Monday, September 30, 2019
Mp4 Matlab
College of Engineering ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING NDC Compound, *Anonas* St. Sta. Mesa, Manila {draw:line} Research Work with Defense Submitted By: Group 3 – Alpha Signal Rho BSECE IV-1 Leader : SANTOS, Ralph Rhyan G. Members: BELANO, Gracielle D. ESPINOSA, Joey Q. HERNANDEZ, Jan Roldan B. MATIC, Millicent G. RIVO, Sarah Ezekiel M. VILLENA, Kane Dave R Engr. Gerhard P. Tan Instructor Introduction It is known that our fast-paced emerging technology has been able to give us anything that we wish. Concerning the field of Digital Signal Processing, our latest technology has been able to give birth to many new forms of media file format both in audio and video. A few number of groups tried to produce different media file formats that would be of their greatest preferences but a certain group known as the Moving Picture Experts Group with the combined help of different professionals all around the world were able to create several media file formats that are of great use and in many ways universal. These said formats were then treated as the standards and then were implemented and it was used worldwide. After being assigned a certain file format per group, the certain multimedia file format that will be discussed by our group in this paper is the MP4 file or the file extension format known as . mp4. It is known that the . mp4 file format is the multimedia file container format for the MPEG-4 so some topics about MPEG-4 will also be discussed. Also, we will feature its history, applications, advantages and disadvantages and as well as the future for this certain file format. Different issues surrounding the main topic will be tackled as well and will be explained with the full extent of our capabilities. This research work was designed for students like us to gain new knowledge and discover the fundamentals behind the different technological advancements that we are already enjoying. It could be taken in account that all of our group members participated and did their part in constructing this research paper. History MPEG-4 part 12, which is known as ISO Base Media File Format, was originally the 1st version of the file format for MPEG-4. It was based upon Apple’s QuickTime container format. Afterwards, this part was then revised and thus giving birth to the MPEG-4 part 14 which is the MP4 file format. This occurred in the year 2003 wherein the difference between the two is the Part 1 or the System Standard. The first version then became the basis for many other file formats that were released afterwards. Theories and Principles What is MP4? {draw:frame} IV. Interact with the audiovisual scene generated at the receiver’s end. MPEG-4 Standards The basic components of streaming media are encoders, servers and players. The encoder compresses the video and distributes the compressed video to players that decode and render it. For interoperability the overlapping areas in Figure 2 need standardization, that is file formats, protocols and codecs. The MPEG-4 standard covers it all. {draw:frame} Figure 2 – Streaming media components More recent parts added into MPEG-4 are: †¢ Part 9: Reference Hardware Description†, Phase 1 Hardware Accelerators, Phase 2 Optimized Reference Software integration through Virtual Socket †¢ Part 10: Advanced Video Coding (as discussed below) †¢ Part 11: Scene description (to be split off from part 1) †¢ Part 12: ISO Media File Format. †¢ Part 13 : IPMP Extensions. †¢ Part 14 : MP4 File Format (based on part 12). †¢ Part 15 : AVC File Format (also based on part 12). †¢ Part 16 : AFX (Animation Framework eXtensions) and MuW (Multi-user Worlds). Part 17 : Timed text subtitle format †¢ Part 18 : Font Compression and Streaming †¢ Part 19 : Synthesized Texture Stream †¢ Part 20 : Lightweight Application Screen Representation (LASeR) †¢ Part 21 : MPEG-J Graphical Framework eXtension (GFX) †¢ Part 22 : Open Font Format Specificat ion (OFFS) based on OpenType †¢ Part 23 : Symbolic Music Representation (SMR) {draw:frame} Figure 3: Classification of MPEG-4 Toolset {draw:frame} Figure 4: The parts of MPEG-4, the arrows represent flow of bits Because of its universality and flexibility, the MPEG-4 could be applied almost everything. Of course, since there are media files that do not make use of all the tools provided by the MPEG-4, it resulted in the creation of different profiles. Such profiles are classified according to the tools that they make use of. In general, the different file formats that could contain the MPEG-4 system are as follows: . m4a – media container for raw audio only .m4v – media container for raw video only .mp4 – media container for audio, video and still images . 3gp & . 3g2 – media container used in cellular phones Data Streams †¢ Still images (e. g. as a fixed background); †¢ Video objects (e. . a talking person – without the background; †¢ 2–D and 3-D objects such as those used for animations; Audio objects (e. g. the voice associated with that person, background music) Every single one of these media objects present when gathering them in MPEG-4 are stored individually into what we refer to as â€Å"data streams†. In MPEG -4, every object is tightly coupled with a stream: such binding is made by the means of the Object Descriptor Framework which links an object to an actual stream. This design seems obvious for video objects that rely on a compressed video stream. It has been pushed a bit further: the scene description and the description of object descriptors are themselves streams. In other words, the presentation itself is a stream which updates the scene graph and relies on a dynamic set of descriptors, which allow referencing the actual media streams. These design principles can be summarized in the following figure, which gives a visualization of a scene. {draw:frame} Figure 5: An MPEG-4 scene aggregating different media streams Different objects can be encoded and transmitted separately to the decoder in their own elementary streams. The composition only takes places after decoding instead of before encoding. This applies to both visual objects and audio alike. In order to do the composition, MPEG-4 includes a special scene description language, called BIFS, for binary Format for Scenes. Atoms After the streams are collected, they are then stored into object – oriented structures called â€Å"atoms†. These atoms are what primarily compose an MP4 file. The type field is usually four printable characters. Atom structured files are used in a number of applications, and it is possible to form multi-purpose files which contain the atoms required by more than one specification. Examples include not only the ISO Base File Format family described here, but also the JPEG 2000 file format family, which for the most part is a still-image file format. {draw:frame} Figure 6: Complex File with External Media Data In the MP4 file format, determining how to decode a track involves two decisions. First, what kind of track is it: audio, visual, and so on? And then, precisely how are the samples are coded? The first decision is made by examining the handler type; along with the handler type, there is a type-specific header atom within the track structures for each kind of track. draw:frame} Figure 7: MP4 Handler type and Header atom type {draw:frame} Figure 8: Relation between different objects Application Television Broadcasting MPEG-4 offers well enough compression for transmitting hundreds of channels and satellite TV cable that consumers expect applicable even in high definition televisions. Broadcast applications can take advantage of the MPEG-4 standard to offer h igh-quality interactive content delivered over traditional TV networks or cable TV networks. Mobile Communication and Entertainment MPEG-4 handsets are established for the purpose of having two-way video calls or watch video programming over 3G networks. The MPEG-4 standard allows video streaming of very low bit rate content over all types of networks. It makes provisions for streaming in error-prone environments. These qualities are crucial when streaming rich content to wireless devices. Internet Streaming MPEG-4 has several characteristics that make it the ideal standard for streaming rich media over the internet. For the narrowband Internet, applications can use content compressed at low rates. For broadband Internet, applications can use the same content encoded at higher bit rates. The interactive nature of MPEG-4 means that MPEG-4 content can be used in advanced multimedia applications. And because MPEG-4 allows for scalability, the same content can be streamed to different devices over heterogeneous networks. Portable Gaming Distance Learning and Training One of the keys to distance learning and training is the ability to transmit over different networking infrastructures and interactivity. In a corporate training scenario, MPEG-4 content can be broadcasted via satellite to company branches in remote locations and over the LAN to employees at headquarters. Digital Still Cameras and Convergence Devices Most digital cameras now include movie modes for capture of short video sequences and with the new affordability of high-capacity flash memory, it is possible to build camera-like Mobile Content Convergence Devices that include the functions of a camera, camcorder and music player in one device. Given its compression efficiency, multi-platform support and its freedom from platform bundling requirements, MPEG-4 is an ideal fit for these devices. Satellite Radio MPEG-4’s audio codec have been employed in several systems for satellite radio and multimedia broadcasting. Security Video surveillances are modern means of security employment. Often, the devices used must limit the video resolution and frame rate to provide a reasonable recording time, and mostly require proprietary video players or some plug-ins to view the stored content. Recording using MPEG-4 enables and provides full resolution and desired frame rates. Also, MPEG-4 coding reduces storage cost. Its interoperability also allows users to combine equipment from different manufacturers in their systems and still be able to export a certain video in a universally readable format. MATLAB SIMULATION Since we know that from the principle of MPEG-4, each media object present in the scene while it is taken will be conveyed into its own elementary stream. These media objects could be an audio, video or a still image. The first thing to do is record first an analog signal with the use of the matlab tool known as daqscope. daqscope A window showing an example oscilloscope will be shown. It will look like the picture below. By pressing the arrow button, the recording of an analog signal will begin. The generated signal will depend on the sounds that will be acquired from a recording device such as a computer microphone. After recording on both channels, you can then close the window. The recorded signal will be treated as â€Å"winsound0†. addchannel(ai,1:2); set(ai,'SampleRate',44100) set(ai,'SamplesPerTrigger',44100) tart(ai) wait(ai,2) data = getdata(ai); plot(data) The example analog signal that we made look like the next figure. {draw:frame} video = mmread(‘mymovie. mpg',1:100); This command would then generate the first 100 frames of the video that we have chosen. In our example we used a sample video from the MATLAB folder known as vipmen we converted it first to an mpg file then renamed it into mymovie. The figure below shows some sample frames. {draw:frame} {draw:frame} {draw:frame} {draw:frame} {draw:frame} {draw:frame} {draw:frame} {draw:frame} {draw:frame} I = imread(‘mymovie. pg'); I = im2double(I); T = dctmtx(8); B = blkproc(I,[8 8],'P1xP2†²,T,T'); B2 = blkproc(B,[8 8],'P1. *x',mask); I2 = blkproc(B2,[8 8],'P1xP2†²,T',T); imshow(I), figure, imshow(I2) Advantages and Disadvantages The main advantage of the MP4 file format is its interoperability. Since mpeg-4 contains many different tools for different programs for different purposes, it stood up and showed its universality and multi-functionality which we think is the most basic pre-requisite for a media file format to be of great importance. Also, because of that same reason, MP4 is common and would work across different types of players from different manufacturers. It became natural for us to make use of it. Another advantage is that there is no additional infrastructure investment needed for its development unlike mpeg-2 that required billions of dollar to be developed, the MPEG-4 used the pre-existing knowledge and altered it to its preference. The greatest disadvantage would be the licensing terms and the content fee of the MP4 file format. This could be a hindrance for companies that would be using it in a large scale. It could be the reason to slow down the adoption of MP4 for broadcasting in IP networks. Another is with the ever known piracy problem since it relies on data encryption. Also, the download time in a broadband connection, which is much longer than the time consumed when downloading regular files, having the fact that MP4’s are still generally large files. Emerging Technology References: Principles of Digital Audio by Ken C. Pohlmann Principles of Multimedia by Ranjan Parekh MPEG-4 Whitepaper, www. medialab. sonera. fl http://my. opera. com/ebest24/blog/2006/11/11/general-mp4-information http://www. coolutils. com/Formats/MP4 http://www. zimbio. com/QuickTime/articles/4/History+MP4+Technology+Apple http://www. chiariglione. org/mpeg/standards/mpeg-4/mpeg-4. htm http://www. ncsu. edu/it/multimedia/mpeg4. html http://www. mpegif. org/resources/mpeg4userfaq. php
