Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Romancing the Stone essays
Romancing the Stone essays In "Romancing the Stone," heroine Joan Wilder is a successful romance novelist, secure in her career but not in herself. She is very attractive, but plays down her looks by not dressing well at times. Her career dominates her life, and she has become well known around the world for her books. She develops a relationship with Jack Colton when she travels to South America to help her sister, which is very unlike her. It is clear she is becoming attracted to Jack, but they are completely opposite, and they seem to have too many differences to ever really get together. Jack makes her look and feel beautiful, and as their relationship begins to develop, she just seems to glow. She is very modest, even shy at times. However, she shows that when family is at stake, she can be extremely independent and resourceful. She is extremely sensitive, which makes sense since she is a writer, and she has a good sense of humor when she is comfortable with the people around her. She is not a "typical" romantic heroine in many ways, because she is a recluse at the beginning of the novel, and she does not meet the hero through her work. Again, her work is not typical of a romantic heroine either. However, most of her character fits with the heroine ideal, such as not taking her attractiveness for granted and being extremely vulnerable. As she blossoms under Jack's love, she becomes more typical and more appealing. Sex in the story is presented tenderly and with love and respect. The couple is drawn to each other and have survived many difficulties, so it seems natural when the sex scene occurs. In fact, the sex is implied, which makes it all the more romantic and appropriate to the film. Joan does not give herself lightly, so it is clear she really cares about Jack. This is important for the romantic quality of the film and to keep the heroine "pure" and good throughout the story. She only sleeps with Jack, and it is because of true lo...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Definition and Examples of Situational Irony
Definition and Examples of Situational Irony Situational irony is an event or occasion in which the outcome is significantly different from what was expected or considered appropriate. Also called irony of fate, irony of events, and irony of circumstance. Dr. Katherine L. Turner characterizes situational irony as a long con- a ruse taking place over time. Participants and onlookers do not recognize the irony because its revelation comes at a later moment in time, the unexpected twist. In situational irony, the anticipated outcome contrasts with the end result (This Is the Sound of Irony, 2015). The essence of situational irony, says J. Morgan Kousser, lies in an apparent contradiction or incongruity between two events or meanings, a contradiction resolved when the literal or surface meaning turns out to be one of appearance only, while the initially incongruous meaning turns out to be the reality (Region, Race, and Reconstruction, 1982). Also Known As: Irony of situation, irony of events, irony of behavior, practical irony, irony of fate, unintended consequences, irony of existence Examples and Observations Situational irony, sometimes called irony of events, is most broadly defined as a situation where the outcome is incongruous with what was expected, but it is also more generally understood as a situation that includes contradictions or sharp contrasts...An example would be a man who takes a step aside in order to avoid getting sprinkled by a wet dog, and falls into a swimming pool.(Lars Ellestrà ¶m, Divine Madness. Bucknell University. Press, 2002)Not all forms of irony are conscious, intentional or planned. For example, irony also occurs serendipitously through unintended and unexpected circumstances or through the evolution of situations. Situational irony focuses on the surprising and inevitable fragility of the human condition, in which the consequences of actions are often the opposite of what was expected.(David Grant, The Sage Handbook of Organizational Discourse. Sage, 2004)[I]magine that a person has invested a large sum of money in an apparently reliable company while mocking others for failing to take the same opportunity. Then, the company turns out to be a failure and all the investors money is lost. The situation is ironical for two reasons in combination: (1) there is a mismatch between the investors certainty on the solvency of the company and the real situation; (2) after getting ruined, the investors unwise mockery of those who did not want to undertake any risk makes the investor look foolish. We may observe that, in situational irony, just like in verbal irony, there is incongruity between intention and effect or between belief and reality.(Francisco Josà © Ruiz de Mendoza Ibà ±ez and Alicia Galera Masegosa, Cognitive Modeling: A Linguistic Perspective. John Benjamins, 2014) Situational Irony in A.E. Housmans Poem Is My Team Ploughing? â€Å"Is my team ploughing,That I was used to driveAnd hear the harness jingleWhen I was man alive?†Aye, the horses trample,The harness jingles now;No change though you lie underThe land you used to plow. â€Å"Is football playingAlong the river shore,With lads to chase the leather,Now I stand up no more?†Aye, the ball is flying,The lads play heart and soul;The goal stands up, the keeperStands up to keep the goal. â€Å"Is my girl happy,That I thought hard to leave,And has she tired of weepingAs she lies down at eve?