circuit television (CCTV) to trace and successfully catch a group of robbers who broke into a Seven Eleven shop during the midnight. The mere presence of CCTV is enough to reduce the rate of crime in most cases. That is why some businesses will put up a dummy CCTV camera to fool criminally minded individuals into thinking their actions are being monitored, and perhaps, persuade them not to commit the crime. In this manner, the business owner is not only protecting the customers and employees, but is also safeguarding the business. In the event of a crime, a recording of the events can be turned over to the authorities to aid their investigations. 2.2 KEEP RECORD Furthermore, the clips captured by a CCTV camera system are often recorded and stored into a database. These are helpful in maintaining records so that they can be easily retrieved later when needed. As an example, sometimes the employees are required to handle some annoyed customers. When having a face-to-face interaction with frustrated customer, the situation can put the employee in physical danger. Hence, the installation of CCTV cameras may help the employees escape from this situation as the customers know very well that their conversations are recorded by the CCTV . In the event of an argument, the video which had been recorded can be used to determine what actually took place so that further actions can then be taken. In short, these cameras can help to provide some form of protection to the workers against the customers. 2.3 MONITORING TRAFFIC Looking from another perspective, CCTV is also used for monitoring traffic by local or state roadways authorities to manage the traffic flows and providing an advice concerning traffic congestion .Road traffic control involves directing vehicle and pedestrian traffic around a construction zone or other road disruption , thus the government installed a Closed-circuit television by the roadside to ensure the safety of emergency response teams, construction workers and also the general public. Speeding is a big problem that can cause some serious injuries. The government is now putting up cameras at stoplights to protect people from traffic violators. More than sixty cities in the U.S are using traffic cameras at busy intersections. Now, when a person runs a red light, or drives unreasonably fast through an intersection, they can expect a traffic citation. By installing these cameras, people are more likely to drive safe; this will inevitably lead to fewer accidents at some of the busiest intersections-it could even save lives. When one knows there are cameras around they are less likely to do something that might get them into trouble. 2.4 AVOID VIOLENCE IN SCHOOL On the other hand , CCTV might also avoid violence and bullying in schools. The headmister or the headmistress would be able to see what actually happens in the classroom and he or she would be able to interfere in critical situations. In the past we had some very sad stories of students who used guns against their teachers and classmates. We all will never forget the tragedies of Columbus and Erfurt, where many people died. Only last year a 17-year-old German killed 16 students, teachers and inhabitants of a small town near Stuttgard. If cameras had been installed in the classrooms of the school , I very sure that this sad cases would not happen and many people would have survived . 2.5 LAW ENFORCEMENT CCTV is used by law enforcement in public places, such as at traffic lights, to serve as a deterrent to those who might be tempted to break traffic laws. Those who violate traffic laws are identified and soon receive a ticket in the mail due to the presence of the CCTV cameras which record their car registration numbers. CCTV records car accidents and monitors traffic jams. CCTV is also beneficial to law enforcement in increasing personnel efficiency by decreasing the number of officers on the beat due to the fact that CCTV cameras are â€Å"patrolling†some areas, especially in places like the subway, airport and train station. CCTV can help in the prevention of lawsuits by recording the actual sequence of events involving a customer and an establishment. Some customers might claim that an employee attacked them physically while they might have initiated the attack and the employee was only being defensive. In another scenario, a customer might deliberately spill some liquid on the ground, pretend to fall, and claim that it was there due to the company’s negligence. A CCTV recording will sort things out. 3. THE DISADVANTAGES OF CLOSED-CIRCUIT CAMERA 3.1. NO GUARANTEE WILL CATCH ANY CRIME UNWANTED As the after way of discuss the advantages , there are also the disadvantages of the Closed-circuit television.CCTV is usually not able to display every square inch of a business or facility. Even if the cameras are positioned correctly, there is no guarantee that the cameras will catch any crime or unwanted behavior done on the property. These cameras can sometimes be thwarted by covering them up or by sticking a piece of chewing gum on the lenses. Someone who is familiar with the property may still be able to get around the surveillance and avoid getting caught. If the cameras are positioned incorrectly, the high traffic areas of the facility will not be shown on camera. In this case, much of the behavior that the CCTV cameras are designed to detect will not be captured on tape. 3.2. NO MANAGE TO RECORD THE TIME Along with the increased amount of cameras in public areas,CCTV security cameras are now being used in the office to monitor the staff. This is enable management to record how long the staff are taking their breaks and if they are going anything that could be considered inappropriate. This offen seen as an infringement of civil liberties, especially as there is possibility that, depending where management place the cameras, they could abuse their power. 4.CONCLUSION As a conclusion , CCTV cameras are essential and therefore should be installed in every premise . This is chiefly to shield oneself from being harmed by any intruders or robbers . Admittedly , privacies are lost with the use of these cameras . In the Slate magazine of America state that:†We Need More Cameras , And We Need Them Now!’ After the Boston Marathon Bombing Cases that happen on 15 april 2013 . However , one must realize that safety is of paramount importance compared to privacy and prevention is always better than suffering from the consequences . Nonetheless , safety should be put first in order to be safe . Surveillance cameras can be very useful. They aren’t here to spy on our private lives; they are here to protect our private lives. They catch the bad guys; they catch the drunk drivers and get them off the streets; they save businesses from bad employees and shoplifters, and most of all, they protect the right to a safe, better environment for all of us. RESOURCE . ,retrieved 13july2013 . ,retrieved 12july2013 . , retrieved 15july2013 . , retrieved 20july2013
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Adults with Learning Difficulties Essay
â€Å"People with Learning Difficulties are unique individuals with their own likes and dislikes, history and opinions. They have the same rights as everybody else†To begin my assignment I will be discussing the history of social exclusion in relation to people with l’earning difficulties/disabilities . I will then outline process of Social work and in particular I will be focusing on intervention and how intervention has been used in relation to my chosen case study. In addition to this I will pay attention to a number of key issues in relation to society’s views on people with Learning Difficulties. I will also be discussing what Laws, Policies and Practices have been implemented to protect people with learning difficulties from oppression and discrimination and how effective these Laws have actually been in assisting people with Learning Difficulties to live the life they choose to live. During the late 19th century in particular, socially excluding people with learning disabilities was particularly inherent. At the time, those with ‘mental deficiencies’ were regarded as degenerates, and would often be blamed for social problems such as crime and poverty. This in turn led to the removal and institutionalisation of people thought to be ‘feeble minded’ and those referred to as ‘idiots’. Wolf Wolfensberger first published his thoughts about normalisation in 1972, through his works ‘The principle of Normalization in human service’. Wolfensberger argued that many of the problems with the institutions arose from the way in which they were designed and run. The residents of these institutions were treated like numbers rather than individuals, losing their identity and also their dignity. They were often regarded as primitive, uncontrollable and unable to be educated. The basic ideas and aims of the principles of normalisation have aimed to advocate community-based support for people with learning disabilities, whilst moving away from institutionalisation. But one of the most apparent obstacles in achieving this has been the attitude of those in the ‘community’ towards people with learning disabilities. Up to this point Social workers were still using the â€Å"tick box format†when conducting assessments and the medical model of practice was used which resulted in oppression of the service user. It was not until the NHS and community care Act and the community care (Direct Payments) Act was implemented in 1990’s that the attitudes towards people with Learning Difficulties began to improve along with the balance in power between Social Workers and Service Users. Further implementations of legal frameworks, policies and practices such as Valuing People 2001 and the Mental Capacity Act have helped to improve Social Work practice and in turn protect the rights of vulnerable people whilst promoting Anti-Discriminator practice, Social role valorisation and normalisation. Today’s process of Social Work consists of five key stages. These are Assessment, Deciding on outcomes, Planning, Intervention and Evaluation. Inter professional working should be placed centrally throughout all stages of the social work process in order to achieve the best possible outcome for the service user. Once the service users initial assessment has been carried out, decisions can then be made regarding the individuals overall needs and also their eligibility to receive funding for care packages and/or direct payments. Intervention can differ according to setting, but when looking at the intervention process for people with learning difficulties working in partnership and respecting the service user’s expertise is vital when putting agreed plans into action. This aspect of the intervention process can be linked to the exchange model as this approach promotes Anti Discriminatory Practice by empowering the service user to help make decisions about their future wellbeing. It also meets the expectations of the service user that social workers are respecting their expertise. Milner and Obrien 2002) During the intervention process it is the duty of the care manager/social worker to ensure that services provided are meeting the required standards and that the care is co-ordinated successfully to prevent deterioration due to gaps or lapses in care. It is also the responsibility of the care manager to ensure that services users are not excluded from services or receiving care that is of poor quality by constantly checking for discrimination stereotypes and assumptions made during the social work process. It is at this point that the intervention process can be linked with the objectives of Social role Valorisation; the objectives being to prevent people from attaining negative social roles and to promote positive valued roles in the first place. Work to reverse, or at least reduce the impact of existing negative roles and promote positive valued roles. The two key processes od social role valorisation are to enhance the social image of vulnerable people and to enhance their competencies. Social workers are expected to monitor and review intervention lans on a regular basis. Because of this it is vital that these plans can be changed at any time to suit the needs of the individual. When