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Encounters with crocodiles Essay
I found the crocodiles so intresting that i soon got over my loathing for them and yet with possible exception of as they run the hyenas they must be the meanest creatures in the AFRICAN scene.They will never openly attack,and they will not defend their own eggs ; directly you attempt to land ,into the water they go.It was unwise however to stand to close to the river bank especially at dusk the crocodile lunge out at you with his paws ;instead,having observed you carefully from midstream ,hen swim submeged into the shallows ,and with a sudden like moment of his tail he sweeps you into the water.One of the African boys in the park had been taken like this a few days before we arrived ,and it was no rare thing ,we were told ,for baby elephants to meet their end in just this way when they came down to the river to drink. then the mother elephants goes ranging along the bank quite powerless to retaliate.The crocodiles itself shas mortal enemies ,and not many of the sixty or seventy eggs which female lays,like turtle ,in a hole in a sand bank are destined to survive .Having laid her eggs (they are rather like large white goose -eggs),the mother covers up the hole and then sometimes departs. This is the moment for the moniter lizard to creep out of the undergrowth to scrape the sand away and then to gorge himself .Even if the nest remains undiscovered the young crcodiles need a gold deal of luck to survive. They come struggling to the surface of the sand little ten_inch_long rubbery thing ,and make directly for the water , hissing and snapping as they run .On the bank the marabaou stork with the speed of sword_play flicks them into his long bill ; and if you care to watch you can see the wriggling passage of the young crocodile down the bird scraggy throat.Sometimes the mother crocodile will try to defend her young at this perilous moment ,and this is a facinating thing to see.The marabou, with elaborate unconcern stand in about six inches of water waiting for the next tit bit to come swimming by,and from about twenty yards away the mother crocodile watches :just two murderous eyes above the surface of the stream .Then silently she submerges and come up again about ten y ards from marabou .The bird takes no notice .And now ,having again goes down .This time she is coming in for the kill .it is a matter of about two seconds the marabou abstractely and casually takes a backward step . At the same instant the tremendous jaws of the crocodiles come rearing out of the river and snap together in the empty air at the prcise spot where he was standing .green water streaming off her back ,the crocodiles subsides into river again;and the bird steps back to res ume its meal QUESTIONS/ANSWERS: Q1:what enabled the writer to get over his loathing for the crcodiles? Q2:what do crcodiles do when a person attempts to land on the river bank ? Q3:what method does the crocodiles use to capture ots prey?
Saturday, September 28, 2019
The effect of diffrent Concentrations of Auxin on pinto seed stem Research Paper
The effect of diffrent Concentrations of Auxin on pinto seed stem ilongation - Research Paper Example The experiment conducted by students to examine the effects of different concentration of auxin to the growth of pinto beans showed that regardless of the level of auxin used in each experiment, auxin caused retarded growth to pinto bean seeds. Introduction According to Bewley (1057), growth hormones have different effects on plants depending on the nature of the plants, quantity of the hormones used, type of the hormones and the part of the plant in which the hormones are in contact with. This knowledge has enabled those growth hormones or auxin to be used for different purposes in crop husbandry and have enabled plants to react to the external stimuli that would otherwise cause harm to the plant (Lucia,, 153). The student carried out an experiment in order to examine the effect of different auxin concentrations on elongation of the stem of pinto beans. In the experiment, the student selected fifteen beans picked indiscriminately (Thimann, & Lane, 541). The student divided the seeds into three groups of five seeds each and planted each group in a separate pot. The first pot acted as trial experiment and was watered with plain water without any auxin. In the second pot, 500ppm concentration of the auxin was added to the water while in the third pot a different auxin concentration of 500ppm was added to the water used for watering the seed. ... The outcome observation varies from plant to another and depends on the amount of auxin used in each case. Methods In our Plant Independent Investigation, the experiment was set up by labeling three pots, â€Å"tap water†, â€Å"500 ppm auxin†, and â€Å"5000 ppm auxin†. Each of the pots was filled with the same amount of soil (filled 1 inch to the brim). A total of 15 red kidney beans were randomly selected from the seed packet and 5 seeds were planted on each pot. The seeds were buried in the soil with only the tip exposed. The seeds were labeled 1-5 on a piece of tape wrapping around the exterior of each pot. Each pot was watered with 35 ml of tap water. In addition to the tap water, 5 squirts of the 500 ppm auxin were squirted onto each of the 5 seeds in the pot labeled â€Å"500 ppm auxin†. In the pot labeled â€Å"5000 ppm auxin†, 5 squirts of 5000 ppm auxin were squirted onto each of the 5 seeds. In the third pot, only tap water was used and no auxin at all. The team members measured stem growth in plants each day for seven days. The height of stem growth was measured for all 15 plants and recorded in the data table. The plants were watered with 35 ml of tap water daily and given their appropriate solution treatment. The plants in the control pot only received the 35 ml of tap water. The plants in the â€Å"500 ppm auxin†pot received 35 ml of tap water and 5 drops (per seed) of 500 ppm auxin. The plants in the â€Å"5000 ppm auxin†pot received 35 ml of tap water and 5 drops (per seed) of 5000 ppm auxin. For this experiment, a statistical examination was conducted in the form of a t-test (Richard, 63). The t-test compares the growth means of each of the samples to the control (DI water). Therefore, the red kidney bean plants
Friday, September 27, 2019
Marcel Duchamp Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Marcel Duchamp - Essay Example The paper "Marcel Duchamp" focuses on the important figure in the art, Marcel Duchamp. Particular to that was the avant-garde movement known as the Dadaists and the Surrealists: "the mission of the early 20th Century avant-garde thus consisted in undermining the idea of art's 'autonomy' in favour of a new merging of art into what he calls the 'praxis of life'." The work being examined in the following, falls within the genre of this movement, and thus, one of the running themes explored throughout this discussion, will address how L.H.O.O.Q. can be understood as an expression of the avant-garde of his age, and how this fits within the agenda of the Dadaists. In introductory terms, Dadaism is a movement that sought to deconstruct the relationship of art to the power structures that financed it, so to speak. By challenging the power relations surrounding the work of art, the further agenda of exposing the essentially "bourgeoisie" values are likewise a theme that is incorporated into t he actual pieces or works of art themselves. In 1915, Marcel Duchamp moved to New York City from Paris. In Duchamp's own words, he was not moving to New York so much as he was fleeing the art community in Paris which he believed was burdened by the history and traditions of European art. As he states: â€Å"If only America would realize that the art of Europe is finished – dead – and that America is the country of the art of the future. Look at the skyscrapers! Has Europe anything to show more beautiful than these? New York is a work of art, a complete work of art . . . And I believe that the idea of demolishing old buildings, old souvenirs, is fine . . . The dead should not be permitted to be so much stronger than the living. We must learn to forget the past, to live our own lives in our own time.†[Kalaidjian, Ed., 2005, 195]. In terms of the back drop of rejecting history or the tradition of art, the work in question eventually came to be known as a 'ready-ma de'. That is, a found object which has been altered or modified in a way, and then presented as a work of art. The work in question [APPENDIX A] is a reproduction of Leonardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa, which is arguably, the most famous work that is housed in the Louvre in Paris. As far as the modifications go with this particular work, Duchamp has merely added a mustache and titled the work with the initials L.H.O.O.Q.. This title is supposed to be a pun or a play on the French: â€Å"Elle a chaud au cul" and as translated into English, the phrase means "She has a hot ass" [Seigel, 1995, 119] . There is an interesting controversy about the work, that it is germane to the very meaning of the work itself. One of the important aspects of a work like this, is the very capacity for it to be photographed and reproduced. Indeed, the technique involved with the work in the first sense involves photography insofar as the image itself is initially a photograph of the Mona Lisa: "photography was crucial in disseminating Duchamp" [Hopkins, 2004, p. 46]. The contemporary twist on the controversy occurred in 2006 when the art critic and editor of Art in America, had to issue an apology for misunderstanding the authenticity and provenance of a reproduction of Duchamp's famous work: â€Å"I was wrong in 'Dada Lives' to claim that Francis Picabia's bungled 1920 reproduction
Thursday, September 26, 2019
BPA in composites and plastic bottles Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
BPA in composites and plastic bottles - Article Example To systematically compile and critically evaluate the literature charac-terizing BPA content of dental materials; to assess BPA exposures from dental materials and potential health risks; and to develop evidence-based guidance for reducing BPA exposures while promoting oral health. The extant toxicological literature and material safety data sheets were used as data sources. BPA is released from dental resins through salivary enzymatic hydrolysis of BPA derivatives, and BPA is detectable in saliva for up to 3 hours after resin placement. The quantity and duration of systemic BPA absorption is not clear from the available data. Dental products containing bisphenol A derivative glycidyl dimethacrylate (bis-GMA) are less likely to be hydrolyzed to BPA and have less estrogenicity than those containing bisphenol A dimethacrylate (bis-DMA). Most other BPA derivatives used in dental materials have not been evaluated for estrogenicity. BPA exposure can be reduced by cleaning and rinsing surf aces of sealants and composites immediately after placement. On the basis of the proven benefits of resin-based dental materials and the brevity of BPA exposure, we recommend continued use with strict adherence to precautionary application techniques. Use of these materials should be minimized during pregnancy whenever possible. Manufacturers should be required to report complete information on the chemical composition of dental products and encouraged to develop materials with less estrogenic potential. Title: Doctors Warn Women Against Hot Drinks with Plastic Covers Proponents: China Post Writers Source: China Post 13 Feb. 2011. Health Reference Center Academic. Web. 24th March 2011. Abstract: The China Post news staff -- Doctors have warned people, women in particular, against sipping hot beverages through the small holes in plastic cup covers which, when heated, may release the harmful compound bisphenol A (BPA), a report said yesterday. Chien Chi-cheng from Taiwan's association of gynecologists and obstetricians, said BPA can be found in many plastic products and long-term intake of the toxic chemical may seriously harm one's health, the United Evening News reported. BPA can accumulate in the body and cause harm to women's hormone systems, menstruation, and pregnancy, he said. Like other environmental hormones, BPA can pass onto pregnant women's babies. Chien noted that examinations of babies' umbilical cord blood over the past few years have returned unexpected results. Their blood contains a few hundred chemicals, including many environmental hormones such as BPA. The association pointed out that of the recyclable plastic products, categories No. 3 and No. 6 will release BPA under high temperatures X 70 degrees Celsius and above. It noted that many major chain stores use No. 6 plastic covers for their hot coffee. Chien was cited by the paper as saying he is worried every time he sees a woman sipping hot coffee directly through the small hole in such pla stic covers. Although one cup of coffee may only produce a very small amount of environmental hormones, long-term exposure will accumulate to a frightening level, Chien reportedly said. Meanwhile, another doctor noted that environmental hormones found in automobile exhaust may cause male infertility. Chen Si-yuan, a professor from the gynecology
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Anti-colonial Nationalism in British India Essay
