Monday, January 27, 2020
Youth Unemployment In The United Kingdom Economics Essay
Youth Unemployment In The United Kingdom Economics Essay The UK as a country, are accustomed to living beyond their means. The Great Britain runs a large budget deficit. The money a country cannot raise from taxation needs to be borrowed and especially in UK where people are receiving benefits (e-g Health NHS, Pensions and home support etc) . This is when the Budget Deficit occurs. The Budget Deficit means the amount which Government spending exceeds its income over a particular period of time this is when the economy goes into recession .It is the opposite of budget surplus .Budget surplus is when the governments expenditure is less than the Governments income . The Damaging effects of Budget deficit are Inflation i-e high prices of goods and Unemployment . The budget deficit leads to unemployment i-e the number of people gaining jobs is less than the number of people losing jobs. This occurs when an economy is in a recession . The employers are not willing to take a risk during recession so they dont employ youngsters. Because in a recession there is inflation i-e high prices of goods and services so the sales are not at their peak so they dont employ youth staff because of their expenditure and high prices of goods and services during recession . The unemployment rate in UK now is 7.8 % i-e 2.50 million .The Unemployed people increased by 49,000 over the quarter to reach 2.50 million. Male unemployment reached 1.48 million while female unemployment reached 1.02 million. The unemployment rate of people of age 16-24 increased by 1.0 on the quarter to reach 20.3 %, the highest since 1992.There are several damaging effects of unemployment to economy if the people are jobless than there are less tax payers in the economy .This is not because the person cannot find him/herself a job it can be due to any reason.It could be due to cyclical , strutural , seasonal or strucural unemployment .The Government has to find a way , Because if people are jobless or unemployed then there are less tax payers and thus the improvement in the economy could be marginal.The Government should provide support to the unemployed people and to the companies as well which are struggling at the moment to get them going because if the comppany gain profits t hen they can pay the income tax .CBI (Confederation of buisness industry ) estimates that the unemployment rate in Britain will reach 8.4 percent in 2011 , up from 7.9 % last yearr and that it will remain unchanged in 2012. The budget deficit also leads to inflation which means higher prices of products , the Government can impose high taxes on products and higher income taxes . The Government can reduce inflation in many ways . They can do it by wage control which again might lead to frictional unemployment because mostly the employees are not happy with low wages or salaries . The other way of reducing inflation is monetarism controlling inflation through controlling money supply . But both ways of controlling inflation leads to youth unemployment . Therefore the Government must try for stable low inflation . 0 % inflation is not feasible in an economy because of the Government spending or expenditure .The other policies that can be used to control inflation is by slowing down the growth of aggregate demand or boost the rate of growth of aggregate supply . If the Government continued cutting budget , then unemployment would keep on rising. so they have to borrow a limited amount of money .There should be an availability of funds to small and medium enterprises so that the enterprises employs more youngsters so that the people getting jobs could pay the tax again . They can do this by helping someone in building a firm or an entreprise financially and the Government should also encourage other people to build firms because for some people it is a gamble or a risk , People want to do it but the situations dont let them do it e-g during a recession ,Nobody is willing to take a risk as it will lead to failure . So the Government should encourage them so that they can build a firm and start doing business and the business cannot be run without labour so they would employ young guns so that would decrease youth unemployment. During the recession, When the unemployment is at its peak the enterprises or firms pay low wages. When the enterprise s need employees or staff, and there are many people that need work especially youngsters , than open positions, the enterprises select those persons that request the lowest salaries but when the entreprise is struggling to find new employees then the entreprises offer high new wages to get the employees they need , It means wages and salaries are low during high unemployment . Youth Unemployment can also be decreased by regenerating businesses. Many businesses opt to close after a suffering a great loss in a business or there is less productivity or the employees are not happy with their salaries and wages so businesses then opt to close. But if the Government could help them financially in starting up or regenerating that business again then there is a chance of a decrease in youth Unemployment. Sometimes Fiscal policy can help in reducing youth unemployment .According to Keynesian Fiscal policy means the revenue collected through taxation . By using the fiscal policy the Government can increase the aggregate demand which will result in higher output and which will lead to the creation