†Ay, she lies down lightly,She lies not down to weep:Your girl is well contented.Be still, my lad, and sleep. â€Å"Is my friend hearty,Now I am thin and pine,And has he found to sleep inA better bed than mine?†Yes, lad, I lie easy,I lie as lads would choose;I cheer a dead man’s sweetheart,Never ask me whose.(A.E. Housman, Is My Team Ploughing? A Shropshire Lad, 1896) Situational Irony in Creative Nonfiction Situational irony abounds in fiction, but its also a major component to many non- fiction narratives- if you think about the popular storm books from a couple of years ago, Sebastian Jungers Perfect Storm and Erik Larsons Isaacs Storm, both accounts of these terrible hurricanes deal with the all-too-human disinclination to take nature seriously. Hey, how bad can some wind and rain be? Not going to stop me from raking in the dough.(Ellen Moore and Kira Stevens, Good Books Lately. St. Martins Press, 2004) The Irony of War Every war is ironic because every war is worse than expected. Every war constitutes an irony of situation because its means are so melodramatically disproportionate to its presumed ends.(Paul Fussell, The Great War and Modern Memory. Oxford University Press, 1975) Incongruity in Situational Irony Situational irony entails a certain incongruity between what a person says, believes, or does and how, unbeknownst to that person, things actually are. [In Sophocles tragedy Oedipus Rex] Oedipus vows to discover Laius murderer, unaware that Laius was his father and that he himself is guilty of patricide. Whatever the precise nature of the incongruity involved in situational irony, verbal and situational irony loosely share a conceptual core of incongruity, often tending toward polar opposition, between two elements, such as a semblance of things and reality.Dramatic irony may be further distinguished as a type of situational irony; it is simply when situational irony occurs in a drama. The incongruity is between what a dramatic character says, believes, or does and how unbeknownst to that character, the dramatic reality is. The example in the preceding paragraph is, then, specifically of dramatic irony.(David Wolfsdorf, Trials of Reason: Plato and the Crafting of Philosophy. Oxfor d University Press, 2008) A Wimbledon commentator may say, Ironically, it was the year he was given a wild-card entry, and not as a seeded player, that the Croatian won the title. The irony here refers, like linguistic irony, to a doubleness of sense or meaning. It is as though there is the course of events or human intentions, involving our awarding of rankings and expectations, that exists alongside another order of fate beyond our predictions. This is an irony of situation, or an irony of existence.(Claire Colebrook, Irony. Routledge, 2004) The Lighter Side of Situational Irony Sheldon: So this is how it ends: with cruel irony. Just as I make the commitment to preserving my body, I am betrayed by my appendix, a vestigial organ. Do you know the original purpose of the appendix, Leonard? Leonard: No. Sheldon: I do, and yet I am doomed while you live on. Leonard: Funny how things work out, isnt it?(Jim Parsons and Johnny Galecki in The Cruciferous Vegetable Amplification. The Big Bang Theory, 2010)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Technology Research and Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Technology Research and Report - Essay Example Frank Ohrtman (2003, p.116) indicates that among data exchange standard, there has been phenomenal improvement especially in XML MP3 and TCP/IP the much dependent upon broad access to nonproprietary networking and data communications infrastructure (the Internet) that has been a principle tool in supporting the rising of technology waves and strong development undercurrents . Current technological landscape In this technological age, the combination of new standards, distributed software, expertise and a worldwide Internet infrastructure has created and continues to create a profoundly new technological architecture landscape. The advancement on technology has contributed immensely to heavy investment in the information technology industry. Organisations have increased investments in technologies and standards that allow them to bring structure to unstructured information. The motivation to replace unstructured with structured data is not the sole responsibility of the information co mmunity and the library alone, but also among business and national authorities across the world nations. On average enterprises operate with upto 85 percent of unstructured content, upon which efforts are being focused on harnessing their power in order for the enterprises to benefit from resulting competitive advantages. (Aray R., 2004). Among many others, there have emerged search engines as a dominant technical and structural approach towards automated data categorisation. Savvy Web users have become experts (professionally known as SEOs) at optimizing search strategies to maximize of the expected result although pressure has arose for much more advanced/structures search engines. Delivery of mobiles services This technology has also been widely embraced in the mobile technology. Provision of websites that are viewable via mobile phones is increasingly on demand and organisations have largely embraced provision of services and information