Anti-colonial Nationalism in British India - Essay Example Gandhi became famous in the world for fighting for independence in India from the British colonialists in the early 20th century. The emergence of the communal consciousness between the Muslims and the Hindus was as a result of the British colonial rule, particularly the colonial legislation and administrative division of Indians into religious classes. During the colonial period, communalism and separatism were restricted only to certain regions and groups. Politics of the Indian National Congress, anti colonial nationalists’ parties, the Muslim League and the British legislation brought about the thought that the interests of the Muslim community were different from those of the Hindu community in India (Khan 234). The anti colonial struggle in India took place in three different stages, which is the proto-nationalism stage as the first stage, the rise of new leadership as the second stage and finally mass movement as the third stage. Proto-nationalism is the earliest period of anti-colonial struggle in British India. The local people did not have any knowledge about their rights and their independence during this era. The local people accepted the colonial rule of the British during this period. However, political movements and social groups demanded reforms within the British colonial rule system. When the National Congress of India was established in 1885, it was not anti British colonial rule because it believed that the British colonialists had some sense of justice and fair play in their ruling (Guha 102). The rise of new leadership in India was regarded as the second stage of anti colonial struggle. New patriotic and dedicated leaders in India took control of the movements. During this stage, leaders such as Gokhale, Mahatma Gandhi, Lala Lajpat Rai, Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Patel and Maulana Azad emerged (Guha 78). The third and final stage of anti colonial struggle in British India was mass movements. These national movements dominated in India in that the British colonialists were forced to use brutal force in order to maintain their power. The movements took their information to the locals in remote areas of India under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi. This final stage started with civil disobedience movements whose main aim was to sensitive the locals to disobey some of the rules of the British colonialists that were unjust. The British colonialists in turn arrested the leaders of the movements sending them to jail (Guha 34). With the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi, peaceful non-violent struggles were adopted as a method of anti colonial struggle. National Congress of India was established in 1885 as a platform for the educated Indians to express their aspirations and was generally received by the British. The Congress later became anti British. Among the leaders of the Congress included Gopal Krishna Gokhale and Surendra Nath Banerjee who sought for reforms that would allow some Indians to participate in the Legislativ e Councils but after approximately two decades, it became anti British. The main objective of the Congress was the defeat of the British raj. In India, the freedom movement was split into two factions, that is, a less militant faction and a more militant faction. The less militant faction was represented by Gokhale and later by Mahatma Gandhi whose main
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Migration Policy of United Kingdom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Migration Policy of United Kingdom - Essay Example The applicant work experience, higher academic achievement such as a bachelor's, master's and PhD degrees, English language ability which requires that an applicant should have a bachelors degree taught in English - will be given more merits and consideration. Migrants must also pass the International English Language Testing System requirement. The government will also deem the employment of illegal workers a criminal offence carrying a punishment of up to two years imprisonment. The new system also calls for the termination of 'chain migration', which means that there will be no instantaneous rights for a family member to bring in more relatives into the country. In addition, the new rules call for the automatic termination of right for residency for some categories of migrants and calls for an introduction of new mechanisms for an enhanced migration control. Although research on migration suggests that economic migration had given the UK economic advantage as migration is not detrimental to employment opportunities or responsible for depressing wages, some policymakers contended that the low cost of labour only benefited employers, but not the unskilled workers, composed mainly of many migrant workers. Immigration to the United Kingdom has increased considerably during the previous and the current decade. With continued economic development and historically low unemployment figures causing increased demand for migrant labourers, immigration figures have augmented to an unparalleled number (Pinkerton, 2005). As a result of this of rising immigration figures which caused apprehensions not only to the policy makers but also to the populations - 60 percent of the populace, according to a recent survey, believe that there are too many immigrants in Britain - lawmakers have tried to create efficient policies to handle migration (MORI Survey, 2006). One important part of the UK debate on migration is the question of how to control the flow of workers from the 10 new members of the European Union joined in May 2004. Under the EU terms, existing members of the EU had the alternative to put provisional limitations on the migrant workers from the Central and Eastern European countries. This was devised to alleviate any possible 'labor market shocks' which will occur as a result of the economic differences between existing and new EU member countries. In the months that followed, many other existing member countries began to put restrictions on the surge of workers from these countries with the exception of UK, Ireland, and Sweden. In effect, the UK government came under enormous pressure to put restrictions and devise plans to control labor migration (Shaw, 2004). Amid these new migration policies, new studies show that migrant workers have contributed as much 36.7 billion - or 3% - to the United Kingdom's economy since 1997 and more than one-third of that amount spawned since the appointment of 10 countries to form the EU-25 in May 2004. Nonetheless, the report, from the National Institute of Economic and Social Research, stated the benefits had not been allocated uniformly, and had most likely added to an increase in unemployment among the unskilled laborers. Furthermore, the institute stated that about 5% of the existing workers has arrived in the country since 1997 - one third of those since 2004 - and that the latest migrants comprise 4.5% of the national wage bill. Recent research
Monday, September 23, 2019
Market-Led Strategic Change at Tesco plc Research Paper
Market-Led Strategic Change at Tesco plc - Research Paper Example The second applies the analysis to Tesco plc, providing relevant examples. Companies develop marketing plans to know how it should direct its efforts towards bringing a particular product or brand to market. The plan acts as a roadmap, a set of guidelines to ensure success, and contains an analysis of the target market, the marketing objectives, and the marketing mix, which explains in detail the selected strategy for the product, its promotion, distribution, and price (Cohen, 1995). The quality of a marketing plan depends on the assumptions it makes about the customers and the basis for those assumptions, how the marketing objectives are defined, and how the marketing mix are analysed; above all, how it is put into action (Shark, 1994). Traditional literature on marketing programmes and actions such as by Wind and Claycamp (1976) identified the development of product policies (brand, quality, and value) as the most critical element of a marketing plan because this is how companies can engage customers and meet their needs. As Peter and Donnelly (1997, p. 127) observed: "developing new products is the lifeblood of successful business firms". Crawford (1994, p.9-11) categorised "new products" as follows: new to the world (inventions), new for the firm, additions to product lines, product improvements, and repositioning (retargeting for new use or application). Major changes in the marketplace, media and communications, ... elopment of product policies (brand, quality, and value) as the most critical element of a marketing plan because this is how companies can engage customers and meet their needs. As Peter and Donnelly (1997, p. 127) observed: "developing new products is the lifeblood of successful business firms". Crawford (1994, p.9-11) categorised "new products" as follows: new to the world (inventions), new for the firm, additions to product lines, product improvements, and repositioning (retargeting for new use or application). Total Integration Major changes in the marketplace, media and communications, and in consumers were the key drivers in the development of integrated marketing communications or IMC as a new paradigm for marketing professionals for the 21st century (Schultz and Schultz, 1998). Schultz and Kitchen (2000, p.3) identified four elements that pushed these changes in the practice of marketing: digitalisation, information technology, intellectual property, and communication systems, with the result that consumers have become more fragmented and converged into smaller, more targeted and specialised groups. Levitt (1975, p.10) was amongst the first to note the need for changes in the traditional methods, practices, and ways of thinking prevalent in the era of mass marketing and communications in the 1960s and 1970s, arguing that "management should not see itself as merely producing products but as providing customer-creating value satisfaction and pushing this idea to every nook and cranny of the organisationcontinuously, and with enough flair to excite employees". He warned that if this is not done, the company would have no consolidating sense of purpose or direction. The earliest formal definition of integrated marketing was formulated in 1989 by the American
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Why are human relationships potentially healing Essay
Why are human relationships potentially healing - Essay Example Study of both empirical and subjective theory of behavioral and psychological aspects has been undertaken along with its co-relations with neuroscience on human interactions. The practical significance of positive interpersonal relation across the various spheres of human interaction influencing and affecting ones lifestyle is explained with relevant examples for understanding the basic principles. The paper explores and examines the various researches and the theories concerning the incontestable and affirmative healing effects of human relationships. Keywords: Positive Psychology, Interpersonal relation, Communication and human relations, kinship and family relations. Man is unpredictable by nature with instincts not bounded in defined parameters. A person may react differently in different situations and circumstances depending on a lot of factors which are far more complex for the human mind to discern. Hence it has been rightly said that Human relationship is the most complex an d complicated relation between individuals and groups. However, one cannot presume to do away with authentic research and surveys to understand the dynamism of human relations. In fact, the human relationship does have the healing capability that could not be cured and by any other medicines. That is one of the reasons why many people urge to go for therapy, counselling and consultation. One of the main results of our fast paced mechanical life is loneliness. This is often the main cause of various social, cultural and psychological disorders today. Money being the driven force backed by the media hype increasing the demands for more better life and livelihood we are compelled to become slaves of capitalization. The outcome is that we tend to loose our basic foundation. We have started neglecting our family-sometimes intentionally and often unconsciously. This hampers the bondage that we had. Expectations never become a reality and frustrations crop in. Man becomes lonely and gives in to quick, false escapes to intake of drugs, cigarettes and alcohol. There has been many scientific research and discussions assessing the harmful effects on human isolation leading to trauma and mental depressions which affects the physical health too. This is a cycle. Therefore in order escape from this one have to be back to one’s own den and seek to develop and nurture the human bonds. Man is a social being and the human brain is the most â€Å"social organ†. (Cazolino, Louis, â€Å"The Neuroscience of human relationships,†2006). Through several studies and research on human brain it became evident how the human brain develop and change depending on the human interactions and relations. Positively, when the human reacts with positive elements it demonstrates a healing and healthy development of the brain cells and membranes which in a way has the capacity to ameliorate and relieve the stress and strains of our lives. Negatively if scope for proper healthy human interaction and relationship development is not given the priority the ill-effects of such behaviours like autism, borderline cases, insomnia are inevitable. The break down of join family living may be one of the factors. Moreover, in recent times we find the breakdown in the institution of marriage itself. Recent study and survey has proved that a child born out of healthy parents having loving marital relationships are much healthier and meritorious than those who are born in single parent background. Therefore to be healthy and stay healthy one should not one look into ways of how to improve and develop one’s relationship with individuals at various levels. Within ones family, one needs to grow and develop the feelings of love,