of many jobs and the youth unemployment can be decreased but that will give birth to another disease i-e inflation which means higher prices of goods and services . The UK Government should increase the exports to other countries i-e sending UK-made products to other countries . It is a very good way of income and unemployment can decrease because of the income the Government might not implement major budget cuts mostly due to which unemployment occurs and there should be a decrease in imports. The interest rates of the banks should be kept low. Making local market competitive abroad by devaluing currency . The Government should encourage overseas investors because they are a boost to the economy by allowing businessmen from other countries to invest in the UK and because of that people are going to get jobs in those firms and moreover the overseas investor brings money to a country which is a good sign for an economy . This is one of the best way to avoid budget deficit in an economy . The Government should also discourage asylum seekers because the Government spends a lot on the asylum seekers. The Government should try to expand their International Market they should discover specialised UK products. Politicians in the G20 nations must ensure that progress is sustained, but in the UK the Government should not flinch from taking additional prudential measures. we have to rethink our approach to the economic consequences of our now rapidly ageing society. have to reshape the structure of public finance, and not limit the debate to this tax or that tax or the scale of efficiency savings. A root and branch restructuring of the tax and benefit system, to include cutting benefits paid to the better-off and anachronistic tax breaks and subsidies that benefit companies, could generate billions of pounds in revenue. To conclude , There are many ways in which a Government can reduce unemployment but it totally depends on the Government i-e which policy to use at what time ?. Firstly they should keep control on their spending and stop the budget deficit from happening
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Class Project Presentation Essay
In narrow perspective, PA is a documentation, filling form, checking boxes, once-a-year drill, annual fiasco, meeting held between lower and higher worker, and they will meet again next year (Grote, 2002; DelPo, 2007; Tourish, 2004). It s a common misconception that performance appraisal entails simply filling out an evaluation form answering prefabricated questions and checking boxes. If this were the case, you wouldn t need an entire book to help you do it right, and your evaluation wouldn t be worth the paper you wrote it on. When done correctly, performance appraisal is a process, not a document it is a way of structuring your relationship with your employees. A good appraisal system includes observation, documentation, and communication. It envisions a workplace in which supervisors know what is happening in their departments (who is doing what and how well) and document employee performance as it occurs. Supervisors and their employees should have open lines of communication. Employees should know how they are doing so they can make adjustments when they veer off track. Supervisors should know what obstacles get in the way of their employees performance so they can remove those obstacles as they arise (DelPo, 2007). PURPOSE Study shows that PA is commonly used by companies now, from every level or industrial background (Nakervis and Leece, 1997; Bach, 2003). Of course the phenomenon is not without cause, consider that sometimes PA is a hectic and hated job, time and cost consuming. Grote (2002) case in No. 14 is cited from DelPo (2007)- list the purpose of PA as follow: 1. Providing feedback to employees about their performance 2. Determining who gets promoted 3. Facilitating layoff or downsizing decisions 4. Encouraging performance improvement 5. Motivating superior performance 6. Setting and measuring goals 7. Counseling poor performers 8. Determining compensation changes Encouraging coaching and mentoring Supporting manpower planning or succession planning Determining individual training and development needs Determining organizational training and development needs Confirming that good hiring decisions are being made Providing legal defensibility for personnel decisions Case : A hospital fires an African-American doctor. She does not have an employment contract, so the hospital does not need just cause to ire her. Nonetheless, the doctor files a wrongful termination lawsuit, claiming that she was fired because of her race. When she files her lawsuit, she has no real evidence of racial discrimination; her case is based on her belief that she was always treated more harshly than her coworkers, most of whom were white men. The hospital responds by asserting that she was fired because of her poor diagnostic skills and her inability to get along with her coworkers. Her attorney requests her performance evaluations. Well managed PA system can prevent this kind of situation. Further reading about the issue of legal practice and PA, read The Performance Appraisal Handbook; Legal & Practical Rules for Managers by Amy DelPo. 