through mobile technology (Andreas F. 20 11) Mobile service providers have been largely affected by the current technology landscape as they have to cope with ever emerging changes in the industry. Big chunks of the world’s population today are holders of mobile phones. Mobiles are not only used as communication devices but as also devices to access the Internet. The integration of such capabilities in the mobile devices has triggered a paralleled competition among mobile service providers as well as manufactures (Ajay R., 210). Effect of coverage and limitations Irrespective of geographical and topographical challenges, mobile service providers have managed to provide network coverage for their services to almost all parts within where their businesses operate. Though some challenges of network coverage are largely found in the African continent, most areas in the continent still enjoy these services. Advantages of 2G, 3G and 4G The mobile telecommunications industry has seen a lot of evolution since the inception of the use of mobile phone as a means of communication. There have been migrations in the industry such as the 2G, 3G and now the famous 4G networks in this industry. These have seen the industry improve provision of service to mobile owners become streamlined and the service advanced. The 2G technology evolved from 1G technology
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Susan B Anthony Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Susan B Anthony - Essay Example In 1838, her father lost his cotton mill business because of the financial depression in the United States, and in the spring of 1839 he had to sell their house. They moved to a town called Hardscrabble. In the spring of 1840, she went to teach at a boarding school near New York City. While Susan was teaching, she heard people talking about getting rid of slavery. She agreed with this idea, just like her father did. She believed that all people were equal. In 1849, when Susan came back home to Rochester, her father had started inviting over his friends who were interested in talking about the achievement of making free slavery state. She listened to her father and to others who wanted to finish slavery from the society. During the 1850s, the plan of getting rid of slavery was becoming an essential issue. The people in the North were against slavery, while on the other hand, the people in the South wanted to keep slavery. Those who were against slavery were called abolitionists. A lot of abolitionists were invited to the farm for a meeting. They all supported Susan in her work for women's rights. "In 1852, Anthony joined with Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Amelia Bloomer in campaigning for women's suffrage and equal pay. She also served in the American Anti-Slavery Society, and challenged barriers to female leadership in temperance societies and educational associations. Following the Civil War, Stanton and Anthony focused their efforts on voting rights, in hopes that suffrage for women and blacks could be linked in a groundbreaking constitutional amendment." Feminist leader http://us.history.wisc.edu/hist102/bios/2.html (Accessed January 18, 2006) She helped the administration of President Abraham Lincoln by forming the Women's Loyal League. In 1856, the abolitionists motivated Susan to classify, write and deliver speeches for a movement against slavery. In 1865, their efforts would pay off with the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Even though the slaves were free they didn't get the right to vote. In addition to Susan's fight to end slavery, she joined the Women's State Temperance Society in New York. Both men and women could join. Soon men started to take over the society, so Susan resigned as leader of the group. That was the end of her work with the temperance movement; she began working for women's rights. "In 1866 Anthony joined with Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott and Lucy Stone to help establish the American Equal Rights Association. The following year, the organization became active in Kansas where Negro suffrage and women's suffrage was to be decided by popular vote. However, both ideas were rejected at the polls." Elizabeth Cady Stanton wanted both the abolitionist and the women's right group to get combine for good results. Unluckily, the abolitionists did not want to work for women to have the right to vote. (Just as before, many of the women's suffragists did not care to get their cause tangled up with abolition.) Susan and Elizabeth were back where they had started twenty years before and focused their efforts on women's rights in order to raise money. Susan B. Anthony in politics In 1868 Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton established the political weekly, The Revolution and the Fourteenth Amendment was passed. This amendment affirmed that all people who were born or naturalized in the United States
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Gender, Culture and the Media Essay Example for Free