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Arthur Birling and inspector goole Essay Example for Free
Arthur Birling and inspector goole Essay Priestley shows this in the section after the inspector has left I remember what he said, how he looked, how he made me feel. Fire and blood and anguish. This shows the affect that he had on certain characters was very big. In his closing speech the Inspector left with a warning; And I tell that the time will soon come when, if men will not learn that lesson, then they will be taught it in fire and blood and anguish. This could be referring to the first world war, where men from all different backgrounds, and classes, would have to stand together, as equals, and fight for their country. This contradicts Mr Birlings prediction at the start of Act 1; Just because the Kaiser makes a few speeches The Germans dont want war. Nobody wants war, This shows the difference between the philosophies of the Inspector and Birling, it also demonstrates Priestleys idea that Mr Birlings capitalist views are wrong, and how the Inspector, who is right about war, is probably right about everything else. Priestley uses this to show the benefits a socialist society would bring to the world. Priestley is suggesting that Birlings every man for himself idea will end in tragedies like Eva. Whereas the Inspectors Philosophy of shared responsibility would avoid such terrible events. The experience of the Inspectors questions changes some characters, but has no effect on others. It starts off with all of the family sitting down feeling no guilt whatsoever, but after the Inspector comes Eric and Sheila realise the seriousness of what they have done, whilst the others, at this point believing it is a practical joke, feel no guilt. What Mr and Mrs Birling and Gerald didnt seem to understand is that even if it wasnt the same girl (and no one was sure if it was or not) that they still did these cruel actions, and millions of other people do similar things without knowing the consequences, many young men and women will come to a similar end. Another point to the structure of the play is that the inspector only reveals small parts of Evas story to certain characters, never letting more than one person see the photograph at once. This gives the twist at the end more mystery. The Inspector affected different characters differently, depending on how much they understand what was going on in the world at that point in time. Mr Birling was affected slightly at the start, but being a weak character, and because of his wifes superior class always follows her lead. Therefore after watching his wifes interrogation, and seeing the way she refused to give in to the Inspector, and not feel guilty about what she has done, he follows suit. He and Mrs Birling were the least affected characters, in the end, possibly because they didnt understand what life would have been like for Eva Smith without all the things they did to her. Gerald felt very guilty at first, because he had feelings for her, but then he went for a walk and didnt feel as guilty anymore. This is probably because Gerald has grown up used to money, and inherited his parents capitalist views. Eric and Sheila were most affected by the Inspector, especially his final words, this is shown when Sheila repeats them Fire and blood and aguish. Sheila and Eric understand most about what goes on in the world, this is demonstrated early on but what about war? and when Sheila knows about Erics drinking problem. They understand more that this sort of thing can happen to people, and these small actions can lead people to commit suicide, this is probably why the inspector affected them more. After watching the play, the audience can interpret the character of Inspector Goole in many different ways. You could think of him just as a normal man, who, having heard of the Birling familys selfish acts, wishes to help them change for the better. Or he could be a conscience to make them feel guilty about what theyve done, and stop distancing themselves from the working class. He could also be the ghost of Eva Smith in another form to make them pay for what theyve done. His surname also indicates this as it is a homonym of ghoul, another word for ghost. I conclude that Birling represents the views of capitalists and the inspector represents the views of socialists. Priestley makes Birling a weak, unintelligent, ignorant and Selfish character who rambles on a bit and desperate to fit in with the higher class that he follows his wifes lead. Sybil seems to guide her husband, Telling him what he should or shouldnt say, this is made evident when she disapproves with him saying: Good dinner too Sybil tell cook for me. Mrs Birling would disapprove because saying what good food it was, wasnt considered a polite thing because it is like fishing for compliments from Gerald. She doesnt like him saying tell cook for me because it implies they talk to their servants, which wouldnt have been done in those days. Birling also copies Geralds fathers (his social superior) choice of wine, to make Gerald think that he is marrying into a family with as much money as his. In contrast, Priestley makes the inspector appear as a person who speaks carefully, is intelligent, knows what is going on in the world, is very strong and comes across as a kinder, selfless person; Priestley uses this to make the audience think that a socialist society will provide a fairer, more just solution to the worlds problems.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Concept To The Contemporary Security Agenda Politics Essay
The Concept To The Contemporary Security Agenda Politics Essay Is the concept of human security, which is the most controversial and debated issue in international organizations since 1994, simply hot air, as seen by its critics? Or does it contribute to the concept of contemporary security agenda where the whole world is increasingly interconnected (Paris, 2001). This paper introduces to the international theories which can help understand human security better and the extent to which human security contributes the contemporary security agenda. There is no single definition of human security as human security goes beyond traditional notions of security to focus on such issues as development and respect for human rights. Definition of human security remains an open question. The simplest definition of security is absence of insecurity and threats (Shahrbanou, 2004 cited in McIntosh, Hunter, 2004: 139). In context, to have security is to have freedom from both fear of psychological, physical or sexual abuse and from want of food, employment and health. Human security therefore deals with the capacity to identify threats and to avoid them when possible. It means to help people cope with the insecurities resulting from wars, conflicts human rights, violations or massive underdevelopment (Owen, 2004: 15). The on-going debate of human security among its advocates is that there should be a shift of attention from a state centric to a human centric approach to security. That is, concern with the security of state orders should give way to concern with the security of the people who live within those borders (McDonald, 2002: 279). Traditionally, in state- centric or realist view security means protection of sovereignty and territorial integrity of states from external military threats, rather than the protection of individuals (Newman, 2010: 85). By contrast human centric or liberalist view places individuals at their main priority and proposes some essential conditions, for example adoption of universal human rights to ensure the protection of the people. Thus in 1970s and 1980s, people responding to the Middle East oil crisis and the growing awareness of environmental degradation, began to think of security in broader, non- military terms. After the end of the Cold War, many scholars st arted to see state- centric security as essentially in narrow terms (Hough, 2004).Thus the concept of human security developed which attempted to redefine and expand the meaning of security. However, it does not challenge the relevance of state- centric arguments in so far as these concern the protection of the state from external military violence and accept the state as the main provider of security. Some analysts still argue that external military threats are bigger than ever in the post-Cold War era as there is no balance of power which for years ensured state and individual security (Hough, 2004). However, even if these threats are bigger at the moment, they definitely are not the only threat to the lives of people all around the world. Issues like environmental degradation, diseases, and famines are also huge threats affecting people (Shahrbanou, 2005: 30). Constructivism is also one of the theories in international relations which can be adopted as way of interpreting human security. It provides a useful framework for understanding the true nature of issues relating to human security such as race, class, violence and gender (Conteh-Morgan, 2005 cited in Tsai, 2009: 28). Constructivism can be found to be more beneficial in approaching the concept of human security, in contrast to structural realism. Constructivism believes that language, customs, norms and culture can change the behaviours and interests of people living in that country. Unlike realism, which sees anarchy as the inescapable outcome of self-help, constructivism sees it as state created which can be changed by state intervention (Wendt, 1992 cited in Tsai, 2009: 24). Onuf stresses on language and the role that plays in constructing human beings, interests and principles. He considers language and rules as the fundamental norm of constructivism, and regards the human being as the first point of research and the hub of human security. In the contemporary world with the growing knowledge, language has become one of the key elements of building human security. Onuf also stated that people use language to interpret the rules and therefore it is the most important way of constructing a society (Onuf, 1989). For instance, the on-going interaction of human society has been eventually generated into international norms (Bedeski, 2007: 46). Peter J. Katzenstein also challenges the traditional realist theories of security by emphasising the norms and culture of constructivism as his main concern in solving the human security issue in international relations theories. He states that the concept of culture defines the state actors in the system and the intera ctive associations among actors and society. Katzenstein asserts that culture can be defined by looking at the social customs and laws of that society (Katzenstein 2005: 6). For example, Due to the lack of knowledge of internal factors within the Soviet Union, neo-realism and neo-liberalism failed to predict the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War. Thus culture can play a major role in influencing state actors, institutions and even respect for international law and human rights. More recently, analysts, following the United Nations Development Programmes (UNDP) 1994 Human Development Report and their notion of security as freedom from fear and want (Hough, 2004), have settled on the phrase human security to emphasise the people-centred aspect of these efforts. In 1994, Human Development Report (HDR) issued by the United Nations Development Programs (UNDP) presented a different philosophy about the integration of security issues and globalization. Thus, this report defined human security according to seven dimensions such as economic security, environmental security; personal, political, community, health, and food security .The report also adopted a people-centric security concept instead of the traditional state-centred concept (UNDP, 1994: 24-33). Realist would contend that the above list has clear military security implications. The report makes it clear that the real security protects individuals from threats such as disease, hunger, unemployment, politi cal oppression and environmental degradation (Tsai and Tan, 2007: 8-9). Due to the broadness of the concept, the human security includes both traditional and non-traditional elements of security (Paris, 2001: 88). On the contrary, to the critics, the concept and definition provided by UNDP is very broad. Gary King and Christopher Murray criticizes the overly broad and understanding of human security. By broad it means trying to include all the well-beings, which makes no sense. For example, the seven dimensions of human security defined by UNDP indicates a ray of dimensions centred on human-dignity, which are potentially interrelated and overlapped, and fails to provide a coherent construction with a single and integrated concept'(King Murray, 2002). For Roland Paris human security is nothing more than hot air. In his view those who support the concept of human security are the ones who want to