changes are made it is important that other organisations involved are kept up to date with these changes to ensure that the plan remains co-ordinated and effective. Although this theory of intervention illustrates a person centred approach, there is evidence to suggest that people with learning difficulties are still being failed by society due to standardisation and computerisation which can also be known as the â€Å"tick box format†. There are also many instances where there is an incorrect assessment of finances during the initial assessment process, due to the focus on resources available rather than needs. This can lead to the service user being denied access to services that they are entitled to. When looking at my case study Gemma, she has successfully been integrated into society after a comprehensive process of assessment, planning and intervention has been completed to form a person centred care package that suits her needs as an individual with profound and multiple learning difficulties, but also as a young woman who is a human being. The implementation of policies such as Valuing People 2001 and Valuing People Now promotes personalisation within society and has given people with Learning Disabilities like Gemma the right to their own independence, choice and inclusion. Also to have the option of appointing an advocate. However, I cannot help but feel that her story of success was down to the sheer determination of her mother, who had to fight for her daughters individual needs to be met. Social Workers and other multi professionals who were involved in assessment of Gemma’s needs obviously felt that she would have benefited from institutionalisation, as it is stated that this was suggested as a future plan on numerous occasions. I cannot help but wonder whether this has been due to professionals focusing on Gemma’s disability rather than focusing on her as a person. Valuing people 2001 states that the role of services is to help people no matter how complexed their disability, to live full and equal lives in their local communities. Although the article states that ideas for Gemma to live as independently as possible were well received and finally implemented, It is also obvious that there have been constant struggles to obtain funding such as direct payments to accommodate Gemma’s visions to live a normal life within her community. Following Wolfensbergers development of Social Role Valorisation, Obrien developed the five service accomplishments, which provided a practical framework to work towards Social Role Valorisation. Obrien suggests â€Å"Each accomplishment supports a vital dimension of human experience which common practice limits for people with severe Learning Disabilities. They challenge and strengthen the relationship between people with disabilities and other community members. (Obrien 1989) Recent articles published on the community care website have suggested that social workers themselves are witnessing the target-driven culture of bureaucracy within councils (just like Gemmas mum experienced ),and are aware that this has created numerous barriers to people with mental health problems gaining access to direct payments. It has been reported that a Social Work Team Manager within Adults with Learning Disabilities actually left her role at Doncaster Council in 2010 because she had encountered these problems and felt that it hindered the intervention process. She has since started up her own Personalisation Forum Group to bring these service users together. The weekly meetings at a community centre now attract 30 regulars, providing support and regular socialising opportunities. I utilise my social work skills to help the group solve the problems that they face; this involves reducing dependency on professionals by highlighting people’s strengths, and encouraging them to think through solutions on their own and with other group members. People describe feeling part of something, like they have some power over their own future and many for the first time can see something positive,†Hicks says. Michelle Lefevre, senior lecturer in social work at the University of Sussex, says it is a â€Å"sad indictment†that Hicks felt she had to leave local authority social work to build such meaningful relationships with users. Not only is local government overly focused on administration rather than spending time with children and families, she says, but problems in social work degree programmes and supervision mean practitioners are not equipped to deal with the emotional dimensions of the job. Overall it is very refreshing to read success stories like Gemma’s as it seems that she is living her live as independently as possible, whilst being supported by a dedicated team of people who are constantly ensuring that she is receiving person centred care and that her wishes remain central. It is my only hope that in the future it will not require a loving parent to fight the rights of a service user and to overcome hurdle after hurdle to receive the funding and care package they are rightful entitled to, but that the service user will be granted access to the services and funding they are eligible for with ease.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Preliminary Research Design Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Preliminary Research Design - Assignment Example However, once a business has been operating for an amount of time, they begin to rely on their customers to help their business continue to strive. Of course, customers are only a small part of the business, but the way that customers are treated will have a direct impact on the way that the business grows. Many businesses understand the relationship of customers to loyalty, but many do not see that it makes much difference in the way they do business. In the old days, there was a phrase that everyone seemed to use: "The customer is always right." But today, this may not be the case for every business. Customer satisfaction will automatically lead to customer loyalty if customers are treated well. Theoretical Framework Most business people understand that the relationship that they build with their customers will either bring them back to the business or make them go to someone else. The most important factor for them to remember is that there is a relationship between customer satis faction and loyalty. The idea of customer satisfaction can be defined in many different ways. ... Some researchers suggest that defining customer satisfaction means that quality of the product is important to customer satisfaction. Although this is one component that points to customer satisfaction, it is not the only one that can be seen in developing this concept. In order to define customer satisfaction, a research must look a several issues that create good customer service. Roethlein and Wicks (2009) suggest that one of those components is quality. Whether it is a product or a service, there are certain elements of quality service that most customers will expect. Customers satisfaction connects to customer loyalty which in turn connects to costumer retention. In each situation, customers are the major part of why a business or service works well and continues to thrive, especially in difficult economic times. According to Dubrovski (as cited in Roethlein and Wicks, 2009), consumer satisfaction is the most important aspect of profit because it is through customer satisfaction that profits are made. In other words, the more satisfied customers are, the more they want to purchase from the company. Kumar, Petersen, and Leone (2010) suggest that when customers are satisfied with a product or service, they will tell other people about it and they will refer them to the business. They devised a formula to decide what customers had the highest value for referrals and applied it to their research. They found that customers who had a high level of referral possibility only needed to have one form of advertising come to them because if they liked the business enough, they would automatically refer people to it. These different theories of how researchers see customer satisfaction makes it difficult to devise a strong independent or dependent variable for what
Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 22
Case Study - Essay Example be 250days with the total cost for the project being only $1,265,556.20 and an estimation of an increase in the total revenue for the company of between 10-12%. In this memo find attached Gantt chart with a time-line for the completion of the project and the critical path. From the attachment, you will also find our estimated activities with the greatest slack while at the same time a description of the sensitivity network with the points with the milestones and a comparison and contrast of Gantt chart versus a network diagram and a comparison with a schedule table. From the critical path analysis of our diagram, it is evident that the activities falling on the critical path include the Market analysis, Product design, Product design selection and Detailed Product design. Additionally, the other activities will include Test prototypes, the Finalized Product design, the Order production equipment and lastly celebrate. Sensitivity has been defined as the likelihood of the critical path remaining stable during the project completion. Network sensitivity is determined by both the amount of slack non-critical activities and the number of different critical paths. From our analysis, it is evident that the network is not very sensitive since there is only one critical path with the free slack ranging from 20 days to 159 days. The different milestones of the project include product design selection and the finalized product design. The fact that product design selection has multiple predecessors and multiple successors makes it a milestone (MilosÃŒÅ'evicÃŒ , 2003). The project design selection facilitates the narrowing down of the various options to pursue the project to work on. One of the major advantages attributed to the schedule table is its ability to clearly show the total time for the completion of the project and the fact that it clearly indicates the times for late start, late finish, and free slash of each (Timmreck, 2003). The main disadvantage attributed to
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
How Did Guns in Parks Happen Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
How Did Guns in Parks Happen - Assignment Example If he is younger, he might shoot because he thinks it’s only a toy gun. Many families and children go to parks. They may be hurt because of this boy. Ms. Ditmer said in the article – â€Å"Since 1983, firearms taken to national parks had to be unloaded, dismantled and locked in glove compartments or trunks. Before that, they weren’t allowed at all.†President Ronald Reagan signed this national park regulation in 1983. This is a good law. I think if people have guns, they should not bring the guns into the park. Many people are responsible. They will not use the gun in a bad way. But, if they have a gun, they will feel powerful. Sometimes some people fight about a nice picnic spot. Sometimes teenagers play games and hit other people. The people become angry. I think an angry person cannot control his actions. If he has a gun, he will be a threat to other people. Some people think guns will protect them from bad people and wild animals. Park Rangers protect people from bad people and wild animals. They have training so they can do their job safe. Ordinary people should not do the park rangers job. They don’t have the park rangers’ training. The writer has an example in her article. The campers in the example were very lucky. The shooter made 9 shots. One shot may hit any camper. Ms. Ditmer assumes law-abiding citizens think guns are possible disasters. Maybe and maybe not. There is a law. It says it’s okay to bring guns to the parks. A law-abiding citizen and he likes guns will not think the gun is a disaster. He will be happy. He can bring his favorite thing on a picnic or a stroll. NPCA Associate Director says maybe not many people will visit the parks anymore. Maybe and maybe not. Many people like parks. Some parks are tourist spots. Maybe the new gun law will not stop them.