Gender, Culture and the Media Essay Media, in the context required, is a term used to define an interactive transmission that is visualized and then especially designed to reach a large audience, for e. g. a whole nation. These audiences, however, are very different from one another, depending on their culture and gender identities. The variance in culture and sexual identities, have an obvious impact on media which is why there is a dire need for exploring the relationship between the two. The most important tool in exploring and understanding the relationship between media and culture is communication. This is because communication plays a very effective role in the manner through which interaction is carried out with the masses (Gaunlett, 2002). For this purpose, extreme emphasis is given to the cultural differences that may occur. Such is the case of international campaigns or chains of restaurants; whenever they want to promote any product, they have to consider the differences, and keeping these differences in mind, they alter their product accordingly for e. g. , McDonalds in India, do not usually serve their people beef burgers as cow is sacred to them. Likewise, Indian people can relate more to it than others who are just viewing this product on an Indian channel. On this note, I would like to add that it is also a TV channel’s responsibility to be aware of the ethics with regard to culture. Although, media is known to show us situation and relationships from other people’s point-of-view, the impact is originated from a certain culture or social class, for that matter. However, it has been changing from time to time with the global development. So, we can say that the relationship between media and gender today, is different from how it was years ago. The reason is because people’s thought have changed in the passing years, the role models have changed and the attitudes of people have changed, which without doubt influences media. It is for these contemporary audiences that the media has to alter whatever it promotes, in the manner that is much acceptable to them. The rest is mere perception on the audience’s part. Talking about the perception of various people and how they interact with things like talk shows, MTV, the Internet, soap operas, television sitcoms, dramatic series etc. , it is very likely to notice that the people interact with the media on the basis of their culture and gender identities (Dines, 2008). An example is that of Lorillard’s Newport cigarettes, introduced in 1957, which after its struggle period in the early stages of introduction, became very popular with the African American crowd. Another comment on the same example is that Newport cigarettes contain menthol, which is supposed to be associated with women mostly. Relating this with media, the advertisements for this brand also focused on African American people in the beginning, as they had identified them as their target market. With the change in society and changing views of people, Newport gained its market recognition and broadened their target market and today it owns a most coveted place in the tobacco industry. In the society that we live in today, people dedicate a lot of time to television, magazines, surfing the net, and other publications. As a result, it is very inevitable to say that they come across culture and advertising almost everyday. Among these people, a large segment belongs to the younger generation, who are particularly sensitive and relatively effected much easily by the same. Childhood culture is an inter-textual universe which connects TV programs to movies, videogames, toys, T-shirts, shoes, games, crayons, coloring books, bed linens and towels, pencil cases, lunch boxes etc. This is where the impact part comes into play, which media has on children and that which the children have on the media (Geertz, 1977). One of the greatest impacts of the above stated example on media is that when a television program (for kids) is produced, a lot of things have to be taken into consideration. Not too much violence, abusive language or false imagery should be used. As far as sexual identity is concerned, men and women have different views, likes and dislikes, regarding different things. Women are more likely to read magazines like Gourmet, Culinary Trends, Bon Appetite, Food and Wine etc. Lately, men have also developed a similar trend in reading magazines but there choices are those like Extreme Sports, Chicago Sports, and Sports Illustration etc. Another aspect is that of men leading the global scene. When it comes to voiceovers, men dominate, regardless of the product. Men continue to work in their late ages on screen whereas women tend to disappear in their late thirties. Facial lines and grey hair are considered to be signs of maturity in males, while the same would pronounce females ‘old’ and not fit for TV (Buikema, 2009). On the other hand, it is also reported to have said that with the developing sense of equality with regard to sexes, the Times magazine cover wondered if feminism was dead in June 1998. To sum up, the media shows us situations and relationships from other people’s point-of-view and we begin to think that we can now see ‘how the world works’, in lives other than our own. Soap-operas showing how neighbors, friends and lovers interact with each other are not behaviors that the media has created by itself. It is the likes of people that have affected media to follow the same. That too, varies from culture to culture. Some counties believe in open cultures while others observe closed culture where too much intimacy and involvement is not look upon as appropriate. People claim that the reference points for them are film and TV but actually it’s the way round- people, their cultures and genders influence upon the way they interact with the media. References: Buikema, R. , Tuin I. , (2008), â€Å"Doing Gender in Media, Art and Culture†. Routledge Dines G. , McMahon J. , (2008), â€Å"Gender, Race, and Class in Media: A Text-reader†. Sage Publications Gauntlett D. , (2002), â€Å"Media, Gender, and Identity: An Introduction†. Routledge Geertz, C. (1977). The Interpretation of Cultures. Basic Books