15. Improving overall organizational performance Performance Appraisal is an integrated part of company s Performance Management Strategy (PMS). Performance Management is a set of regular, ongoing human resource activities carried out by managers and supervisors relative to their subordinates to enhance and maintain employee performance toward the achievement of desired performance objectives (Vance and Paik, 2006). Why company need to create such job, what are the job requirement, job description, the most important thing to do in this job, issue surround the job, etc. 2. The Jobholder Who is suitable for the job? What are the requirements? 3. The Person Now, you have to know the person deeper. How is his performance compare to the previous year. Remember, know the person based on the job, not based on individual prejudices 4. The Self-Appraisal or Accomplishment List If you asked the individual to prepare a list of accomplishments or complete a self-appraisal (and return it to you in advance), this will be a worthwhile source of performance data. This information then can be gathered by assigned appraiser (supervisor, specialist, peers, appraisee, or all). There are two types of information: 1. Qualitative: Information of behavioral remarks, comments, symptom, process, expectation, etc. 2. Quantitative : Numerical information. Information about sales number, revenue, productivity (number of product per hour or per day), and area covered, etc. Quantitative is easier to be measured and less subjective. There are two types of quantitative information; pure numerical information, and scaled information. Scaled information is subjective and non-numerical information, but converted into number by scaling method. For example, 5 for Excellent, until 1 for very poor. Or 1 for Approved, 0 for Rejected (see additional exhibit, example of performance appraisal form of University of California). The appraiser can use combination of questionnaires, observation and interview to gather the information (an example of the standard PA form can be seen in the exhibit 1). The job can be very useful, yet sensitive because: 1. Common agreement among HR specialist that subjectivity cannot be avoided. . Legal consideration (sexual harassment, racism or libel issue) 3. No standard question or appraisal method available. Most of the organizations have to adjust the method for their organizational style. Performance Appraisal by only one appraiser sometimes might trigger subjectivity and bias. To prevent this, the method known as 360-degree Performance Appraisal is implemented. This form deviates from the vertical, hierarchical arrangement in that every member of an organization is placed at the centre point of a circle embracing all related employees, superiors and colleagues. Manager hates to measure their employee for some reason, while in the same time, employee hate to be scrutinized. Time consuming, high cost, and focused on past result rather than future development, are among the arguments, also additional findings show that performance appraisal can actually lead to poorer rather than better performance, tend to create prompt argument between appraiser and employee (Rothwell and Kazanas, 2003, cited from Martin and Bartol, 1998; Kikoski, 1999). Gloomy predictions about the end of performance appraisal even have been prophesied by some writer. As Bach (2003) noted, some have predict that appraisal would fall apart at the seams (cited from Margerison, 1976), due to employee ambivalence and union opposition, and added that the days of standardized appraisals were number (Bach, 2003, cited from Fletcher, 1993). (Cited from my journal study). Tourish (2004) revealed even more shaking information. As he cited from various research, that Appraisal should be avoided if it linked to numeration and payment, because sometimes may lead to moral hazard and even bankruptcy. As he wrote it: An illuminating example of what happens when this research is ignored may be in order. Enron was an organisation that combined both a ranking system and the linking of performance to pay. Its bankruptcy in 2001 stands (at the time of writing) as the biggest in US corporate history. As with many other aspects of its internal culture, its approach to appraisal is a valuable case study in what not to do. An internal performance review committee rated employees twice a year (Gladwell, 2002). They were graded on a scale of 1 to 5, on ten separate criteria, and then divided into one of three groups A s, who were to be challenged and given large rewards; B s, who were to be encouraged and affirmed, and C s, who were told to shape up or ship out. Those in the A category were referred to internally as water walkers. The process was known as rank and yank. The company s propensity to disproportionately reward those who were high achievers and risk-takers was widely acclaimed by business gurus (e. g. Hamel, 2000). Faculty from the prestigious Harvard Business School produced 11 case studies, uniformly praising its successes. However, problems multiplied. People chased high rankings because the potential rewards were enormous, while low rankings imperilled both their salaries and eventually their jobs. The appearance of success mattered more than its substance. In addition, internal promotions due to the appraisal system reached 20% a year. This made further evaluation more difficult, and inevitably more subjective how could you honestly rank someone s performance when they did not hold a position long enough to render sound judgement possible? Paradoxically, Enron had a punitive internal regime ( rank and yank ) but loose control (those adjudged to be top performers moved on too fast to be pinned down). In this case, ratings and