Monday, August 26, 2019
The Analysis Of The Economic Activity Of The USA Essay
The Analysis Of The Economic Activity Of The USA - Essay Example The gross domestic product in the United States has been valued for the worth of 16800 US billion dollars in the year 2013. The value of the Gross domestic product of the United States includes mainly 27.10 % of the total world economy (Sexton, 2007). The United States is considered as the most technologically advanced and diversified economies of the world. Insurance, rental, leasing, health care, educational services, busiThe ness, real estate and finance contribute to around 40 % of the GDP. The retail and the wholesale sector contribute to around 12 % of the total GDP of United States. The government and the related services contribute to around 13 % of the total GDP of United States (Czinkota and Ronkainen, 2007). The agriculture sector contributes to around 1.5 % of the total GDP of the United States. When the Gross Domestic product of United States is compared with the other countries in the rest of economy it has been observed that US is considered as the most technologically advanced country when compared with the other countries of the world. The business firms of United States generally experiences and enjoys greater flexibility as compared to its counterparts in Japan and Europe (McEachern, 2008). The GDP of United States when compared with Japan can be explained by the fact that the worth of the Gross domestic product of Japan is 4901 billion US dollar in the year 2013. Japan contributes around 7.90 % whereas in case of United States it contributes around 27.10 % of the total world economy. The difference in the GDP of United States and Japan can be explained with the help of the following diagram (Gottheil, 2013).
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Warehousing and Inventory Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Warehousing and Inventory Management - Essay Example Traditional warehousing and inventory management processes need to be replaced with modern automated electronic systems to remain competitive. The process of warehouse and inventory management involves recording and tracking of materials on a quantity and value basis (Tompkins, J.A. and Smith, J.D., 1998). Warehousing and inventory management includes all the process for planning, entry, and documentation of goods movements. Warehouse Management Processes cover warehouse-internal movements and storage of materials. Planning a new warehouse requires some basic decisions. Before starting planning you need to increase available space to its optimum level by using some basic common sense such as getting rid of any junk equipment or goods that is not required to be stored, using JIT deliveries and shorter runs to reduce inventories and use of racks (Tompkins, J.A. and Smith, J.D., 1998, David E. Mulcahy, 1993). All successful warehouse layouts must accomplish the following objectives, regardless of material being stored: Warehouse space planning should be done keeping in mind the nature of inventory. For example you have to design deep rows if your warehouse is intended to store large quantities of few SKUs and you need to plan shallow rows with many faces if you are going to store small quantities of many SKUs. Planning aisle width depends on your decisions such as the type of trucks you will be using and priority among time and space. Aisle width should be according to width of lift trucks used, it should allow free movements of truck. Planning Rows: Planning rows also depends upon the size of lift trucks used. Space between rows should allow a free movement while saving space. Planning Docks: You should take extra care for planning docks as these are busiest part of warehouse operation. Number and placing of the docks depends upon the estimation of how many lift trailers will be handled and of what sizes. Following figure (source: Askin and Standridge) shows a basic ideal lay out: Systematic Layout Planning It is a manual design methodology developed by Muther (Richard Muther, 2004). Following diagram shows various steps of a systematic layout planning: The basic steps of this method are: Data collection (type of goods, Quantity of each product to be produced, Routing for each product, and the Schedule of delivery) and Flow Analysis to identify in and out of goods. It considers quantity of material flow, as well as overall flow lines that could be better in the implementation of departments. Quantitative analysis: analysis of quantifiable factors such as flow costs. Quantitative analysis is done using relationship diagrams. Relationship Diagram: these diagrams are used to quantify relation between source and various destination of delivery. It combines quantitative and qualitative analysis. Relationship diagrams are used for efficient layout planning (Maida Napolitano, 2003). Relationship diagram is the quantitative matrix containing the level of interaction
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis - Essay Example Examples of these contradictory human traits abound throughout the novel. George believed in material possessions as definitions of his worth, but his discontent with them is evident thus: He hadn't even any satisfaction in the new water cooler! And it was the very best of water coolers,..(p. 26 Chp. 3). His weakness regarding attempts to stop smoking is frequently portrayed, with little plans to thwart himself, such as locking his cigars in a filing cabinet and hiding the key, and his many promises to quit. After his Maine vacation, he had to leave the train to buy a cigar, then later our days later, he again remembered that he had stopped smoking, but he was too busy catching up with his office work to keep it remembered.(p. 116 Chp. 12) When he found himself accepted as a good orator, at the real estate convention, he was full of bombastic pride, but also a simple pleasure in having his ability so recognized. guess some of the folks on Floral Heights will sit up and take notice now, pay a little attention to old Georgie!(p.128 Chp. 13) There is much endearing boyishness in his enthusiasms and frequent attempts to improve in many areas of his life. His continuing success as an orator has something sadly nostalgic about it, as Babbitt harks back to his unfulfilled desire to have been a lawyer. His snobbery and social climbing were evident when, after the alumni reunion, he and Mrs. Babbitt gave a disastrous dinner party for the rich McKelveys. He rationalized the fact that these people would not be their friends by telling his wife ut I like to have a chance to visit with you and the children instead of all this idiotic chasing around.(p. 152 Chp. 15). hey did not speak of the McKelveys again.and these words were applied to the Overbrooks, whom the Babbitts considered beneath them, again after an awkward dinner. Both instances demonstrated the good and bad in Babbitt's character and values. Love and loyalty were shown where Paul Reisling was concerned. Babbitt defended his friend, managed a week of freedom for him from his nagging wife, Zilla and rushed to the prison after Paul shot her. 'm not going to be moral, I just want to do anything I can.(p. 204, Chp. 22) He even offered to perjure himself to get Paul his freedom. With his family, although he found them hard to tolerate, Babbitt showed concern always for their well-being and futures. He spent time with Tinka and Myra and never ignored Ted or Verona, despite their annoying him. When he changed radically in his attempts to break away from his conventional life, he seemed to embrace all that was opposite to his previous character, drinking, dancing, having the affair, and criticizing his old friends. But he showed kindness, loyalty and love when Myra got sick, and returned to being the character first portrayed at the beginning of the novel. There was a depth of self-awareness in the handling of Ted's youthful marriage and desire to leave university. His reactions and advice to his son showed him as an empathetic and even likable character, despite what is known about him. 've never done a single thing I've wanted to in my whole life! I don't know's I've accomplished anything except just get along....Take your factory job if you want to...Don't be scared...of yourself, like I've been. Go ahead old man! The world is yours!(p. 305 Chp. 34) In
Friday, August 23, 2019
Measles outbreak Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Measles outbreak - Essay Example The unvaccinated women from California transmitted the virus in theme parks and Airports (Gastaà ±aduy, et al., 2014). The State Health departments from Colorado, California, Washington, and Utah have confirmed cases of an extremely contagious strain of measles. These cases, taken together, they would account for about 12% of all measles cases reported in United States over the last one year. The Centre for Disease Control, (CDC) projects that there are about 220 cases of measles reported per annum (Gahr, et al., 2014). According to the CDC, Measles is the most deadly of all childhood fever or rash diseases. Measles is a virus that inhabits the throat and nose of all the people that are infected and causes a rash, fever, coughing and red eyes. Although, there is a vaccine, an anti-vaccination movement has gained momentum in the United States despite the increased debunking and criticism of the movements claims (Jin, 2015). On January 7th, 2015, the California’s Department of Public Health believes that, in December, the individual infected with measles was residing in Disneyland Theme Park. The person unknowingly infected other people at the theme park (Zipprich, et al., 2015). According to LA Times, at that time, among the people infected with Measles was unvaccinated traveller in her 20s. On 28th December, while at the Theme Park the woman became sick and contagious. From there, she flew from Orange County to Washington State, Snohomish County, and then returned to Orange County, on January 3rd. Four days later, on January 7th, health officials in California announced an outbreak of measles (Jin, 2015). Measles viruses are contagious; they can live up to two hours on the surfaces of the infected people, transmitting it through sneezes and coughs (Whitaker & Poland, 2014). The CDC states that Measles is a highly contagious virus that 90% of the unvaccinated people close to the sick person are infected. Although, over 20 Million
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Why Psychologist use the scientific method Essay Example for Free