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Citizen Kane: Charles Foster Kane - Who Was He? :: essays research papers
Citizen Kane: Charles Foster Kane - Who Was He? The story of Citizen Kane drew many people to the theatres since they wanted to find out who this Kane fellow is or was. It is unarguably one of the best films ever produced. Orson Wells portrays Kane as mysterious person but also a sad person. The different accounts are shown throughout the movie through the reporter wanting to find out who or what Rosebud is. Rosebud was Kane's last dying words. The first person the reporter Jerry Thompson sees is the owner of Walter Parks Thatcher's estate and holdings. Thatcher is long dead and who? visits his library and is allowed to inspect the financier's memoirs in manuscript. Through Thatcher's words we see Kane as a boy playing with his sled on a snow-swept Colorado farm. Through his mother, the boy has just inherited a great fortune. Unable to settle his bill, a prospector who boarded with the Kanes left behind stock certificates that make Mrs. Kane the sole owner of one of the world's great silver mines. She then makes her son the ward of the bank that administers her estate, and Thatcher, whom the angry young Kane bashes with a sled, takes the boy East to be raised. The movie then shows Kane growing up, making life miserable for Thatcher. The mature Kane decides to take direct control of a small, struggling newspaper, and immediately begins using it to attack Thatcher and others among America's financial elite. This displays the mystery with Kane as he wants to expand on something small into something big, but we don't know what. The next account was given by Bernstein, Kane's devoted assistant. He explains the beginnings as a newspaper czar and his takeover of the New York Enquirer, in which he fired its editor, hired an expensive, top-notch staff, and enlisted his college friend Jedediah Leland as the drama critic. Kane is at first a crusader for the understanding, opening his first editorial with a "declaration of principles." He becomes a champion of the little person, hyping his circulation with juicy scandals, crime exposes, etc. In a surprise move Kane marries Emily Norton, the president's niece. For the first time here we see Kane starting a love story. However this wasn't to last and it paved the way for the second-love. The reporter then visits a half-drunk Susan Alexander in a nightclub. She recalls her meeting and eventual affair with the married Kane and their discovery by Leland, who is led to their love nest by Kane's political rival, "Big Jim" Gettys. Until that point, Kane is heavily favored to defeat Gettys in
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Nike Business Presentation Outline
Topic: Nike marketing strategy, social responsibility, and diversity. Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the marketing strategy, environmental and social commitment and diversity of Nike company Brief: In my presentation, I will be talking about Nike’s marketing strategy and its social responsibility MARKETING A) INTRODUCTION  §Ã‚      Preview – Because Nike’s success largely depends on its shrewd marketing strategy, I will be explaining to you the importance of marketing to Nike and introducing what marketing strategy Nike is currently deploying. B)  BODY 1. Marketing is very important to its viability and profitability a.Since Nike is a consumer product company, it must respond to market changes through aggressive marketing. * If fail to anticipate accurately and respond in timely manner to market changes, Nike could experience material adverse effects on sales and profitability. b. Nike must stay domestically and globally compe titive to other large companies such as Puma or Addidas. c. As a result, Nike takes marketing issues very seriously. Nike has been increasingly investing into marketing. (Refer to chart) * Nike experienced a substantial increase in marketing investment in the FY of 07-08, largely because of the Olympic Games 2008. Demand creation in FY 2009 is $2,351. 4 mil. , increased 2% in compare with FY 08 2. Nike is successfully deploying the favorable brand image strategy a. Favorable brand image * Associates with a distinctive logo and advertising slogan â€Å"Just do it†* Advertise itself as a high quality and expensive product company. * Promotion: Nike contracts with high profile athletes and actively sponsors sport events to promote its brand. For example: * Michael Jordan: in 2007, the Jordan brand, now a separate Nike subsidiary with its own building, grossed about $800 million. Tiger Woods: in 2000, Nike agreed to a multi-year deal with Woods worth a reported $105 million (It can be said that Nike is successfully approaching the market by its shrewd marketing strategy. Now, I’ll be talking about Nike Social responsibility) SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY INTRODUCTION  §Ã‚      Preview: Nike is a leading socially responsible company. I’ll be exploring Nike’s community investment and environmental commitment. (First, I’ll be talking about community investment) BODY I. Nike has a long history of engagement in communities around the world, investing in their backyards, key markets and manufacturing communities. . In FY07-09, Nike has directly invested in community $168. 