Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Death Penalty. .The Death Penalty Is Currently Used
The Death Penalty The death penalty is currently used by 34 states and is used by the federal government for punishing federal crimes. And in most cases the death penalty is used when the criminal has been convicted of murder. However, two people have been sentenced to death for the rape of a minor. The definition of the death penalty is: execution of an offender sentenced to death after conviction by a court of law of a criminal offense. This begs the question does the government have the right to take away someone’s life? And if so is it ethical and moral? Overall the goal of the Criminal Justice system is to give the right sentence and protect the people. Even though the death penalty does this, there are better more efficient†¦show more content†¦The idea of punishing violence with violence essentially condones the use of violence. This has not yet been definitively determined but the fact that the government utilizes violence in a sense condones the use of it. At the very least, i t may make it seem that vigilante justice is acceptable. So this doesn’t necessarily mean society is safer because it is not yet definitely decided that the punishment deters crime. Furthermore, the money that the punishment wastes could be used to make the community safer. As a result, the penalty has an adverse effect on public safety. A good example is the south has the most executions by far, and they also have the highest murder rate. So maybe if the government spent more money on making school systems better and making sure kids stay on the right track and don’t get involved in crime they would have to worry less about giving the death penalty. And therefore getting rid of the death penalty would be an easy decision. Along with the Moral and Ethical problems the death penalty has monetary problems too. The cost of housing inmates on death row and the extra cost of appeals results in a total extra cost of 65 million dollars a year. All of that money is being wasted on a criminal who isn’t even worth the time to kill him. If you just put them in a federal prison it would cost a lot less. The death penalty per person is one of the most expensive state programs. Execution of one person costs about ten million dollars.Show MoreRelatedThe Death Penalty Should Be Abolished1645 Words  | 7 Pagespondering question on how to punish criminals. Having the death penalty to actively punish criminals has been debated for many years. Some say it deters crime and others say it unfairly punishes the poor. More than half of the states in America actively use the death penalty. There have been recent debates over the methods used for putting people to death and over the abolishment of the death penalty. 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