Why Psychologist use the scientific method Essay The scientific method makes use of a wide range of approaches and is a perspective that is seen better as an overall rather than use of single specific method. The already adopted scientific method initially was founded on the positivism concept. This included the search for descriptive general laws, which natural phenomena could be predicted with. Scientists were able to control the phenomena occurrences once there was possibility of the predictions. Subsequently, the underlying theories and explanations were developed by the scientists. Despite the change that has occurred on the positivist approach, the redefinition of the philosophical science is underway. The basement premises on which it was founded still continue to be on the current research mainstream. One of the major scientific approach requisite is the falsifiability. A theory is termed as been scientific if in its contents are predictions, which can either be falsely or truly demonstrated. Critically, scientific method has been argued to depend on empiricism, that is, data and observation collection (Mayer, 1985, pp. 42) Hypothetical inductive method is commonly involved in the main scientific method. In this, a scientist will begin with a based hypothesis on theory or insight and observation. A hypothesis is said to be statement of tentative belief that is based on judgment of expert researcher. The hypothesis should be subjected to falsification. This is to mean that the scientific researcher must be set up in a way such that the he/she has the ability to make logical conclusion that the hypothesis is either true or false. In many cases, projects of research may give the scientist a room to reject or accept the hypothesis and this will take one for more questions on research (Barker, 2000, pp. 82). Psychologist on their case have developed the interest and employed scientific method in all their researches. They have actually made the use of various scientific steps or approaches. The steps that psychologist use in their research are: identification of the problem and the hypothesis formulation, designing of the experiment under the help of the independent and dependent variables, experimental performance by use of the control group and the experimental group, hypothesis evaluation, that is, replication of data and hypothesis correction, and lastly is the communication of the results. If a researcher effectively follows the above steps, his or her experimental results will be reliable and valid. Some details in relation to the above stated steps are discussed below. In the process of identifying the problem, the psychologist must be having a good idea of the identified problem. He must also be in a position to make intelligent guesses concerning the problem, that is, come up with hypothesis. The problem at hand should imply a theory under which it can be based on the manner that the resulting solution to the problem can rhyme with the existing theories (Nagel Mill, 1996, pp. 2). Some of the scientific methods employed by psychologists include the following. Firstly, are the controlled experiments in performance of the experiments. In this method, it allows the researcher to establish the relationship between the cause and the effects. The experimenter in this method must manipulate one of the variables as the other variable is measured. The variable that is manipulated in this method is known as the independent variable, while the variable being measured is the dependent variable. The extraneous variable helps in manipulation by minimizing it as opposed to other kind of factors. For the true experiment, there is usually the experimental group and the control group. The experimental groups get the treatment that is designed for the study while the control group to the experimental group is identically treated with exceptional treatment of the experiment. By random assignment subjects are therefore assigned to each experimental group. The second method is the correlation method. This one exposes the relations that are predictable among given variables which are not within the experimenter’s control. The direction and the strength of the two variable relationship is referred to as correlation coefficients. In this method, it is important to note the correlation does not imply causation. Thirdly are the case studies. This method looks deeply on to a single individual study. Fourthly is the archival approach. They usually make the use records of novel, existing information and documents. Additionally, it may involve the use naturalistic observation. Under this method near natural or natural conditions are used to explore the population (Mayer, 1985, pp. 47). Elsewhere, the experimental process may involve the case histories method. This method describes the unusual conditions or person under study. The last method is the use of questionnaires and surveys about attitudes and opinions. Under survey, the attitude and opinions are based on response of the person on predetermined specific questions. Adequate and carefully determined sample on which the questions are based must be used (Peterson Tremblay, 1999, pp. 23). Due to the fact that scientific method works with the research approach rather than the research content, disciplines are not termed as scientific due to their content but because of their observation and data dependency, ideas of their falsifiability and the testing of the hypothesis. Therefore, scientific research legally involves the study of the intelligence, attitudes and other human behaviors which are complex. Despite the fact that the tools psychologists uses to measure the behavior of human may not give similar degree of precision like the one given by other sciences, it may not be precise to establish the scientific discipline status but rather the mechanism by which ideas will be tested and generated (Wolfe, 1992, pp. 206). When a researcher repeats the work that was done by another researcher, this may lead the research to be replicated, that is, the researchers must get the same results of a similar research done by the other researchers. This is a quality of scientific research that must exist. In reporting on their findings of the research, psychologist tries to give explanations and descriptions concerning how their discoveries have been made. On a similar note, other psychological researchers who carry out the same study must replicate on the previous results got by the other psychological researcher. After a research is done and replication is observed, psychologists will come up with a theory and translate it into hypothesis that is precise (Peterson Tremblay, 1999, pp. 9). When conducting a research, psychologists usually use operational definitions to assists in definition of concepts which are of interest. The term sampling is often used to describe the process of coming up with few number of the subjects of study out of the big population. The sampling procedures are used because it is not possible or practicable in the whole population to study all the subjects. There are different kinds of the samples that psychologists might use in relation to the kind of the study they are carrying out. These include: representative sample, convenience sample, random sample, and cross culture sample. The cross culture sample is used to have the external validity improved. One major drawback in the use of sampling method by the psychologist is that it tends to be biased at times. The psychologist researcher may lead to what we call experimenter bias when making the use of sampling procedures. The experimenter bias will result in the case where the researcher distorts the results or the procedures of experiment in study in which relation to the outcomes are known. Blinding procedures conceals the experimental hypothesis when used from the subject and this in most cases is referred to as single blind, while from the experiment and the subject are referred to as double blind (Wolfe, 1992, pp. 187). In their data analysis, psychologist normally uses the following measures to analyze their data. Firstly, the descriptive statistics are the mathematical summaries of the research results. Under descriptive statistics, measures of the central tendencies for a normal distribution are employed. These measures include the mean, median and the mode. Secondly are the measures of variation. This one determines the variation of the scores around the measures of the central tendencies. The measures of variations include the standard deviation and the range. Thirdly is the inferential statistics. This comes up with a statement about a set of given scores (Porterfield, 1999, pp. 82). The use of scientific method by the psychologists has been of great help to the world of business today. The application of research methodology to the world of commerce, business and organisations functions, organisational and industrial psychology looks on various degrees of the customers, workforce, and consumer. This will involve issues such as psychology of training, recruitment, job satisfaction, appraisal, stress management at work. All these factors assist in improving the performance and productivity of the business or the organisation. Psychological skills are employed to select the best qualified candidate during the interview process. This is of great help to the business since the selected candidate will effectively and efficiently deliver the organisational goals and objectives since he or she has the necessary and the required ability. For the new recruited staffs, they must undergo some training in relation to the expected duties and responsibility they have to accomplish in the organisation. They must be prepared psychologically how they should approach some of the duties and responsibilities at workplace and also how they can use such skills to meet the customers’ satisfaction. Psychological skills are also of benefit to any organisation in its application to manage stress that may have affected one of the staff members. In any organisation, stress is an expected situation and if not well handled may mess up the business activities, leading to poor performance. For this reason, organisations have gone ahead and employed psychologists who can effectively handle the matter. Psychologists have also worked on interaction with machines, product designs, software, sales, marketing, and advertisements so as to help in safety, functionality and appeal of the organisation. During the training of the staffs of an organization especially in the department of the sales and the marketing, this really require good impacting of the psychological skills to the staff in this department. For one to convince consumers to consume products of a given organisation, high level of psychological skills is required. It is in the same department or field where to understand the consumer needs psychological skills which have resulted to the employment of scientific method of research in collecting adequate data about the market and functional parameters of the organisation. By the use of such skills, one will be able to know which product needs to be improved or which has lost it market value. Doing all these help to expand and maintain the market share of the organisation (Wolfe, 1992, pp. 204).