8 million – Set the goal of $315 million of contributions for FY11 – Involves contributing expertise and philanthropic activity to the community. 2. To achieve its community investment strategy, Nike has developed 2 core approaches: a. Focus on creating new models to provide young people access to the power of sport (to unleash their confiden ce, leadership, health, education or employment) – The Nike Foundation (separate nonprofit organization): focuses on developing adolescent girls to bring positive changes into community. They has committed more than $100 mil to benefit adolescent girls. b. Promote philanthropic activities and create financial flows that ensure long-term success – Nike manages a portfolio of investment that have triggered donations from consumers to expand its initial investment. – Notable projects: Livestrong, Human Race, Hurley H20 water initiative†¦ (Not only is Nike socially responsible but also Nike is environmentally responsible)   BODY 1. Highly committed to sustainable development – To help focus effort and resources where company can make the most impact, Nike developed its own North Star to define sustainable development. . To achieve its goal, Nike has broken it into a number of smaller attainable steps: a. Product design: * Internally, Nike mobil izes its human resources to develop closed-loop product. * Externally, Nike actively posts unresolved problems and requests solutions from outside investors, universities and companies. b. Climate and energy: As a co-founding member of Business for Innovative Climate and Energy Policy (BICEP), Nike and its partners have committed to strategic collaboration to push for US energy and legislation and rule making. c. Water: Nike aims to contract with factories where water is abundant enough to support it operations. * Nike also collaborates with factories to improve efficiency of water-utilizing * Nike encourages its suppliers’ adherence to high quality standards for all of their production. (Nike itself is a diverse company) BODY 1. Diversity and inclusion are key to drive creativity and innovation: – Grows their competitive advantage, recruit – In 2006, Nike appointed its first VP of Diversity. – In 2008, Nike formed a global diversity and inclusion team fo cused on three areas: a. Engaging employees b. Providing business consultation . Developing innovative tools, models and designs 2. Diversity and inclusion statistics a. Gender diversity: * Global work force is half-male, half-female * Overall management is 60% male and 40% female. b. Ethnicity diversity: c. 55% of its work force is Caucasian, 22% is African American, 13% is Hispanic, 9% is Asian/Pacific islander and 1% is American Indian. d. Supplier diversity: national and regional partners on its suppliers effort, including the National Minority Supplier development council, the Oregon Association of Minority Entrepreneurs and the Women’s business Enterprise National Council.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Should Atheltes Have to Go to College
This topic is widely debated among citizens across the United States. The answer that is commonly regarded as the safe choice is to finish school then go pro. If an athlete were to choose this choice the benefits would clearly outweigh the risks. The big benefits would be that you will have a fall back and you will be able to get a higher pay in the pros. The only risk of waiting is injury in the final extra season played to graduate.Athletes tend to be more prone to injury than a non athletic person. If an athlete were to compete on a professional level were the speed of the action is moving faster than a hurricane, that athlete would almost be guaranteed to suffer some sort of injury. Maybe it’s a simple pulled muscle, that athlete would be able to come back and compete again. Let’s say the athlete was not so lucky and got hit be someone so hard it appeared that he got ran over by a semi truck going 65. The athlete would not be able to return back to his or her sport. Now what will the athlete do to make a steady income? If the athlete finished school he or she will have an occupation they will be able to get right into. If the athlete did not finish college, the athlete would have a hard time finding a job with a steady income, especially in the current economy. Throughout most of a United States citizen’s life they hear the words â€Å"the higher the education, the higher you get paid. †This is true in the world of athletics as well. Before a player gets drafted to a professional sport they must take a mandatory IQ quiz.The quiz results are used by coaches to see what players will be able to remember things such as plays and formations. If an athlete knows his or hers primary position well and are able to know other positions as well, the athletes value increases significantly. A coach would rather have a player who is a little less skilled but can run plays right and have chemistry with team rather than one who is skilled but di srupts the teams flow by messing up a play. The one risk an athlete faces by waiting to finish school before going pro is injury in the last season.I personally know a person that this has happened to. His name is Ian Clark. He was a