performance pay formed a lethal mix. Internal staff churn, and a relentless emphasis on achieving high performance ratings in the interests of obtaining ever-greater personal rewards, contributed to the lax ethical atmosphere that precipitated the company s downfall. Versions of rank and yank have been used by many organisations, including General Electric and IBM. IBM, in the early 1990s, actually required that one out of every ten employees be allocated a poor rating, and given three months to improve or be fired (Gabor, 1992). The research evidence overwhelmingly suggests that such practices produce only defiance, defensiveness and rage (Kohn, 1999). However, despite all the criticisms, number of companies utilize this system is still growing. I think this is understandable because some findings correlate the implementation of effective and well created performance management system and performance appraisal, with employee s or organizational success. Waal (2008) in his research titled The effects of performance management on the operational sales results of a bank , showed that the PM related key events had a significant and lasting positive impact on the quantitative result of the division (Waal, 2008). Table 1: Disadvantage of PA, as identified from literature Source : Kourkit and Waal (2008) Other study conducted by Kourkit and Waal (2008), strengthen the previous findings. In this research, writers try to find out the correlation between advantageous and disadvantageous of Performance management, with companies success. The research showed that in general the advantages were experienced to a much greater degree than the disadvantages, and that specific reasons for use achieved specific advantages. With the research results, management can convince organizational members that SPM (strategic performance management), indeed beneficial for the organization (Kourkit and Waal, 2008. Italic added). Kourkit and Waal try to find the answer for dissatisfaction of PA process and they found out that there is no correlation between advantages created by Performance Management with dissatisfaction. In other word, companies where PA system works well will create the advantages it has promised. Future studies are needed to identify about what is going on with PA system in bankrupt companies (like Enron). Is it poor performance management might result their bankruptcy? Figure 2 : Relation Model developed by Kourkit and Wall (2008). Source : Kourkit and Wall (2008) TQM (Total Quality Management) by some also seen as the opposite of PA. Adoption of TQM, which emphasize more in team effort (Wikipedia, accessed 2010), didn t seems to lessen the spreading and growing importance of PA. Some have tried to reconcile the difference by creating a PA system that actually works so well in TQM (Marr and Kussy, 1993). This criticism is closely related with argument of team (emphasized by TQM) Vs. individual appraisal (PA). However, Kessler (2003) find out that, There is some evidence to suggest that use of team pay to support job design may have positive outcomes in terms of individual and organizational performance (Wageman 1995; Burgess et al. 2003). However, the take-up of team pay remains low with well under 20 per cent of organizations using it (CIPD 2003). Salary progressions based on team performance is even less in evidence; these findings are confirmed by other surveys (Thompson and Milsome 2001: 13). This low takeup suggests that despite some evidence of effectiveness, administrative difficulties remain in introducing team pay. It is not always easy to find a standard of team performance that can be linked to pay because teams often break up quickly and do not therefore represent a stable base for a pay. Moreover, it remains questionable whether team working in the strictest sense is as widespread as assumed (see Cully et al. 999: 43). Team-based pay may well be rare simply because genuine forms of team working are scarce. AVOIDING THE PERIL Performance Appraisal process, as we have seen, proven to be a dangerous game. However, it is necessary for company s success. Failure of PA process can sometimes attributed to human shortcomings. Tourish (2004) list 8 of that phenomenon that must be carefully avoided: 1. Appraisers frequently fall victim to the halo effect. There is a tendency to assume that a positive attribute or a job related success in one area automatically implies success in others. 2. Personal liking bias means that when supervisors like a subordinate, for whatever reason, they generally give them higher performance ratings, their judgment of the subordinate s work performance becomes less accurate and they show a disinclination to punish or deal with poor performance. 3. The horn effect arises when a problem in one area is assumed to be representative of defects elsewhere 4. The consistency error suggests that we have an exaggerated need to feel consistent in our opinions and judgments, and to assume that people and circumstances are more stable than they actually are (Millar et al. 1992). 5. The fundamental attribution error, discussed above, means that an appraiser tends to attribute poor performance to the personality of the interviewee, rather than to the situation. 6. The similarity bias means that we are attracted to people who look like us, sound like us and form a convenient echo chamber for our own ideas. 7. The what is evaluated problem arises when the behaviors being evaluated differ from those required to obtain organizational goals. 