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Water Pollution in Los Angeles County Essay Example for Free
Water Pollution in Los Angeles County Essay Around 50% or 4. 5 million of the Los Angeles County residents are adults who are family-oriented professionals with middle to high income professional works (California Environmental Protection Agency). They usually rinse off their driveways for more than 200, 000 times in a month into the storm drains and for about 375, 000 times a month, throw cigarette butts on the ground (California Environmental Protection Agency). Additionally, around 1. 2 million adults are involved in environmental pollution through household chores and car washing (California Environmental Protection Agency). For every month, they usually neglected to recycle or properly dispose used motor oil and other car fluids for more than 124, 000 times. Also, on a monthly basis, for approximately 100, 000 times they spray pesticides on their yards and flush their driveways out into the storm drains for about 85,000 times for every month (California Environmental Protection Agency). Nonetheless, around 405, 000 young adults or nine percent of the populace used to dump their ashtrays for greater than 20, 000 times in the street in a month and accounted for 42% dumped ashtrays (California Environmental Protection Agency). They also throw litters from their cars for about 575,000 times and put trashes directly for greater than 125,000 times into the storm drains for every month (California Environmental Protection Agency). With these scenarios, it is foreseen that in the near future, the county has mountains of trashes and contaminated water resources. Pollution Sources The Environmental Protection Agency, EPA, reported that non-point sources pollution is a major cause of contamination of drinking water and adversely affected the wildlife and marine fishes (â€Å"Stormwater Pollution Basics†). Moreover, in 1992, State’s Water Quality Assessment reported that pollutants from non-point sources have ruined around two-thirds of bodies of water in California (â€Å"Water Resources†8. 15-22). In order to mitigate these effects, the federal government issued legislation on industrial activities such as logging and mining to preserve and protect ecological resources. This step is intensively imposed through local support like by creating ordinances like on erosion control and zoning (â€Å"Stormwater Pollution Basics†). Pollutants from point sources can easily be tracked because they usually discharged from different establishments through pipes or sewage system (â€Å"Water Resources†8. 15-24). The effective regulation of point-sources has brought improvement in the quality of water among the country’s seas, lakes, rivers, and streams (â€Å"Water Resources†8. 15-24). On the other hand, non-point source pollutants, also called runoffs, are diffused. They probably transported through a medium from one community to another then accumulated in a particular place, hence, the term runoff. Thus, the non-point sources are much given priority in Clean Water Act of 1972 (â€Å"Water Resources†8. 15-24). The contamination of groundwater in Southern California region is a consequence of poor land and water management practices (â€Å"Water Resources†8. 15-28). Agricultural chemicals like pesticides and fertilizers applied on farms seep into the ground while leakage on storage and septic tanks in the same manner contaminate the water table (Adams 5-6). Also, urban runoffs which include dissolved chemicals and suspended particles contribute largely on water quality degradation (â€Å"Water Resources†8. 15-28). These runoff pollutants include sediments, nutrients, oil spill, metals, pesticides, insecticides, fertilizers, and floatables (Adams 5-6). Limited Water Resources As the world population continuously increases so as the demand for potable water (â€Å"Guidelines for Water Reuse†3). The increase of residential communities and industrial development in rural areas not only increased the demand for water use but also elevated wastewater discharges (Asano, Burton, Leverenz, Tsuchihashi, Tchobanoglous 19). As a consequence, great number of communities around the world has limited water supply that necessitated for the conservation and reuse of water (â€Å"Guidelines for Water Reuse†3). Based on the average regional consumptive use, major regions of the United States are consuming water greater than the existing water resources (Asano, Burton, Leverenz, Tsuchihashi, Tchobanoglous 20). While some regions are dependent on ground water, other areas are utilizing waters from rivers, lakes, and streams (Asano, Burton, Leverenz, Tsuchihashi, Tchobanoglous 20). Water reuse requires efficient wastewater reclamation and treatment. Majority of water reuse projects can only reclaim water for nonpotable use such as for irrigation and industrial purposes (Asano, Burton, Leverenz, Tsuchihashi, Tchobanoglous 19). Although water reclamation and reuse has great advantages in conserving water, wastewater treatment for water to yield potable water entails costly treatment plants (Asano, Burton, Leverenz, Tsuchihashi, Tchobanoglous 31). Further, government or other institutional priorities may give additional burden in budget allocation for such projects (Asano, Burton, Leverenz, Tsuchihashi, Tchobanoglous 31). On the other hand, the industrial sectors are mandated by the government to secure for an efficient wastewater pretreatment facilities and management (â€Å"Guidelines for Water Reuse†4). In this way, the harm of wastewater discharges on the environment is alleviated. Water Pollution Regulation The Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972, now called as Clean Water Act, was amended to expand its control in the regulation of wastewater discharges from the industries through the issuance of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, NPDES permit (â€Å"Hydrology and Water Quality†6). It was again amended in 1987 to include the regulations on storm water discharges through industrial and municipal facilities under the NPDES program (â€Å"Hydrology and Water Quality†6). As a result, NPDES permit is also mandated for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System effluents. Each state is required by the Clean Water Act to set water standards for local bodies of water in the approval of the EPA (â€Å"Hydrology and Water Quality†6). The criteria for water quality standards must be developed with respect to water use such as for agricultural purposes and wildlife habitat (â€Å"Hydrology and Water Quality†6). This include maximum and minimum allowable level for both dissolved and suspended particles like heavy metals, nutrients, dirt, and bacteria. Nevertheless, the EPA regional offices have specified standards for water quality through California Toxics Rule (â€Å"Hydrology and Water Quality†6). Also, the section 303 (d) of the Clean Water Act mandated the identification of impaired bodies of water (â€Å"Hydrology and Water Quality†6). Once identified, the Total Maximum Daily Load, TMDL, should be set for each pollutant present. Then, future wastewater discharges will be assessed based on these criteria to minimize pollutant increase (â€Å"Hydrology and Water Quality†6). The provisions of the Clean Water Act are the bases of water-quality controls and restrictions for wastewater discharges to rivers and lakes. This was made possible by amending the content of 1972 Federal Water Pollution Control Act that was enriched in 1977 (â€Å"Coastal Water Quality and Urban Runoff in Orange County†10). Meanwhile, in June 1994, the revised Water Quality Control Plan of Los Angeles was adopted by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board. This encompassed agricultural, municipal, and industrial water services (â€Å"Coastal Water Quality and Urban Runoff in Orange County†5). Presently, Lost Angeles County is maintaining about 1, 000 acres watersheds through their regional and subregional facilities (â€Å"Hydrology and Water Quality†5). Indeed, their facilities are designed to withstand a hundred year frequency storms (â€Å"Hydrology and Water Quality†5). In addition, local facilities maintained by the local district are also available to protect less than 640 acres watersheds (â€Å"Hydrology and Water Quality†6). Conclusion The different bodies of water and even ground water of the Southern California are continuously degraded by human activities (â€Å"Water Resources†8. 15-25). Agricultural chemicals like fertilizers and pesticides may infiltrate and contaminate the ground water. Meanwhile, the excessive pumping of water from the water table may result to incursion of seawater into the ground water (â€Å"Water Resources†8. 15-25). Every water management and planning project needs active participation of the local citizens in order to create an efficient and sustainable working model (Asano, Burton, Leverenz, Tsuchihashi, Tchobanoglous 31). The participation of the local citizens can be promoted through environmental education campaign on prevention and conservation of resources. In connection with this, the Los Angeles County residents are generally concerned with water pollution however, are presently engaged in polluting activities (California Environmental Protection Agency). On the positive side, they are very willing to actively participate in any anti-pollution projects (California Environmental Protection Agency). Since water pollution is caused primarily of human activities, it is only through active involvement of every citizen in governmental programs, that the goals for pollution abatement can be effectively attained. In this connection, EPA encouraged private citizens to: properly dispose garbage and litters thereby avoiding drain clogs and the runoff of these pollutants to bodies of water; sparingly use household and garden chemicals; maintain plants and ground covers to prevent erosion; support local government officials in environmental projects; and use environment friendly home products (â€Å"Stormwater Pollution Basics†). Works Cited Adams, Gregory. Identifying and Controlling Municipal Wastewater Odor Phase II: Impacts of Inplant Parameters on Biosolids Odor Quality Werf Report Treatment Processes.London: IWA Publishing, 2004. Asano, Takashi, Burton, Franklin L. , Leverenz, Harold L. , Tsuchihashi, Ryujiro, and Tchobanoglous, George. Water Reuse: Issues, Technologies, and Applications. USA: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2007 California Environmental Protection Agency. â€Å"Erase the Waste. †May 1997. State Water Resources Control Board, Office of Public Affairs. 12 December 2008 http://www. swrcb. ca. gov/erasethewaste/docs/campaignprofiles. pdf â€Å"Coastal Water Quality and Urban Runoff in Orange Country. †n. d. Department of Public Works. 12 December 2008 http://www. ocwatersheds. com/brochures/Coastal%20Water%20Quality%20etc%206-15-99. pdf. Guidelines For Water Reuse. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington D. C. : Camp Dresser McKee, Inc. 2004. Hydrology and Water Quality. Draft Environmental Impact Report. Los Angeles: LSA Associates, Inc. 2008. â€Å"Stormwater Pollution Basics. †n. d. Department of Public Works, Los Angeles County. 12 December 2008 http://dpw. lacounty. gov/PRG/StormWater/Page_36. cfm. Water Resources. Southern California Association of Governments Draft 2008 RTP PEIR, January 2008.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Patient Observation: Alzheimers, Disability and Autism