keep the broadness and fuzziness of the concept just for their motive (Paris, 2001). Lincoln Chen has a similar opinion as well. In his view the concept is so wide and broad that it is difficult to make a choice which threat should be taken as first priority and which can be neglected (Chen Narasimhan , 2003). Deriving from the UNDPs interpretation of the human security concept and putting aside the differences between state-centric and human-centric positions for the moment, the meaning of human security is also contested by different schools of human security. The dispute over types of threats that should be included has divided advocates into the narrow and the broad schools. Mack, an advocate of narrow school, argues that threat of violence to people by the state or any other institution or a political actor is the proper focus for the concept of human security. On the other hand, Thakur a proponent of broad theory, asserts that human security is concerned with the protection of people from critical life-threatening dangers, regardless of whether the threat are rooted in anthropogenic activities or natural events, whether they lie within or outside states, and whether they are direct or definition of narrow school can be simplified as freedom from fear, similarly broad school can be de fined as freedom from fear but also from want which is also the focus of human development in UNDP Report (UNDP, 1993: 2). Japan promotes the human security idea of freedom from want whereas Norway, Canada and other members of the human security network promotes freedom from fear (Shinoda, 2007, Dedring, 2008 cited in Tsai, 2009).Thus Kofi Annan has pointed out the three pillars of this wider conception of human security, freedom from want, freedom from fear, and freedom to live in dignity. However, the differences between the two conceptions of human security can be exaggerated, as both perceive the individual as the main object of the security and stresses on safety from violence. Both of them even acknowledges the role of globalization and its changing nature of armed conflict that is generating new threats to human security, besides both calls for a rethinking of state sovereignty as an important part of promoting human security. Therefore, both the concepts overlap each other as here to a large extent. Seeking freedom from fear without addressing freedom from want would amount to addressing symptoms without the cause (Baylis, Smith, Owins, 2011: 483). With the on-going wars, conflicts and problems, human security also deals with issues like climatic change and environmental degradation as everything is interconnected with one another. Death caused by armed conflicts has declined in relation to other challenges to the safety of individual. Wars and violent conflict often leads to environmental degradation, economic disruption or levels of poverty. For example Vietnam War or the Gulf War in which Saddam Hussein burned Kuwaiti oil which ultimately led to air pollution and land degradation. Similarly, environmental problems also lead to wars and conflicts. Such as scarcity of resources in over populated countries like India, Pakistan leads to dispute. For example Indo- Pakistan dispute over the Wular Barrage. While no direct link can be found between terrorism and poverty, terrorists often exploit poverty and exclusion in order to tap into popular discontent -taking advantage of fragile states such as Somalia, or undemocratic regime s uch as Afghanistan in the 1990s, to plan violence'(UNDP 2005: 47). Poverty and lack of economic opportunity can also lead to terrorism. For example, Orissa in India is the perfect example of how poverty deprivation can trigger acts of terrorism, signifying how freedom from fear and freedom from want are intricately connected (Baylis, Smith, Owins, 2011: 486). In the contemporary world climatic change or natural disasters has also emerged as a human security agenda especially for the western countries. Potential disasters like global warming or tsunami pose a threat to individuals and societies around the world. Most scholars tend to view this challenge as a national security challenge rather than human security. However, climate change and natural disasters can be linked to human securities issues like state failure, food shortage, water crisis, which are genuine human security issues. Communicable disease like the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) which alarmed the whole world in 2003 became the main issue of concern in the human security agenda (Curley, Thomas, 2004: 18). Diseases can travel rapidly across borders. It has become a major global issue and no country can protect the human security of individuals and communities within its national borders on its own. Another issue which falls under human security is protection of wo men against violence, womens human rights, gender inequalities in control over resource or inequalities in power and decision making. Recent conflicts have shown women as victims of rape, sexual slavery and torture. Such violence against women is now recognised as a crime against humanity (Rehn, Sirleaf 2002 cited in Baylis, Smith, Owins, 2011: 488). The aspect of human security has become irresistible nowadays .It deals with so many issues and it is so broad that it includes almost all type of human securities even if it is criticised over and over again. Weather viewed as freedom from fear or freedom from want, the concept of human security has not replaced national security. The Human Development Report estimates the rich countries of the world spend more in the military budget than in contentious issues like HIV/AIDS. However, it reflects a number of developments that have constantly challenged the traditional view of security as the protection of states from military attack. It originally began as a rejection of orthodox notions of economic growth in favour of a broader notion of human development, but now has been reinforced by new security threats such as genocide in the Balkans and Africa (Baylis, Smith, Owins, 2011: 491). Human Security has grown into an important aspect in the contemporary security agenda. Responsibility to protect is an issue that supports human security and its three practical objectives, the responsibility to prevent, reach and rebuild. It was developed in the 2001 report The Responsibility to Protect which was produced by Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty. The commission argued that the primary responsibility to protect their citizens is in the hands of the state. If a state is unable or unwilling to do so or if they deliberately terrify their citizen then this leads to the international responsibility to protect the citizens of that particular state through humanitarian intervention. Development of this agenda for human security through the Right to Protection agenda is a point of debate and some contention (Gottwald, 2012: 9). Humanitarian intervention to protect state sovereignty is one of the most important attribute of human security. The concept of humanitarian intervention was endorsed by the report of the UN Secretary Generals High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change. It was developed to help the state and its citizens from any threats external or internal. Despite the valuable articulation of such responsibility, Humanitarian intervention can always not be justified. An intervention can be manipulated and inevitably shaped by powerful actors. Skilled lawyers or diplomats can convince arguments, both for and against particular interventions, like they did in the case of Darfur (Bellamy 2010). Just by accepting the idea of human security and treating it positively, the state cannot be benefitted. They have to make certain effort to implement the human security concerns in its political practices (McDonald, 2002).Canadian government made the same move and exploited the state human security aspect. Canadas middle power status in the world system indicates that accepting the security theory of such agrees basically with its national interests. Based on the claims of Jockel and Sololsky, Canadas acceptance of the idea of human security altered the political nature of intervention. The Canadian government have continued to intervene in the name of human security anytime anywhere (Newman, 2001). As some scholars have already noted, there is risk in confusing the pursuit of human security concerns with the pursuit of traditional security concerns. NATO intervention in Federal Republic of Yugoslavia with as said was for the objective of preventing ethnic cleansing in Kosovo. However Ramesh Thakur argues that, it is still questionable that whether this intervention actually produced more damage than benefit (Thakur, 2002 cited in Glusac, 2010: 90).Noam Chomsky shares a similar view and sharply criticises the war against Yugoslavia. He believes that the bombing campaign only hastened the flow of refugees from Kosovo. The consequences of bombing campaign included the collateral damage in the form of refugees and long-term damage caused to the economy, which caused a creation of a state which ultimately became dependent on foreign aid. Multiple refuges, broken infrastructure, damage incurred by economy were the direct consequences of the bombing campaign (Chomsky, 1999: 81). Keeping this in mind, its difficult to say that the goal of human security was reached by this intervention. If we recall the seven dimension of human security that was pointed out in the Human Development Report, we can draw a conclusion that the bombing campaign has affected almost all of them, and surely not favourably. US invasion of Iraq can be another example of humanitarian intervention. Although US intentions for invasion were always unclear but when the post invasion period accelerated into the chaos the US raised the human security agenda as a justification for the war in Iraq, arguing that the US aim was to rescue the people of Iraq from the human insecurities caused by Saddam Hussein. However even USA did little to restore law and order through implementing pol justice procedure (Collins, 2007: 130). Therefore, if the goal of an intervention is to protect the human security and the avenue to achieve these goals are the same that affect the human security, then the question that should be asked here is whether we have chosen the wrong means. To conclude, Human security can be best understood under liberalists and constructivists theories. Realism therefore cannot be considered as the dominant theory of security. Human security has a long way to go before being universally accepted by everybody. The connections between wars, famines, disease, poverty and environmental degradation are still not understood by many, thus needs more clarification and explanation. Data from the Human Security Report Project shows there has been a remarkable decline in internal and global political violence since the mid-1990. If the world had to do without such aspect of human security, it would have been fairly difficult to deal the with the on-going security problems.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
President George W. Bushs Use of Pathos, Logos, and Ethos Essay
Throughout George W. Bush's political career he has implored the use of Aristotle's tripod, which we like to call it. This tripod is a rhetoric which implies that persuasion relies on three things, which are ethos, pathos, and logos. Logos is devoted solely to logic and reason. While on the other hand, pathos deals with attitudes and beliefs. Perhaps the most important one which pertains to George W. Bush is something called ethos, that is to say the branch of the tripod which deals with the personal strengths of the speaker and most importantly his character. Throughout his political journey he has showed the use of pathos, logos, and ethos time and time again, but the one of which he is commonly known for is ethos. The instances in which he has demonstrated them are countless, but I will recall but three. The first event took place on the day of September 14, 2001 at 'Ground Zero', three days after the attack of the World Trade Centers. The third instance was on September 20, 2001 during his Address to a Joint Session of Congress. Lastly, was the State of the Union Address in Washington D.C. Which was held on January 29, 2002. At 'Ground Zero' on September 14, 2001, President George W. Bush did many things to restore the confidence of the rattled and scared population. Unity was a key role in the success of this speech. The whole time that he made his speech his arm was wrapped around a firefighter at the scene which not only showed ethos, but also made them look like good friends and it showed a sense of stability and unity, â€Å"Throughout most of his speech, he kept his arm wrapped around a lead firefighter working at the scene,†(Docan.) In addition, he said how the local area was connected to other people who where hurt ar... ...n D.C. On January 29, 2002, at 'Ground Zero' on September 14, 2001, or at his Address to a Joint Session of Congress he has used many of Aristotle's ideas in order to instill trust and assurance back into his people. Works Cited Bush, George W. George W. Bush State of the Union Address. 29 Jan. 2002. . Bush, George W. President Declares â€Å"Freedom at War with Fear.†Address to a Joint Session of Congress. 20 Sep. 2001. . Docan, Tony. Ethos, Pathos, and Logos Applied: George W. Bush Speaking at 'Ground Zero'. 22 Apr. 2002. . Orren, Gary. Gore vs. Bush Why It's All Greek to Me. 2000. .