8. Each of these problems is exacerbated by ingratiation effects. People with lower status habitually seeking to influence those of greater status by exaggerating how much they agree with their opinions, policies and practices, and so ingratiate themselves with the powerful, and sometimes might create bias to these so called powerful. DelPo (2007) also found that unwise selection of words can lead to poor PA system. Not only create false hope and false impression, it also might lead to legal problem. Brief, based on the fact, rather than personal conclusion is better than a long, trying to be funny or conclusive word. The latter, might bring not only false facts, but also future problem. Organization is comprised of human, which is all unique, so also the organization. Standardized PA schemes from industry to industry, from size to another size will be better if was avoided. The common mistake that also always lead to rejection to PA is, the believe that PA is just an annual ordered ritual. Useless but a must. In fact, PA is a never stop process. The shift in paradigm regarding PA is needed now days. Formal, written and companies scale PA can be held annually, monthly, quarterly or half-a-year, but everyday informal PA through Management By Walking Around, Management By Objectives, through constant communications and immediate daily basis feedback, might lessen the hectic work of annual PA and might reduce the frighten about PA. If I can extent the scope of Performance Management Process, PMS actually started since the recruitment. If the recruitment ran well, it will reduce the burden of PA, since all employees are ready, or willing to improve. Future study also needed in this part to know whether good recruitment system is correlated with successful PA scheme, and vice versa. Communication is also the most important. Employee must have the willingness to hear the feedback, while management also must be willing to receipt critics regarding the PA schemes and procedure. At very last, but one of the most important, Company s value, philosophy, vision and mission is also are fundamental in PA system. CONCLUSION y PA is an integral part of human life. We have experienced it since the moment we can remember and understand word. We live by it, cope with it, and shaped by it. Strengthened and weakened by it. In school we received report card, in university we get grades, those all are part of life s Performance Appraisal. Even as Christian, I believe that PA will continue in the afterlife. Appraisal is needed, it is necessary for company s or employee s development. Some study reported that PA is correlated with performance, and the growing number of user of this method, strengthen its position of importance. y PA is needed to measure performance, personally. PA is irrelevant under assumption that all member of organization has done and will do a fine job with, or without evaluation.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Explain Why Treasure Island Is So Highly Regarded Essay
Treasure Island is written using a first person narrative, which has its own advantages and disadvantages. One of the advantages consist of being able to experience how the character narrating feels, in this case we get to learn a lot about Jim Hawkins and how he feels throughout the novel just because he is the narrator of the novel. However, when Jim decides stow away in one of the boats heading for the shore R.L. Stevenson is faced with a problem in that he cannot let the reader know what is happening on board the Hispaniola. Stevenson finds a way around this problem by swapping the narrator to Doctor Livesey. This seems to sort out the problem for a while but if the reader was reading the novel at a fast pace then he might not read the chapter headings and know that the narrator has changed and therefore get confused with what’s happening in the story and where the characters are. I think that R.L. Stevenson knew that this problem would occur somewhere in the novel and anticipated it, he may have even planned it. But he still chose to use the first person narrative, although it is not always the easiest narrative to follow as â€Å"I†and â€Å"we†are used which often makes it hard to distinguish who â€Å"I†and â€Å"we†are, and who the speech is being directed at. However, I believe Stevenson chose this narrative as it makes it easier to let the reader know and understand the feelings of the character that is narrating the novel at any time in the novel. R.L. Stevenson describes the island very well throughout the novel by using all of the senses of a human being: Sight – â€Å"The appearance of the island when I came on deck next morning was altogether changed.†Sound – â€Å"and the whole ship creaking and groaning,†Taste – â€Å"like someone tasting a bad egg.†Smell – â€Å"a smell of sodden leaves and rotting tree trunks.†Touch – â€Å"The Hispaniola was rolling scuppers under in the ocean swell.