Patient Observation: Alzheimers, Disability and Autism (all names changed for confidentiality) I am going to discuss three patients I have been assigned to My 1st patient is suffering with Alzheimers memory loss My 2nd patient is suffering with A physical disability My 3rd client is suffering with autism Alzheimers and Memory Loss Accurate observation of client providing background information The patient I am working with is 80 years of age,(Leo) (name changed for confidentiality) he is suffering with Alzheimers which is a memory loss, and he has 6 children and a wife who has passed away. He is having trouble remembering some names of his family, his son that admitted him he did not remember when brought back up in conversation, but he did remember one of his other sons when I mentioned him. He has been suffering with Alzheimers the past 6 years now and its been slow progressing. Detailed account of the challenges experienced by the client The challenges he is having is communication with others not sure of where he is or who he is, he gets lost in conversation unsure of what you sometimes do be asking him about his background and things he liked to do. I do know he was a hardworking man and was always out and about never stuck inside loved gardening and working, but now he is in a wheelchair and incapable of walking washing or shaving himself. Detail account of the competences demonstrated by the client He is very competent on feeding himself and having his cut of tea and cigarette, so I do bring him out for one anytime he needs or feels like having one. He likes to be well dressed in a suit most days especially a Sunday for Sunday mass he has not forgotten that is starts at 9am and ends at 11am. Description of current measures to assess client need Current measures at this present moment he has been admitted into the nursing home and has been here with us now the past 4 mounts. We have a secure and safe environment and also have good security measures in place such as cameras and a wrist band that tracks where the patients are at all times. Realistic suggestions and implementation plan to improve the quality of the life of the client The plan I do have to improve the quality of the clients life is asking his family to visit more often so he does not feel isolated and help him start remembering who they are bring him out for a walk in the gardens let him help plant flower pots on a table so he can still enjoy gardening we have activity to help with learning, doing arts and crafts such as painting or knitting, sing songs and play music that they enjoy, work on puzzles, look at books and newspapers he may like or watch movies that he has an interest in. Considered evaluation and description of personal learning outcomes I have learned what needs to be taken into consideration to make it more comfortable for him, to keep the patient safe and calm at all times the physical intellectual emotional social and spiritual that are implemented throughout the day are devices to help communicate better, activitys to help stimulate his brain his own wheelchair to help with mobility, and we make sure he is kept warm safe, washed and well groomed, to his own choice of clothing. Like what he had been doing in his everyday life before his Alzheimers got worse, and had to be admitted here. Physical disability Accurate observation of client providing background information The second patient I am working with is 83 year old (Margret)(name changed for confidentiality) she is in her full senses. Until one morning she called her daughter to bring her to the bathroom and while she was left unattended, she had swollen knees and felt dizzy. This is what could have caused the fall she had. She had a fall earlier this year that stopped her from being independent, and walking she can walk a little bit but is too afraid in case she falls again, she nearly lost her life to that last fall. she has 5 children and a late husband that has passed, her children call almost every day like they have been doing so she has settled in and feels at home here with us. Detailed account of the challenges experienced by the client The challenges she is living with is she cannot walk much anymore and cant do the things she use to do, she was an independent woman and still at her age was making dinners, washing dishes washing cloths and hanging them out to dry on the line etc. she is incapable of washing herself without help and using the bathrooms so I go with her if she needs any help†¦ now she has to have all that done for her because she cant face the challenges anymore even though she would like to.. Detail account of the competences demonstrated by the client She is able to feed herself and always had a routine to where she was up at 8 in the morning and start preparing dinner for 1 o clock everyday afternoon after her breakfast, so I make sure her routines the same as it always has been. She likes her cups of tea so anytime she feels like having one I grab her a cup, she has pacific times for everything and I try my best to keep them the same as it always has been for her. Description of current measures to assess client need At the present moment she has been with us now for half a year and she seems quite happy with everything and the routine is going, we have a safe and secure environment and are helping her best we can. Realistic suggestions and implementation plan to improve the quality of the life of the client The plan I have to improve the quality of her life, we have got her own wheelchair that move by pressing buttons so she has a bit of independence and doesnt feel like someone always has to push her, she does walk a bit every morning with me not to much because she afraid she will fall again but its a start she trusts me to walk with her even if it is only a few steps. i bring her out into the gardenings for a stroll so she isnt always inside, and she loves knitting she has already made 3 blankets, she loves the evenings getting to do activity singing along to old songs like she use to do at home. Considered evaluation and description of personal learning outcomes I have taken into consideration to make it more comfortable for her, to keep the patient safe and make it feel just like home and never make her feel isolated or alone. I have learned that it must be hard on Margret one day being so independent and the next having to have it all done for her and depend on somebody else for everything, its hard because she was used to doing all the house work and now she is in a wheelchair and cant go or do the things she would like to do. This has made me more understanding and empathy when I listen to Margrets story. Autism Accurate observation of client providing background information My third patient Ciara is 63 and is suffering with a communication disability called autism, (name changed for confidentiality) she has had it all he life. She has no children but has a lovely sister called Lilly who visits her every day. she still does not know why her and he sister are separated Lilly works Monday to Saturday and cant take care of her anymore. Detailed account of the challenges experienced by the client The challenges she is facing is communicating, Ciara has trouble reading and spelling making dinner or cups of tea, but loves to watch other people doing so. the challenge is to encourage Ciara to help and be independent. She gets very frustrated when she dose not want to try. Detail account of the competences demonstrated by the client She can feed herself and dress herself shes very keen on what outfits suit what day and loves the colour pink, Ciara loves her cups of tea and a walk around the garden she also like gardening singing and dancing, she is very adamant on having 2 showers a day once in the morning and once at night before bed time she likes to keep the same routine she has her walk at 4 oclock every evening when her sister comes to visit so Lilly brings her thats their time together Description of current measures to assess client needs At the moment she has been with us now for 2 years and is very happy with everything and the way her routine is, we have a safe and secure environment. She sees a speech therapist to help her communicate more with others, we have pictures around the room with the word underneath so she can understand what she need and wants, she gets a certain medicine called melatonin which helps her sleep. Realistic suggestions and implementation plan to improve the quality of the life of the client How we have improved the quality of her life is by going through the same routine she has always been in get her up in the mornings she has her shower and picks out what she is going to wear then she gets her coup of tea and breakfast at 11 she goes to the church here in out home to pray for an hour and plays activitys for 2 hours then she plays games such as snakes and ladders, chest and loves to sing and dance her sister Lilly comes in at the same time everyday which is 4 oclock and they go for a walk around the garden and for an hour when shes comes back in its dinner time after dinner she watches a film till she feels tired and looks for her bed time shower when she is out of the shower she gets her tea and goes to sleep so we keep her routine the same as we can every day. Considered evaluation and description of personal learning outcomes What I have learned about the patient is she does not like a change in her routine and points it out if there is one, she is a sweet lady with a sweet heart, very caring and loves to help out with any needs being, I let her follow me around while I make cups of tea and I play games with her and help her with her reading and spelling and its helped her a lot, she can now read some books, we also sing and dance at activitys and she loves it. Ive learned it is good to assist but its also good to encourage her to do thing herself.