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Released From The Grip Of What He Carried: Freedom Birds :: essays research papers
Released From the Grip of What He Carried: Freedom Birds "They dreamed of freedom birds. At night, on guard, staring into the dark, they were carried away by jumbo jets. They felt the rush of takeoff. Gone! They yelled. (286). "Freedom bird" an appropriate term for the jumbo jets that take the soldiers from their tour because it gives them the freedom from what has been holding them back. Throughout the story, First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross has his mind everywhere but on his infantry he is supposed to be leading on the tour. The story shows how even the smallest memory, letter, or picture can draw anyone from reality. It shows several men's struggle to overcome their predisposed conscience and deal with reality. It has become one of the most common occurrences in any war. Grandfathers, uncles, and even brothers have told how they would recall as they were fighting, they themselves carried the unnecessary on a tour. The seemingly innocent picture, the numerous letters sent, and even thoughts of what it was like to be home, all of a loved one is now shown to have an impact. As seen with Jimmy Cross, some men even went to a profound obsession. As mentioned early in the work, Jimmy Cross carries letters and two pictures from a friend named Martha. The story tells how "he would dig his foxhole, wash his hands under a canteen, unwrap the letters and photos, hold them with the tips of his fingers, and spend the last hour of light pretending, he would imagine romantic camping trips†¦" (275). One picture is a black and white picture of Martha standing against a brick wall. It is told how Martha has an apparent neutral look to her, and Cross can't help but notice the shadow of the person taking the picture. Cross knows she has boyfriends, knows she is closer to men other than himself. The other picture that Cross has is one of Martha clipped from a yearbook. It is a shot of Martha playing volleyball for her school. In the picture, Martha is "bent horizontal to the floor, reaching, the palms of her hands in sharp focus†¦the expression on her face taut and competitive" (276). The usual glance at a picture isn't enough for this man. It becomes an obsession for him to do this every night, sometimes he "licks the envelopes knowing that her tongue touched the paper" (275). O'Brien gives the impression that Cross has the deepest thoughts for Martha throughout the story. He mentions on numerous occasions that Cross is thinking about her, and imagining being with her.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Nuclear Waste Management Essay -- essays research papers
Nuclear Waste Management      Nuclear energy harnesses the energy released during the splitting or fusing of atomic nuclei. This heat energy is most often used to convert water to steam, turning turbines, and generating electricity.      However, nuclear energy also has many disadvantages. An event that demonstrated this was the terrible incident at Chernobyl'. Here on April 26, 1986, one of the reactors of a nuclear power plant went out of control and caused the world's worst known reactor disaster to date. An experiment that was not properly supervised was conducted with the water-cooling system turned off. This led to the uncontrolled reaction, which in turn caused a steam explosion. The reactor's protective covering was blown off, and approximately 100 million curies of radionuclides were released into the atmosphere. Some of the radiation spread across northern Europe and into Great Britain. Soviet statements indicated that 31 people died because of the accident, but the number of radiation-caused deaths is still unknown.      The same deadly radiation that was present in this explosion is also present in spent fuels. This presents special problems in the handling, storage, and disposal of the depleted uranium. When nuclear fuel is first loaded into a reactor, 238U and 235U are present. When in the reactor, the 235U is gradually depleted and gives rise to fission products, generally, cesium (137Cs) and strontium (90Sr). These waste materials are very unstable and have to undergo radioactive disintegration before they can be transformed into stable isotopes. Each radioactive isotope in this waste material decays at its characteristic rate. A half-life can be less than a second or can be thousands of years long. The isotopes also emit characteristic radiation: it can be electromagnetic (X- ray or gamma radiation) or it can consist of particles (alpha, beta, or neutron radiation).      Exposure to large doses of ionizing radiation causes characteristic patterns of injury. Doses are measured in rads (1 rad is equal to an amount of radiation that releases 100 ergs of energy per gram of matter). Doses of more than 4000 rads severely damage the human vascular system, causing cerebral edema (excess fluid), which leads to extreme shock and neurological disturba... ...relatively low in cost compared to storage in a pool of water and can be moved around if necessary. Another way to dispose of radioactive wastes is through geologic isolation. This is the disposal of wastes deep within the crust of the earth. This form of disposal is attractive because it appears that wastes can be safely isolated from the biosphere for thousands of years or longer. Disposal in mined vaults does not require the use of advanced technologies, rather the application of what we know today. It is possible to locate mineral, rock, or other bodies beneath the surface of the earth that will not be subject to groundwater intrusion. A preferred place would be at least 1,500 feet below the earth's crust, so that it may avoid erosion for the specified period of time. None of the preceding methods offers a complete solution to the problem of nuclear waste. They only bury it, temporarily shoving it out of our current view for a latter generation to solve. Maybe the future inhabitants of this world will find a solution to this problem, for as we chose to continue the use of nuclear power, more and more waste will be accumulated, emitting deadly radiation long after we pass away.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Song of Roland
The textbook displays Charlemagne as an astounding and great military leader but examines a few of his flaws as well. The Song of Roland creates the image of Charlemagne that is an extraordinary, legendary leader. They both tell about what great things he accomplished in his life, the many wars he won and how his bravery carried him through everything. The Song of Roland praised him in such a legendary way to create the impression of a heroic leader.By doing this it establishes a strong positive view of the Frankish Empire. In the ninth chapter of the Making of the West, the authors describe the Carolingian king, Charlemagne and the various views of his life that historians have. While admiring his greatness the authors analyze a few negatives about Charlemagne. For example, he liked the Pope but hated that the Pope crowned him emperor. He liked being king and calling himself king but at first didn’t want the title of Emperor.Another criticism to Charlemagne’s great wor k as a military leader is that he did all of his work winning wars and conquering lands that he destroyed the states surrounding his original empire and gaining control of them but by doing that, he lost his buffer. So soon after all the wars were finally over for Charlemagne, hew invasions started occurring on the borders of his new kingdoms. One more concern historians claim he did was what he had done when he arrived at the Saragossa Town after the winning the war with the Saxons.Apparently when he got to the city, the citizens were resisting conversion to Christianity and he wasn’t happy about it. He forced mass conversion of the Muslim citizens with the threat of his sword. This act goes against the whole idea of Christianity to be accepting of other faiths and tolerant of them. These examples only demonstrate a few criticisms to Charlemagne’s leadership but still explain that he was a great emperor overall. The Song of Roland describes Charlemagne as an amazing m ilitary leader.He had Counts and Bishops in charge of leading wars to gain lands for the Franks in every direction and he was successful in doing so. He was a very emotional man, he wept over the deaths of fellow comrades and warriors, friends and relatives. Charlemagne was also a spiritual man in that he prayed everyday and asked for God to protect the bodies of the fallen soldiers and keep them safe. The angel St. Gabriel came down to him many times to give Charlemagne advice or to encourage him to continue his missions and to fight.He fought with courage and bravery, he was afraid of nothing. After his victory against Emir, he still felt the need to serve God and all his kingdom respected him for that and obeyed his power. Charlemagne is described as a courageous, spiritual, loyal and extraordinary emperor and leader full of pride for his kingdom. All of the words Charlemagne can be indentified with help bring about the view of the Frankish Empire. Because of the things Charlemag ne did and more importantly they way he went about them, the Frankish kingdoms were viewed as prestigious and in control.They gave off the impression of high power and other kingdoms were going to have a challenge if they wanted to fight the Franks. The Making of the West textbook and the book The Song of Roland discuss how great Charlemagne was and how what he did made a difference in the view of the Frankish Empire. Although he had some flaws or contradictory actions, he was still an astounding emperor. He expanded his kingdoms and defeated many enemies. He had become a heroic military leader for the Franks and the Frankish Empire.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Tourism Management
â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Managing Adventure & Sports Tourism Environments COURSE MODULE: TRM341 BA. HONS STRATAGIC TOURISM MANAGEMENT Word Counts â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Managing Adventure & Sports Tourism Environments COURSE MODULE: TRM341 BA. HONS STRATAGIC TOURISM MANAGEMENT Word Counts Acknowledgement I would like to thank my lecturer Mr Li Yee for his guidance in this report. ContentsAcknowledgement1 Introduction3 Destination4 Implemented Strategies7 Effectiveness of Implemented Strategy10 Recommendations11 Conclusion18 References20 Introduction â€Å"Sports tourism can be defined as travels away from one’s primary residence to participate in sports activity for recreation or competition, travel to observe sport and grassroots or elite level. And travel to visit a sport attraction such as sports hall of fame or Water Park†. Gibson, Attle, Yiannakis, 1997) On the other hand adventure tourism can be simply defined as Recreational travel including variety of rugged activities for adventure. Adventures and sports tourism can benefit economies by providing a fast source of income for local government and community, supporting the sustaining improvement and protection for environment and encouraging culture exchange between the developed countries and the developing world.If the undeveloped tourism destination do not focus on their tourism, it will be really hard for them to improve their poor situation of economic, environment and culture. Adventure and sports tourists can be attract for a certain destination by looking at the facilities and environment of that place such as; hotels services, price of goods in the area, transport services, travel agencies, guides, airlines, social and cultural aspects of life and most important sustainable natural resources. Ralf Buckley, 2006) A tourism sports destination can be attractive for many reasons; different types sports activities in big city or some time big sports events in small cities, beautiful islands or beach, recreation activities, sports activities for family fun etc. most of all a unique atmosphere of sport and