†The quotation I chose for sight was one of the many I could have used as part three of Treasure Island has many references to sight and how things look. Although there is not nearly as many R.L. Stevenson still makes a point of describing the sounds that are a part of the island and boat, like the creaking of the boat, and the sounds that the birds make. Chapter thirteen contains only one reference to taste and that is in the form of a simile. The effect this has is that most people know or can at least guess what a bad egg tastes like which gives the reader a good idea of how bad the island smelt. The chapter also has only one reference to smell which can also give the reader a good idea of how he island smelt, giving them quite a clear image of the island in their mind’s eye. Explaining how movement and how something feels is a difficult task to achieve when writing a novel, however I feel that R.L. Stevenson manages to accomplish this quite well. Describing how the boat was rolling gently in the water, how the temperature was very hot and describing how Jim had to hold on because he felt as though everything was spinning around him. Part of the tension of Treasure Island is built up at the end of part one when Dr. Livesey tells Squire Trelawney that he is afraid that the Squire will tell someone what the voyage is about and that there is treasure involved, â€Å"‘There’s only one man I’m afraid of.’ `And who’s that?’ cried the squire. `Name the dog, sir!’ `You,’ replied the doctor; `for you cannot hold your tongue.'†The feeling this gives to the reader is one of untrustworthiness and a lack of faithfulness between friends which may cause the reader to become somewhat tense as there is a part of them that knows what is going to happen but they are not completely sure what or when it is going to happen. And when Jim and the doctor receive a letter from the squire it brings the doctor’s fears to light as the letter he receives from the squire says that the squire told every man, woman and child that he met, and that he had hired a man with one leg. At this news, the reader may again feel tension in them, as they do not know what the people the squire told will do or if the man with one leg is the same person that Billy Bones was so scared of. Personally, I think that there are five reasons that this novel is so widely known and read; Firstly the book appeals to people of all ages, it has something that appeals to everyone that can read. Secondly, R.L. Stevenson’s choice of narrative, it lets the reader know exactly how the character narrating feels, making you feel like apart of the novel. Thirdly, The way in which R.L. Stevenson chose to describe the island and everything surrounding it, almost making the Island a character. Fourthly, the amount of tension that is built up throughout the novel is huge; some readers might find the book hard to put down because of the tension as they feel they need to know what will happen next. Lastly, R.L. Stevenson thought up ideas about the setting, story, and narrative issues for Treasure Island himself, instead of doing what a lot of writers might do which is to take ideas from other people, modify them a bit, and then pass them off as their own. Due to this Treasure Island is unpredictable and lively, yet it is as easy to follow as a nursery book. I found Treasure Island to be quite an enjoyable book even though I do not usually read adventure novels.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Death Penalty. .The Death Penalty Is Currently Used
The Death Penalty The death penalty is currently used by 34 states and is used by the federal government for punishing federal crimes. And in most cases the death penalty is used when the criminal has been convicted of murder. However, two people have been sentenced to death for the rape of a minor. The definition of the death penalty is: execution of an offender sentenced to death after conviction by a court of law of a criminal offense. This begs the question does the government have the right to take away someone’s life? And if so is it ethical and moral? Overall the goal of the Criminal Justice system is to give the right sentence and protect the people. Even though the death penalty does this, there are better more efficient†¦show more content†¦The idea of punishing violence with violence essentially condones the use of violence. This has not yet been definitively determined but the fact that the government utilizes violence in a sense condones the use of it. At the very least, i t may make it seem that vigilante justice is acceptable. So this doesn’t necessarily mean society is safer because it is not yet definitely decided that the punishment deters crime. Furthermore, the money that the punishment wastes could be used to make the community safer. As a result, the penalty has an adverse effect on public safety. A good example is the south has the most executions by far, and they also have the highest murder rate. So maybe if the government spent more money on making school systems better and making sure kids stay on the right track and don’t get involved in crime they would have to worry less about giving the death penalty. And therefore getting rid of the death penalty would be an easy decision. Along with the Moral and Ethical problems the death penalty has monetary problems too. The cost of housing inmates on death row and the extra cost of appeals results in a total extra cost of 65 million dollars a year. All of that money is being wasted on a criminal who isn’t even worth the time to kill him. If you just put them in a federal prison it would cost a lot less. The death penalty per person is one of the most expensive state programs. Execution of one person costs about ten million dollars.Show MoreRelatedThe Death Penalty Should Be Abolished1645 Words  | 7 Pagespondering question on how to punish criminals. Having the death penalty to actively punish criminals has been debated for many years. Some say it deters crime and others say it unfairly punishes the poor. More than half of the states in America actively use the death penalty. There have been recent debates over the methods used for putting people to death and over the abolishment of the death penalty. Despite its controversial nature, the death penalty must be in effect to diminish the rate of crime, regulateRead MoreThe Death Penalty Is It Just Or Unjust?1387 Words  | 6 Pagescontroversial, highly debated topic in the United States today is the death penalty. Is it just or unjust? Does is deter murders and crimes? Are there proper rules for it, and a fair system to decide who gets the death penalty? The death penalty is â€Å"the punishment of execution, administered to someone legally convicted of a capital crime.