Noahs Ark vs. Gilgamesh Epic Essay -- Religion Religious Epic Gilgames
Noahs Ark vs. Gilgamesh Epic      The Gilgamesh Epic is an ancient Mesopotamian story about life and the suffering one must endure while alive. Included in the story, is a tale of a great flood that covered the earth, killing all but a select few of it’s inhabitants. This story of a great flood is common to most people, and has affected history in several ways. It’s presence in the Gilgamesh Epic has caused many people to search for evidence that a great flood actually happened. It has also caused several other religions and cultures to take the same basic story, claiming it for their own.           Whether in Christianity in the form of Noah’s Ark, or through Mesopotamian history in the form of an immortal, the idea of a great flood has proven to be a common story throughout the world. Though Noah’s Ark may be the most popular form of the story, it is not the oldest. Many people believe Noah’s Ark was based on Utnapishnem’s flood story. The two stories are obviously based on the same thing, but one must wonder which one is true or which came first.      The story of Utnapishnem in the Gilgamesh Epic starts with a dream that warns Utnapishnem of the coming flood. The gods are angry and want to rid the world of mankind. Utnapishnem built a boat large enough to carry his family, personal belongings, and â€Å"the seed of all other living creatures.†After Utnapishnem finished, the rain fell for six days and six nights, and it was so bad that the gods climbed into heaven for safety. After the rain stopped, the boat came to rest on Mount Nisir, and Utnapishnem released a dove and a swallow. Both birds returned because they could not find land. Then a raven was released and it did not come back, proving that there was land for it to rest on. Utnapishnem then came out of the ship and offered a sacrifice to the gods. When the gods smelled the sweet odor of the sacrifice, they blessed Utnapishnem and his wife to be like the gods and live forever.      The story of Noah’s Ark begins with God being upset at mankind's wickedness. He decides to destroy it with a flood. God new Noah was righteous and told him to build an ark so he would be safe from the rain. Noah did so and took aboard his family and pairs of every kind of animal. It rained for forty days and nights, until the highest mountains were covered. Then God sent a wind and the waters receded, and the... ...tioned. What caused the tidal wave is still a mystery, although many people believe it was caused by volcanic eruption, or a large meteorite crashing into the Earth’s surface.      The other theory is of universal flooding. The idea of a great flood has been found to be conclusive with geological findings all over the globe. A flood this large would have deposited sediment throughout the world. It has been scientifically estimate that more than seventy-five percent of the Earth is covered with sediment. Fossils have also been found in the Rockie Mountains that contain shells and fish. Many other petrified â€Å"fish beds†have been found all over the world, including Mt. Everest, suggesting that a global flood did indeed happen.      Though scientists cannot agree on whether or not a global flood occurred, the effect of these stories on science has been monumental, as well as the effect of the stories on cultures and religions throughout the world. If this great flood did , in fact, occur, it’s effect on history would have been great because of the huge numbers of people lost to it. Though they may be fables, one must keep asking themselves if they may have been based on fact.
Monday, August 19, 2019
war world 2 :: essays research papers
Pre WWII Questions Ideology-a set of ideas reflecting the social needs and aspirations of an individual, group, class, or system Blitzkrieg-a swift sudden military offensive, usually by combined air and mobile land forces Citizenry-Citizens considered as a group Subversive- One who advocates or is regarded as advocating subversion Insulate-To cause to be in a detached or isolated position Isolationism-A national policy of abstaining from political or economic relations with other countries Beleaguered-To surround with troops, besiege Sinister-Suggesting or threatening evil 1. Germany hosted the 1936 Summer Olympics. How did Hitler use the 1936 Olympics to promote his Nazi Party? He used them to show the world how great Germany after the depression. He also wanted to show the German people how all the other countries were envious of them. 2. American Jesse Owens’ stunning victory in the 100 meter race angered Hitler. How did the victory shatter the Nazi propaganda about Aryan supremacy? It was a total embarrassment to Hitler. By an American winning the race it showed that Aryans weren’t the best and it angered Hitler. 3. FDR was a master of the media. How did he use the media to do battle in the Great Depression? FDR used the still picture to influence America. He sent photographers across the country to take pictures of common ordinary people. Other people see these pictures and begin to understand that everyone around the country is like them. This helps people unite because they realize they are all alike and it also changes the way people look at life. 4. How did Hitler use propaganda and the media to achieve his desired goals? Hitler makes sure everyone has a radio, if people couldn’t afford a radio Hitler bought them one. He placed radios on tall poles in the streets so everyone could hear his messages. In order to ensue his messages being heard he only had one radio station in all of Germany, which was his ensuring people only heard one message and soon became influenced. war world 2 :: essays research papers Pre WWII Questions Ideology-a set of ideas reflecting the social needs and aspirations of an individual, group, class, or system Blitzkrieg-a swift sudden military offensive, usually by combined air and mobile land forces Citizenry-Citizens considered as a group Subversive- One who advocates or is regarded as advocating subversion Insulate-To cause to be in a detached or isolated position Isolationism-A national policy of abstaining from political or economic relations with other countries Beleaguered-To surround with troops, besiege Sinister-Suggesting or threatening evil 1. Germany hosted the 1936 Summer Olympics. How did Hitler use the 1936 Olympics to promote his Nazi Party? He used them to show the world how great Germany after the depression. He also wanted to show the German people how all the other countries were envious of them. 2. American Jesse Owens’ stunning victory in the 100 meter race angered Hitler. How did the victory shatter the Nazi propaganda about Aryan supremacy? It was a total embarrassment to Hitler. By an American winning the race it showed that Aryans weren’t the best and it angered Hitler. 3. FDR was a master of the media. How did he use the media to do battle in the Great Depression? FDR used the still picture to influence America. He sent photographers across the country to take pictures of common ordinary people. Other people see these pictures and begin to understand that everyone around the country is like them. This helps people unite because they realize they are all alike and it also changes the way people look at life. 4. How did Hitler use propaganda and the media to achieve his desired goals? Hitler makes sure everyone has a radio, if people couldn’t afford a radio Hitler bought them one. He placed radios on tall poles in the streets so everyone could hear his messages. In order to ensue his messages being heard he only had one radio station in all of Germany, which was his ensuring people only heard one message and soon became influenced.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Business Plan for New Airline Essay examples -- Essays Papers
Business Plan for New Airline HausAir Mission Statement HausAir fixed base operation will provide the highest quality of flight instruction and comfortable charter services to the public; without compromising an ounce of safety, at a price lower than the competition. Human Resources/ Management Functions Breakdown of initial staff to begin at HausAir. (1) Manager/Owner Jason Bushouse (1) Assistant Manager Jeff Doyle (5) Receptionist/Clerical Jason Henderson (Full Time) Julie Vanek (Full Time) Roseanne Francis (Full Time) Pamela Laurie (Full Time) Art Wegner (Part Time) (6) Flight Instructors (Chief) Adam MacDonald (Full Time) Brent Ivey (Full Time) Janessa Luncford (Full Time) James Bushouse (Full Time) Ron Hallaux (Full Time) Randy Renolds (Full Time) (4) Pilot (Chief) Jason Bushouse Tim Dolenz Trevor Blackmer Dwayne Clemmens (4) Mechanics (Chief) Greg Radd (IA; Full Time) Lee Coss (A&P; Full Time) Joan Laukner (A&P; Full Time) Miguel Sanchez (A&P; Full Time) (4) Line Attendents Josh Hodny (Full Time) Mara Kennelly (Full Time) Brett Carlson (Part Time) Tommy Snellings (Part Time) (1) Sales Personnel Mike Campea FBO Organizational Chart Flight Office Service Finance Sales Job Description: Flight Instructor The HausAir flight instructors will follow some basic guidelines. They will be responsible for: - Student training for appropriate licenses - Maintaining proficiency in maneuvers - Proficiency required flight knowledge - Proficiency instructional techniques - Promoting a positive image of general aviation - Perform duties assigned by chief pilot - Maintaining safe and professional habits The position requires a minimum commercial multi-engine land instrument airplane and CFI certificate and those without a CFII will be expected to obtain the certificate within 6 months of start date. Instructors must be able to train a student from wherever their current ability level is to proficiency to the practical test standards for the certificate desired. Instructors will be required to follow HausAir flight training syllabus unless there is prior approval from the chief flight instructor. Instructors will be expected to give biannual flight reviews, checkouts to customers planning to rent aircraft an... ...n income of $5480 with a profit of 2200 a month. Fuel will be stored and fueled by the fuel truck. Line service will fuel all incoming aircraft, regardless of size. Supplies HausAir will carry a wide selection of supplies and keep current with charts, approach plates, books and other aviation publications. We can make between 40-60% profit but will charge what competitors like sportys pilot shop charge. We will match their price and work prices around that range. Insurance Insurance is an important protection for this FBO. Due to the high amount of risk involved in aviation it will be important to hold monthly safety meetings, and have rotating safety officer schedule that will change every day. There are many different kinds of insurance that we must purchase. Some of the insurance coverage that is required: Aircraft hull Aircraft liability Passenger liability Hangar liability Product liability Fire and Natural disaster coverage Auto full coverage Comprehensive public liability Bibliography Richardson, Rodwell, & Baty (1995) Essentials of Aviation Management. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Description of business Essay