quarterback for the New Mexico Lobos who got invited to a few NFL combines. He did well enough to enter the draft that year but decided to finish school first. In the very first game of the season he gets a broken shoulder blade and ligament damage in his rotator cuff. This ruined his chances to play professionally. The good thing is that he finished school and is working on an upper-management level of a construction company with a very good income.It’s not playing in The NFL, but he’s living very comfortable right now for just getting out of college. For athletes finishing school is a very important thing to do. Sure being a professional athlete would be an amazing thing to be but if you leave school early to pursue a dream you may not g et paid as well as others and you might end up hurt. As an athlete you are only worth something until a knee blows or something worse occurs. With an education you will never be able to become worthless.Races from when I was getting my braces off. In chapter 12 of the scarlet letter a meteor appears the leaves a trail with the letter A. I feel the letter A is symbolic for acceptance. The A appears as Hester, Pearl and Dimesdale hold hands on the scaffold were Hester has to stand in public. I say this because at this point of the book Dimesdale is going crazy with guilt of his sin of adultery. God shows him here that he accepts his flaws and Hester's too. Acceptance is the new meaning of the letter A.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Custom Essay Editing
Custom Essay Editing Custom Essay Editing Custom Essay Editing Well, you have done a great job writing your essay. Now it is time to move to essay editing. Do you feel tired of your assignment? Does it take too much of your time? What should you do when the deadline is approaching and you do not want your efforts lost in vain? You need professional essay editing services: Custom essay editing service is provided for students who want to ensure their essays are perfect in grammar, content, style, punctuation, format, and referencing. It is very simple: you turn to us, give us your written essay, provide instructions, and get a polished essay back by the specified deadline! Every person who goes through the painful process of essay writing knows the feeling of satisfaction which comes after the completion of any essay. Running a simply spell-check at the end of the writing process is not enough. There is a number of specific editing strategies our editors follow while working on your assignment. Custom Essay Editing Strategies Read your written essay aloud. While it many rather simple and even stupid, reading your essay aloud you have an opportunity to see the larger picture of your own writing. You can easily identify the problems in your written essay (too long or too short sentences; unfinished idea) Make sure all words/phrases/sentences are relevant One of the most serious problems students experiences while writing essays is the decision to meet the word limit by integrated irrelevant ideas and thoughts into the essay. Do not do that mistake! Read your essay very attentive to delete all irrelevant information. If you find irrelevant information, you need to conduct a research to fill in the remaining space. Use precise, clear, and understandable language. Do not try to impress your teacher with your knowledge of lengthy, complicated, or scientific skills. Do not include the words the meaning of which is not known to you. If your teacher asks you to clarify the meaning of the specific word and you do not know what to reply, you are likely to fail. Avoid personal pronouns, unless it is required Yes, many students make this mistake. You should be very attentive not to use I, we or you in your essay writing, unless you are working on a personal essay and the use of personal pronouns is one of the initial requirements. Professional Custom Essay Editing If you do not want to spend long hours going through the above pieces of advice, you have a much easier solution: professional custom essay editing service. All you need to do is to send us your essay and our professional editors will make it perfect! Read also: APA Style Research Paper Writing the Analysis Paper Writing a College Term Paper Sociology Paper Report Writing Help
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Life Cycle of Fleas
The Life Cycle of Fleas In order to control fleas effectively, you must understand the flea life cycle. Though there are several species of fleas that can infest your home, by far the most common species found on cats or dogs is the cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis), so well focus on cat fleas in this article. The Flea Life Cycle Fleas undergo complete metamorphosis with four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Environmental variables influence the length of each developmental stage. Fleas prefer a warm, humid environment, with temperatures ranging between 70 and 90 F and a relative humidity of 75 percent or more. Under ideal conditions, the cat flea life cycle takes just 18 days, from egg to adult. Adult fleas (both male and female) require a blood meal prior to mating. They prefer blood from your pet, but in the absence of a canine or feline host, fleas will bite people. Once mated, the female flea may deposit up to 50 eggs per day on your dog or cat. An adult flea typically lives for several months, so just a single flea can cause a significant