†Today it is mostly used for murder cases, however, depending on the state it can also be used for treason, aggressive kidnapping, drug trafficking, aircraft hijackingRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of The Death Penalty1052 Words  | 5 PagesThe Death penalty can be used in multiple different situations, treason, murder, drive-by shooting, genocide, kidnapping-murder. The death penalty. Also referred to as the capital punishment. It is mainly used for the murder of one or more people. Currently, it is not used in California, which could be seen as good or bad. It is illegal mainly because it is unconstitutional, it violates the 8th amendment, where it says  ¨Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruelRead MoreDeath Penalty Is An Outdated Form Of Punishment1691 Words  | 7 PagesDeath Penalty in the United States The United States has a long history with the death penalty. Every perspective of the death has been argued, from the religious aspect of the government playing â€Å"God†to the death penalty being a solid form of crime deterrence and everything in between. This paper will show the death penalty is an outdated form of punishment and an expense that cannot be justified due to the lack of crime deterrence. History Since the 1700s, the death penalty has been a formRead MoreAbolishing the Death Penality743 Words  | 3 Pagesbeing used by every country in the world. Capital punishment, or the death penalty, is the execution of a person by a government for serious crimes committed. Capital punishment has been used by almost all societies. Currently 58 nations support the death penalty, and 140 countries have abolished it. Abolish the death penalty because, first, it costs more for a death penalty than keeping a criminal alive. Second, the death penalty, or killing, is not right. It is morally wrong. Giving the death penaltyRead MoreProposition 62 : Repeal The Death Penalty Essay1599 Words  | 7 Pages Proposition 62: Repeal of the Death Penalty In my lifetime alone, same sex marriage has been legalized, the use of marijuana has been legalized and technology has advanced so substantially that we are always connected, allowing news and ideas to spread quickly throughout the nation. In the last 10 years more than ever, I feel that the Constitution and its ideas have been questioned. It seems we’ve realized that a list of rules written over 200 years ago are becoming arbitrary. More specificallyRead MoreCapital Punishment And The Death Penalty1704 Words  | 7 PagesCapital punishment or the death penalty is punishment by death of a person who has been legally tried in a court of law for a capital crime. The morality and constitutionality of the death penalty has recently come up for debate again after the European pharmaceutical companies, who produce Pentobarbital, one of the drugs most commonly used to execute the death penalty sentence via lethal injection, stopped exporting and allowing the sale of the drugs to the United States. (Steiden, 2014) (LevittRead MoreThe Death Penalty Using One Word Essay1570 Words  | 7 Pagesasked individuals to describe the death penalty using one word. The word that was used the most was â€Å"cruel.†The use of that word by participants was not surprising at all. The next common used word was â€Å"justice.†The use of these two words were simply interesting. This is simply because with they can almost act as antonyms. This indicates there were definitely mixed beliefs about the death penalty. A few negative words that were used to describe the death penalty were tragic, inhumane, abominationRead MoreVictoria Crowley. Soc 153 Debate Essay. April 18, 2017.1599 Words  | 7 PagesFor centuries capital punishment has been used to â€Å"punish†criminals for a severe enough crime that they committed. It dates back to hundreds of years ago and has been enacted in many different countries, some that still have it today. Deat h penalty/capital punishment is the punishment of death an offender receives after having a court hearing and being convicted of a crime (, 2008). Once someone receives a death penalty sentence, they go on death row awaiting their execution. For a veryRead MoreEssay on A Tougher Death Penalty Will Reduce Crime1647 Words  | 7 PagesWe Need a Tougher Death Penalty    Many people, in general, are trying to abolish the death penalty. Why? Why try to abolish something that is in need in our corrupt world? Like for instance, in the case of the monster named Westley Dodd. The death penalty is doing the world of crime some good. If the people could see the right in their negative outlook.   Westley Dodd had been imprisoned for child molesting in many occasions and in 1989 committed a crime that of horrific nature
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