adventure. Destination In perspective of West Cambria sports and adventures tourism it provides to tourists; Attractions which related to sports such as sports theme park, hiking, bungee jumping etc.West Cambria tourism site has highest mountain such as scafell, including stunning coastline and wastwater, also resorts can be include with sports tourism activities. According to Cumbria tourism statistics, each year 35 million day trippers and 5 million overnight visitors spend their night; Cumbria is a place where tourists get a chance to attend all the sports events. As a developed and well established destination; the Ecological environment of sports and a dventures tourism is not only about green tourism but also deeply related with socio culture with Cambria tourism.Naturally sustainable environment of sports and adventures tourism in west Cambria also socio-culturally respectful and have a huge effect on both the natural environment and the human population including man made tourism destination. Sustainable environment of west Cambria tourism often involves locals of remote areas experience and interacting with foreigners. Multi-Sport Activities: it is physical outdoor activities. Rafting, mountain biking, climbing, surfing, diving, etc. all offered in the same package. West Cambria tourism provides these sports facilities.Sports included in west Cambria: Angling, Archery, Athletics, Badminton, Baseball & Softball, Basketball, Boccia, Bowls, Canoeing, Cricket, Cycling, Dance, Disability Sports, Fencing, Football, Golf, Gymnastics, Handball, Hockey, Judo, Netball, Orienteering, Outdoor Activities, rounder, Rowing, Rugby, Running, S ailing & Windsurfing, Scuba & Snorkelling, Snow sports, Squash & Racket ball, Swimming, Table Tennis, Tennis, Triathlon, Volleyball, Walking Water, Polo, Weight Lifting and Wheelchair Basketball. The relationship between sustainable tourism and othersAs a sports destination Sports destination West Cumbria tourism has all the potentiality to be sustainable. According to West Cumbria adventure and sports tourism, relationship between ecological and socio cultural can be compare through their essential facts for each other; Ecological factors relate to socio cultural environment 1. Air quality of the area, 2. Transportation, Parking facilities 3. Pollution discharge process, 4. Water quality for sports activities, 5. Waste management facilities; 6. Land and Coastal resources etc. Socio-cultural fact relates to Ecological environment . Balanced population of the area, 2. Health care facilities for local and tourists. 3. Population employment patterns, job market freedom and locals attit udes to work, 4. Social attitudes and Lifestyle and cross cultural understanding. 5. Roman Heritage 6. Locals cultural activities & interests on tourism 7. Financial services, investment 8. Resorts, hotel and camping services 9. Entertainment facility and tourist Information service provider. Adventure and sports tourism has brought people into contact with each other in west Cambria.As ecological tourism has an educational element it can foster understanding between people and cultures and provide socio-cultural exchange between hosts and tourists. This increases the chances for people to develop mutual sympathy and understanding and to reduce prejudices. A Socio cultural and ecological relationship has added more vitality of west Cambria communities in many ways. Such as; sports events and adventures activities of the local residents where they have been the primary participants and spectators. Often these are refreshed and developed in response to tourist interests.Implemented St rategies The West Cambria tourism is an award winning destination for tourism in 2011; it is also one of the most spectacular beaches in UK and an area that has been popular for many years. To develop Adventure and sports tourism Allerdale Borough Council and Carlisle Leisure limited on 1 April 2004 developed a sustainable tourism strategy. The aim was to balance the need to manage and stimulate sports tourism to the area with the need to avoid damaging the very natural assets on which the tourism industry depended. Interest in the idea of sustainable tourism is greatest in those countries where there is a high level of interest in sustainable development in general. †(John Swarbrooke, 1999) To ensure the strategy was tailored to the needs of the area, authorities engaged in a considerable amount of consultation prior to writing the document. This involved meetings with key stakeholders, National benchmarking survey of tourism authority; the result of this consultation was th at many valuable ideas generated via the process made it into the strategy and action plan.Following the secondary method of research; the implemented strategic objectives can be pointed out 1. More visitors from outside the region 2. More overnight visitors 3. More business and high-value leisure visitors 4. More private sector tourism investment. Enhancing the West Cumbria tourism for residents and visitors to create: 1. World-class cultural/sport/leisure facilities 2. High standards of quality 3. Avenues for learning, business support and careers 4. Jobs and economic benefit through sports and adventure tourism 5. Sustainable development (environmentally, socially, economically) 6.Local and regional pride. Some of the tourism vision can be explained as follows; Performance of tourism businesses 1. To encourage businesses to invest in the range and quality of their facilities where required 2. To encourage the entire sector to value customer service and to invest in staff skills. Marketing promotions/Events and festivals The strategy focuses on sports events and festivals, in particular those that have the potential to attract new visitors to the region, generate short breaks and which also positively add to the image and profile of the West Cumbria region.Where possible these major events and festivals should reinforce other market growth opportunities. The strategy also recognises that locally distinct events can enhance sense of place, sense of community and add value to the visitor experience. They create new opportunities for visitor spends particularly for shopping and for eating and drinking. Collectively they can strengthen the regional events and festivals profile. Hospitality Services The restaurant, hotels, bar etc. rowth opportunity as being about the quality of the eating experience; the presentation of the food, the ambience of the eating out experience including genuine customer service. It may also be about local produce and the provenance of food. Destination management Implemented strategy can be explained as; 1. Working with local businesses to drive up quality, encourage use of local produce and enhance the customer service 2. To invest in the presentation and marketing of farmers markets and food and drink events 3. To use food and drink as one ocus for destination marketing where it presents a strong and quality experience 4. To encourage all aspects of the food and drink sector that deal with consumers to value customer service and the skills of their staff and invest in them. West Cambria tourism implemented strategy can be summarised as; 1. provide all sports and adventures visitors a high quality, enjoyable and fulfilling experience 2. To ensure that tourism meets its potential as a driver of the local economy, bringing prosperity and jobs throughout the area 3. To ensure local communities are not adversely affected by tourism 4.To develop the appreciation of west Cambria distinctiveness as somewhere to live, work and visit 5. To encourage tourism enterprises, their suppliers and customers to reduce the impact of tourism on the environment. Implemented strategy can be summarised as; The objective is to retain the economic and social advantages of tourism development while reducing or mitigating any undesirable impacts on the natural, historic, cultural or social environment. Allerdale tourism council play an important role in ensuring the continued appeal of tourism in the tourist area. Effectiveness of Implemented StrategyBruce J. Dierenfield (2003:p,212) Found that although there are numerous negative influence of hosting sport tourism because of the expected benefit for the community and local business often cause potential host community to ignore any negative impact that may occur. These include: putting the country in global world, showing the destination, promoting political system, creating new business, attracting investment, creating job and urban renewal including housing, and infrastructure will contribute to the development of the country, and benefit citizens over a long period of time.Positive sides: sports adventure tourism development plan for west Cambria, mainly focused local benefits; Current strategy can helps raise funds for environmental protection, research and education through a variety of mechanisms, sports events entrance fees, hotel, airline and airport taxes and voluntary contributions. The local community also can be benefited. The jobs created by tourism can act as a very important motivation to reduce emigration.Local people can also increase their influence on tourism development, as well as improve their job, earnings prospects, through tourism-related professional training, development of business and organisational skills. Sports tourism can bring people into contact with each other and, as tourism has an educational element, it can foster understanding between peoples and cultures and provide cultural exchange between hosts and guests. Because of this, the chances increase for people to develop mutual sympathy and understanding and to reduce their prejudices.Negative Sides: Sports tourism development can creates additional demand for land and competition from the growing potential buyers. The demand for more hotels and tourist facilities brings sources of income to builders, real estate agent and landowners but the local residents are forced to pay more for their homes and larger tax duties increase in land values. In addition, increasing demands for basic services and goods from tourists will often cause price hikes that negatively affect local residents whose income does not increase proportionately.On the other hand, the development of tourism may cause inflation in prices of goods. The issue with seasonal workers is another negative aspect. They face job insecurity, due to the completion of projects. Thus, there will be lack of guarantee of employment from one season to another. Recommendations Develo ped transportation: Sport-tourism is a powerful force for development that encourage investment in infrastructure projects such as airport , roads that can be enjoyed by local people as well as tourist who came to use them. Joy Standeven, Paul de Knop, 1999, p 66) Travel service providers in the tourist destination area, such as airlines, railways, and bus service need to be sufficient and well developed to avoid all sort of hassle might impact for tourist or destination. To achieve greater competitive advantage; transport companies should have a sophisticated planning; the transportation sector is always a large and growing market in UK tourism. Security and personal safety: Security is a major issue for any tourism destination, for a large destination security sometime maybe it’s not enough to only depending on local police or community service.Private security services can be included, with modern camera technology, professionals to maintain successful tourism destination. The best course of action is to blend human security with technology. Managing adventure and sports safety remains an important topic to tourism industry. Perceived or real threats to sports person safety have immediate impacts on a destination's reputation and can dramatically affect visitation. If visitor health and safety is not well managed, adverse incidents can significantly impact on the profitability and sustainability of an individual business, community or destination.So it’s should be a compulsory objective for tourism organiser to have sufficient