infestation in a short amount of time. As your pet walks around your home, many of the flea eggs fall off. Cat flea eggs are tiny, measuring a mere 1/32 inch, so they can go unnoticed in your pets bedding, in carpets, or on upholstered furniture. Within 2 to 5 days, wormlike larvae emerge from the eggs. Lacking eyes and legs, you might think that flea larvae would have a tough time surviving in your carpet. But flea larvae do just fine hunkered down between the carpet fibers, where they feed on anything organic, from hair to adult flea excrement. The larvae feed and molt for 1 to 2 weeks, and then pupate within silken cocoons. The flea cocoon is often camouflaged with debris, including hair, skin particles, and carpet fibers. In a warm environment and with your cat or dog available for a blood meal, the adult may emerge in about a week. The new adult flea will jump on your pet when he passes by, and immediately begin feeding on his blood. Can Fleas Survive If My Pet Is Away? You might think you can beat a flea infestation by simply removing your pet from the home for a while. After all, no host, no parasite, right? But fleas are clever pests. A fully formed adult flea can sit tight inside its cocoon for a year, just waiting for a host animal to reappear. The fleas stay safely in their pupal cases until they sense vibrations that suggest an animal is moving nearby. Like many insects that feed on blood, they can also sense an increased presence of carbon dioxide, which signals that a host is in the area. So as soon as your dog or cat returns, the adult fleas will emerge and feast. And remember, theyll gladly feed on your blood if your pet is unavailable, so unless you are prepared to abandon your home for a year, you really must treat for fleas.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Elements of Design Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Elements of Design - Movie Review Example It is also important to familiarize with the cast and the other important people that made the film a success in order to grasp the ideology within. The movie Safe House is a contemporary movie produced in the year 2012 and an analysis of the film explains certain aspects. This is a captivating action/drama movie with Scott Stuber as the production designer. One of the world’s acclaimed movie directors, Daniel Espinosa, directed the movie. The movie creator incorporated the talent of art director, Jonathan Hely- Hutchinson to assist in his area of expertise. The cast of Denzel Washington alongside other widely recognized artists gave the production team of the movie a smooth time as it was dealing with professionals. Daniel Espisona being an acclaimed movie director took on his responsibilities as a director very well. His role in the various design aspects portrayed in the film was very clear. As a director, he had the authority to state his views on the intonation that the a ctors used on different sets. He was also responsible for overseeing the lighting of the various scenes in the movie in relation to the changes in environment that the actors played in. He also directed the actors on the manner in which to present themselves in front of the camera for greater perception of their talent. The production designer, Scott Stuber also did a very impressive job culminating to the captivating result of the film. He was very concerned with the high amount of competition that the film industry has had over the last couple of years and thus added some allure to get more fans. Scott’s role in the overall design project involved overseeing the presentation of each screenplay and delegating specific activities to the various people involved in each screenplay. He had the responsibility of identifying the visual aspects of the film to create a clear picture that could captivate the audience. Jonathan Hely- Hutchinson as the art director also had a very impo rtant role in the success of the film. His position in the general creation of the film was that below Scott Stuber. His job description involved receiving instructions from the production designer and implementing them. Each set in the movie had its individual designers and it was the responsibility of Jonathan to ensure that each of them had the required equipments to ensure that visual ground plan for each shot location was in order. To get a deeper understanding of the various roles that these artists play, it is important to focus on one scene in the movie and gain a perspective of all the constituents that made it a blockbuster. The plot of the movie is that one ex Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Tobin Frost, receives a file that contains incriminating information about one major goon by the name Vargas. Vargas gets on his trail in an effort to kill him and retrieve the file that leads to the government offering protection for Frost in a safe house. An agent Weston who assi sts Frost escape after an attempted attack by Vargas guards the safe house. The two escape to discrete places in South Africa hoping that Vargas does not catch up with them. The scene to focus on is that of Cape Town Stadium (Espinosa, 2012). The lighting at the scene is unique in that it is very imperative to bring out the conditions in which the actors were. The two actors ran into the stadium as a haven where they could get away from the perpetrator chasing them. The lighting is
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