This entrepreneur will be opening a new business which will operate as a sole trader. The name of this business is CJ’s Seafood joint.CJ’s Seafood joint will operate under the logo â€Å"Come have a mouthful of flavor. Operating as a sole trader would mean that the entrepreneur would make all the descions himself but would also have to carry the responsibilities for himself. The main aim of the business is to have every customer who comes comes through our doors impressed by CJ’s and will be excited to come again,also to create and maintain a surrounding that is comprehensive and exceptional in its attention to every detail of operation.The entrepreneur also wishes to provide a friendly, cooperative and rewarding environment which encourages longterm, satisfying, growth employment.To keep the concept fresh,exciting and on the cutting edge of the hospitality industry. The business will be opened on weekdays 8:00 am to 10:30pm,weekends,9:00 am to 11:30 pm also on public holidays. CJ’s is opened to a variety of different persons and age groups.It would be coveinienient to persons who are working long hours and so does not have the time to prepare a proper meal or even a family who is just looking for somewhere nice and beautiful to have dinner.CJ’s will also serve an as accommodation for catering at dinners,weddings and any other events. Justification of location CJ’s seafood joint will be loctated in Kingston at Ann’s Bay near the sea.The business will do exceptionally well at this location because of its proximity from the sea.Being located near the sea would mean that the raw materials needed for the running of the business would cost less money to transport the raw materials to the business.Also the business will have a dependable source of material this means there will never be a scarcity in production. Secondly, beach scenery would also serve as an attraction for both local and international customers,especially the tourist from which foreign exchange would be gained which means more profits for the business.A beautiful beach scenery would provide a relaxed and calm environment which would entise the customers into returning again and having a god reputation would mean more customers thus more profits. Selection of appropriate labour For this business to be ran successfully,the entrepreneur will need to employ both skilled and skilled workers.The skilled workers in this business will consist of: Two Chefs and one executive chef.These persons will be incharge of the preparation and meal planning of all the sophisticated menus and introducing new ideas which will motivate the customers in returning. 2 Bartenders.These persons would be incharge of making refresging beverages and liquors according to the customers preference. The business will also need 5 Cashiers.They will be incharge of the money made on a daily basis and will play a part in the monitoring of the business’s financial transactions and data. In this business the unskilled are just as important as the skilled workers as they play a vital role in the successful running of the business.The skilled will consist of: 10 Janitors.They will be incharge of the proper maintenance and sanitation of the premises which will give the business a good reputation for its emmaculate maintenance . 4 waiters and 4 waitresses. They will be responsible for satisfying the customers requirements and should try to meet all of them with no animosity and should be patient in dealing with their problems. 10 fishermen.They will be responsible for going out to sea and ensuring that the sea animals needed by the business is always on time and of good quality. Sources of fixed and working capital The business will need both working and fixed capital.The two sources of fixed capital to be used by the business are: A loan of US $300,000 from the National Commercial Bank, to be secured with a mortgage on the entrepreneurs home,which would go towards: the purchasing of new equipement renovating and upgrading the premisis purchasing of more delivery vehicles The second source will be: personnal savings of the entrepreneur of US$10,000 from the Jamaica Mutual Bank which will be used to do the same as the things listed above. The two sources of working capital will be a loan from the bank and personal savings of the entrepreneur .This money will contribute towards: paying salaries paying utility bills pay rent on the premises The money borrowed from the bank will be repaid from the profits accumulated during a period of 10 years of successful business management. Role of entrepreneur The entrepreneur is one who organizes the factors of production to create goods and services. The most suitable location, qualified workers, and the right equipment and machinery will ensure efficient production. It is therefore important for him to make the right decisions concerning the employment of the required resources for his business. He must also make decisions on systems and processes to be applied in the production process.An entrepreneur has many roles/responsibility, three of which are: PLANNING Planning is very important to every venture. It is more important to the entrepreneur’s venture because of the uncertainty of success and less room to make mistake. The entrepreneur’s focus is on the execution side and how to get the product to the market in the shortest amount of time so as to start earning revenue. OPERATING This is where the entrepreneur starts putting all its business ideas into place .He analyzes his ideas and sees if they are going according to planned. Conceptualizing This is where the entrepreneur gains an understanding of the business and what he hopes it will be, Production The action of making or manufacturing from components or raw materials, or the process of being so manufactured.There are three types of production.They include: Primary Production This includes all kinds of extractive industries such as agriculture, mining and fishing. Secondary Production This includes manufacturing such as assembling, refining and construction (building) industries. Tertiary Production This includes all kinds of service industries such as transportation, communication and tourism. The type of production used in the business is primary production.The fishes and other sea animals are extracted from the sea to be made in a finished product to be enjoyed by thousands of customers. Levels of production Production is the action of making or manufacturing from components or raw materials, or the process of being so manufactured.There are three levels of production.These include Subsistence This is the lowest level of production. Subsistence productions refers to output from the production process that is just enough for the survival. This amount of production is therefore not adequate to meet all needs and wants of a family, community or a country. For example, subsistence farming involves the production of crops to feed the family and for survival. Wealth is not created as whatever is produced is consumed. Domestic Production Domestic production refers to production that is more than survival level. It provides output that is enough to satisfy domestic needs and wants. Excess is not available for export. However, production is adequate to supply local demand. Surplus or Export This level of production is adequate to supply local demand and for export. Large industries can produce large quantities of output to satisfy local consumption and earn foreign exchange from export, for example, the sugar and banana industries. The type of production used by CJ’s Seafood Joint is domestic production.The business provides mostly for the local market.There is sufficient demand locally to absorb all the produce. Quality control measures The entrepreneur will make a daily report on the problems or difficulties face on a daily business and implement measures to correct them. The entrepreneur will also be responsible for inspecting the goods carried in on a daily basis to make sure that they are up to standard and are suitable for consumption. Technology In today’s world technology has become one of the fastest advancements.In CJ’s Seafood Joint it will play a vital part in its day to day running. Two types of technology used by the business are a refrigerator and a computer. The refrigerator is responsible for the preservation of foods and beverages.Without the refrigerators,items will start to them rottening resulting in a loss of money and customers due to a bad reputation of rotted foods The computers is most important as it contains all the business’s transactions and data.It provides order and allows information to be accessed easily,without the availability of computers everything will be chaotic. Potential for growth Internally We will be able to expand our initial operation by 80% by our 7th year, however expanding would mean a larger premisis which would require us to go elsewhere for the business to be successful in all its different aspects.We would need to buy additional delivery vehicles also an addition of ten (10) members of staff to share the extra work load.The business would have to move to a similar locatiom,near the sea, so as to not make things difficult in the purchasing and transporting of foods Externally If we can acquire a good record,we might be able to expand internationally,allowing us to open branches in different countries turning CJ’s into a multi-national business .The business would so make more money and foreign exchange,also more exposure for the business. Linkages The business turns raw materials into a delicious produce to be consumed by our customers. Having a backward linkage helps the business in that there is a reduced dependence on imported goods since local suppliers provide the raw materials for the producers.The linkage will allow the business to source fresh produce,to minimize delivery time and transport costs and to maintain a close relationship with the product suppliers to ensure product quality. Government Regulations The business must apply to the Commissioner of Taxes to be a registered taxpayer, the business will earn atleast at least JMD 2,000,000. The application for GCT registration must be submitted within 21 days after taxable activity has started. A temporary GCT certificate will be issued to the company upon receipt of the application for GCT. Documents to be submitted are the following: 1. Completed application for TRN Number Organisations 2. NIS number confirming that the company is not yet liable to National Insurance. 3. Certified copy of Articles of Incorporation 4. Authorisation letter if the TRN application is being made by a third party. The business will be affected by the health and safety regulations ,particulary with regard to oil spills.The entrepreneur must be familiar with all legal requirements for occupational health and safety,and must ensure full compliance. Ethical Issues CJ’s will make the aspect of ethical issues priority as it relates to the development of the business. CJ’S Cuisine will endeavour to do its best in not to be involved in ignoring health, safety and environmental standards. The business will ensure that all these aspects meet the necessary requirement in order to avoid instances such as food poisoning .we will aim to meet a good nutritional standard for all meals,with a balance of proteins and other requirements.
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