safety services. Developed infrastructure: Tourist development indicates that infrastructure accordingly developed. The provision of infrastructure- the construction of roads, and the system of electricity supply, water supply and sewages disposal, hospital, churches, schools and shop become necessary when an area is developed for the tourism. Indeed, in regions away from the main cities, a kind of micro-urbanization has to take place to attract tourists who assemble in such places to escape environmental monotony of their workday in cities.The tourists are prepared to live in the clusters of cottages but at the same time they demand most of the modern comforts to which they are accustomed with the possibility of a shopping centre, amusements and services to be made available at hand. Capacity of accommodating sports tourists: Carrying capacity for tourism is similar in some ways to ecological carrying capacity and different in others. Ultimately, physical resources limit both population and tourist levels. A dearth of land, shortage of food, or decline in water quality and availability will quickly put the brakes on both types of growth.But for tourism, cultural resources are also a concern. A well-developed tourism destination should provide an efficient accommodated service for their tourists. Technology applied to the provision of sports and adventure activities: The technological environment p lays a huge role and influence on the Sport-tourism through globalization due to the innovation of technological thought. For example the implication of restaurants and hotels has been joined by the technological strategy which connects the world through electronic business to exchange goods and services.Furthermore the internet has revolutionised the way executive and business partners operate and cash rings are replaced by credit and debit card payment system. This technological change will allow the use of electronic transfer fund to be more accurate on the information exchange and the target market (Weed et al, 2004: p, 33) Sport tourism may benefit from technological innovation such as currency exchange rate, details about accommodation, climate, culture, language, entertainment places, and requirement entry for visa.The technology infrastructure has opened a new way for Sport tourism to reach the outside world and enter to the competitive edge in the market share. (Devine et a l, 2009: p, 17). As the technology evolves and develops within the Sport tourism, stakeholders will find themselves with clear opportunities and one challenge emerging from this will be to streamline and simplify the transaction and consumption of products. This will require looking at global shift in consumer attitudes, tracking new motivations or opportunity in order to communicate and convince consumers (Knowles et al, 2004: p, 32).Technological developments are increasing rapidly. New recreation products, such as all-terrain vehicles and wind surfers, provide new ways for people to satisfy their recreational preferences. New production Technologies and materials offer recreation and tourism businesses ways to reduce costs and improve the quality of their products/services. Advances in telecommunications have and will continue to create new promotional opportunities. Technological innovations, in relation to jobs and the home, have resulted in increased leisure time for many peop le.Nowadays sports have become a part of our life. Sports have become one of the best interests of the people. Indoor sports activities for tourism is very popular fast growing. Sports are mainly related with the physical element of the body such like running, throwing, jumping, sliding, hitting, shooting, catching etc. , and at present time all those sports are depending on technological supports, as technology helps to give a fair result in any sports competition as well as sports person safety. Technology applied in modern gym helps to improve physical stamina through different level of exercise.For example, Technology applied Sport tourism includes rafting, Para gliding, bungee jump with crane, sky diving, and many more. Provision of diversified activities Diversified activities for tourism destination can create opportunity for more profits in local business. A tourism destination diversification can be point out as; Tourist Accommodation: Bed and breakfast hotel, resorts, camp ing facilities or caravan sites. Tourist recreation: Trekking holidays, heritage attractions, sports events and festivals, mountain biking/walking routes, clay pigeon shooting, archery, quad biking .Strategies can be including for Successful development: 1. Seasonal sports tourism offer 2. Marketing on Sports and adventures tourism activities 3. Ensuring each year sports tourism events got different attractions 4. Identifying major activities what can bring more tourists 5. Infrastructure investment targeting diversified activities More activities can be added as west Cambria has a suitable for sports and adventures tourism; 1. Horseback riding 2. Hang gliding, 3. Ballooning, 4. Parachuting Professionalism of service staff The professionalism in sports and adventures tourism is very vital.Becoming sports trainer or guide for tourism activities increased responsibility for the profession; Most of the time a destination future depends on their professional services. Professionalism ca n create demand for sports tourism, as a well-trained sports guide or trainer does mistake in rare occasion and that attracts sports tourists. Political stability Political stability can create significant impact on any tourism industry; an unstable political condition can spoil major sports events, same time it can ruin the economic development of Destination.A stable optical situation can creates; good economy, jobs, use of resources and growth of development. The government significantly by their activities may seriously influence the economic and non-economic opportunities essential in the creation of the conditions that conduct to the development of a business. Whether the Sport tourism development is encouraged or blocked, depends very much on the government policy and political view. (Tom Hinch, James Higham, 2011 p 206) Economic status of the destinationForeign Exchange Earnings: The spending of traveller brings income to the hosting country and possibly will stimulate a sig nificant investment to finance growth in other economic sectors. An important indicator of sports tourism development is it’s generate foreign exchange earnings The economic impact of tourism is massive. Tourism is generally regarded as labour-intensive. It generates direct full time employment in such formal sectors as hotels, restaurants, transport services, travel agencies, guides and foreign airlines, etc.Costs: In business, cost is usually a monetary valuation of (1) effort, (2) material, (3) resources, (4) time and utilities consumed, (5) risks incurred, and (6) opportunity forgone in production and delivery of a good or service. All expenses are costs, but not all costs (such as those incurred in acquisition of an income-generating asset) are expenses. A large number of deal and money will be costing the host destination of the event and local taxpayers for Sport tourism development. Developers will need the government to improve infrastructure which includes the airpo rt, roads and others which are costly activities for the government. ports and adventures tourism development costs can be divided in two parts, if the negative aspects of costs can be save than there will be benefit, on the other hand positive has always profitable for stake holders. Positive Costs | Negative Costs| 1. Tourist spending money returned to local economy as it is spent over and over again. | 1. Over tourism can effects social community; such as tourism can increase drug related activities. | 2. Diversify and stabilize the local economy. | 2. Illegal prostitution can be harmful for sports destination.As tourists has a weak side for sexual activities. | 3. Governments get a chance to add up extra tax through tourism. | 3. Overcrowding and congestion. | 4. Fosters conservation and preservation of natural, cultural and historical resources. | 4. Crime activities can be increased. | 5. Encourages the preservation and celebration of local sport events or festivals. | 5. Natu ral resources and historical sites can be damaged for overcrowding. | 6. Local charity can raise fund through regular tourism. | 6. Over development can be cost local government. | 7.Tourism money can be spending to create more technological development in activity area. | 7. Developers from outside the destination can take the profit away. | From an economic point of view of the above table showcasing the region and its natural beauty should enhance its reputation as an attractive tourist destination. Good organisation and infrastructure could be highlighted to further promote investment in sports destination. More convenient and modern venues are likely to attract higher number of spectators and perhaps host upcoming mega-events which will generate higher income to the destination.Conclusion Sport and adventure tourism development can benefit economies by providing a fast source of income for local government and community, supporting the sustaining improvement and protection for environment and encouraging culture exchange between the developed countries. In perspective of the west Cambria tourism, with major sports or adventure events can speed up the development and growth and these includes; Tourists’ arrivals: sports team or sports man, media, officials and fans arriving into the destination from across the country and across the world for the events.Destination revenues: money spent by visitors spending time in the destination over the period of the sports events. Investment in destination: money injected into the west Cambria destination for infrastructure development. Employment for locals: many of the locals will have the opportunity to get employed in during the sports events. Skills development: knowledge and skills transfer which result from sports events preparations which remain in the minds and lives. Popularity: By building of profile of the Cambria tourism as a host destination through media exposure of the event.The long-term benefit s of a sports destination far outweigh the short-term cost. Though creating a modern facilitate destination can destroy some part nature. In that case developers should focus without destroying the nature adopting Sustainable tourism. Sustainable tourism is considerably beneficial in the respect of environment. For developing tourism business, most developed destination provides financial support or material resource for the conservation of the local environment and natural resources.It can create balance between limits and usage of nature through monitoring and planning; to ensure that sustainable tourism can be managed besides developed sports tourism. Sustainable development of sports destination must include the interests of all stakeholders including local communities, visitors, related business industry and government. Suggestions for the future development of this sports destination†¦ References Books 1. Weed M, Bull, C, 2004. Sport tourism: Participants, policy and prov iders, 4th Edition. London UK: Elsevier’s Science and Technology. E-Books 2. Tim Knowles, Dimitrios Diamantis, Joudallah Bey El-Mourhabi, J. 2004.The Globalization of Tourism and Hospitality: A Strategic Perspective. 2nd Edition. London: Thomson Learning Available at: http://books. google. co. uk/books? id=uEi5NkHg0ZsC;printsec=frontcover;dq=The+Globalization+of+Tourism+and+Hospitality:+A+Strategic+Perspective;hl=en;ei=Y1HhTqinF9Do8QOmzPD_Aw;sa=X;oi=book_result;ct=result;resnum=1;ved=0CEMQ6AEwAA#v=onepage;q=The%20Globalization%20of%20Tourism%20and%20Hospitality%3A%20A%20Strategic%20Perspective;f=false Articles: 3. Devine, A, Boyle, E, Boyd, S, 2009. Towards a theory of collaborative advantage for the sport tourism policy arena. Available
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